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11/11/2015 12:45:58 PM

Infusion / Upgrade Year 1 LEGENDARY weapons and / or armour

Yes we should be able to upgrade year one gear


No we shouldn't be able to upgrade


Don't care


I find it unfair that the Trials gear gets a year 2 version while all the old stuff does not. I completely understand you guys want us to move on to the new gear and weapons but if Trials gets an updated version then so should the rest. A way I believe you, Bungie, could do this is similar to re-spinning the exotic weapons and armour, but for legendary armour and weapons. We should be able to purchase a material (one that costs a lot so if we wanted it we would have to be sure about it) that we could use in infusion on all year one stuff. Probably available for Xur or someplace. Its just now in year 2, there is no point in going back to the year 1 activities unless we are going for Mythoclast, Necrochasm or the Vallen weapons if we do not have them just so we can complete our collections. If we have these, then, whats the point anymore, also look at a new players perspective, they have never done VOG etc and their UNCOMMON gear is better anyway but they still want to do it but their rewards or on the terrible side due to the defence / attack rating. With the option to infuse and upgrade year 1 legendary armour would make all guardians unique because of the variety. I do however understand leaving year 1 exotics behind, freshening up the weapon choice.

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