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8/20/2009 2:03:58 AM

Test patch 1.09 for compat fixes

Hi all, Last night I decided to sit down and fix the problem where 64-bit machines with >4GB of RAM complained that you have 0 RAM. That was easy. Then when I tried to test the fix, I discovered the compat problem with the recent IE security fixes, and saw the threads here suggesting that people uninstall them. That's no good, right? So I put together a fix for that, too. I'd like you guys to try it out on your various systems and make sure that (a) it fixes those problems, if you had them , and (b) doesn't cause any new ones. NOTE!!!!!! This will *not* have any impact on gameplay. All the changes are finished happening before the MGS logo movie even plays! Every time there's a patch, there are always a few people whose internet connections happen to get flaky that day, and they assume there's a correlation. This patch won't change the game. It's your imagination. Really. This patch is only for HaloPC, not for CE yet. If a little time passes and no one can convince me that the patch is buggy, I'll port the changes over to CE and release both. This version will network with 1.08 in the same game, it doesn't break compat. Try it out, reinstall your missing IE patches, and post your results here. If anyone is still running Win98SE (gasp!) let me know if it works as well as previous versions. Thanks! [url=]1.09 Beta patch[/url]
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  • or we could always just ignore the aimbots and get on with life seeing as though it doesnt matter sense there is no ranking system. Just change servers.

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  • It wouldn't be so easy to just stop the aimbots, and doing so would also interfere with the likes of SightJacker since they rely on similar ways of working. [Edited on 08.20.2009 9:41 PM PDT]

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  • Knowing the true story behind the Halo PC aimbot is also something to be disappointed with. The original aimbot was made to adjust the camera angle on a LoZ CE map or something like that, then someone revamped the code of the application to make it an aimbot and released it to the public. Aimbotters are especially bothersome for the Halo mac players because we don't have the ability to use the sight-jacker app to see if someone is actually botting or not. Alsp jcap, thanks for that link. I am going to recommend it be used on two of the dedis I use often. We also have the sad thing of people still playing on 1.07 and EARLIER still. Granted there are very very few servers but there still are people that do that. I think in-order for aimbotting to stop completely you have to change how the aimbot application reads where the person is ingame. That would involve a re-write of what the game does to process coll and mod2 tracking ingame I would imagine. I have personally never looked at the sourcecode for it so I cannot say that is how it works or not but that might be a place to start.

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  • Problem is that it's Halo CE, and most of the playerbase doesn't play CE for understandable reasons. Something similar would be great for HPC, but sadly HPC's server is somewhat more primitive than HCE's. I have done some work on a PC version, but I just can't see it working well unless Halo's banning system was given a little bit of extra thought, as I mentioned in my above post. Still got much work to do on the HPC game tracking anyway. [url][/url] [Edited on 08.20.2009 9:24 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sawnose By the way (this is to everyone) - why are aimbots a problem when there are banlists? Before we shipped, we expected that the community would share results and collectively build a big banlist of undesirable players. (It's just a text file of hashed CD keys. A banned player has to buy a new game to play again)[/quote] A couple years ago I worked with a couple of people to compile a list of aimbotters with video proof which server admins could adopt for their servers. The only problem is that people were too lazy to put the effort into doing that, and many didn't even know such a list existed. But the reason aimbots are a problem don't just reside with unfair gameplay. There's also the problem with false bannings. Many people are accused of aimbotting and banned because the aimbot exists. If there was a way to completely break the way the aimbot even worked, then we wouldn't have any bannings due to false accusations. Currently, I am working on a team of four people to provide a unified banlist which is maintained by us across all servers. The application is called Synapse. It is part of a stats system we are building called Cerebrum which will store all of the player stats and provide a blacklist of all cheaters. We'll have a solid auditing process before people are added to the list and globally banned. Of course, it only works on servers running the app, though. If we catch someone after they have games recorded on the stats, then their games become void. More info regarding the Cerebrum and Synapse project can be found here: [url=][/url] Also, this is just one example of many with regard to what I said in one of my earlier posts. If this project is completed as planned, your jaws at Bungie will probably drop seeing what is even possible with the chained down, locked up, stripped down game we were given six years ago. Maybe we're deserving of a decent Halo 3 PC port, especially after the trainwreck formally known as Halo 2 Vista?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] UF Faltzer no difference here, it runs the same, But hurray. no bots!!!!!![/quote] Give it about thirty seconds after release.

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  • no difference here, it runs the same, But hurray. no bots!!!!!!

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  • oops, it's back now.

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  • Link seems to be broken, I hope it's 'cuz you're tweaking the patch... "HTTP Client Error; 404 Not Found" I'm one of those that rolled back the IE8 patch on my XP pro 64 PC where I run haloded. Can't wait to try it, thanks Roger.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sawnose By the way (this is to everyone) - why are aimbots a problem when there are banlists? Before we shipped, we expected that the community would share results and collectively build a big banlist of undesirable players. (It's just a text file of hashed CD keys. A banned player has to buy a new game to play again)[/quote] It's a problem because HPC has no way to properly share ban lists and to verify whether or not somebody was banned for legitimate reasons. Not only that, but there would be no way for somebody to appeal against a ban. Then there's merging specific server bans with bans that ought to be game wide. If an operator bans somebody for breaking a rule on a specific server, that ban would need to be kept apart from somebody who'd actually cheated and deserved to be banned from elsewhere. You can see the problem. Managing the lists with the primitive banning capabilities of the game would be a headache at best. Even something as straightforward as being able to specify a ban reason to the player or at least log it with the ban would be a massive help to being able to do something like this. Of course there's the anticheat for HPC, but that can only go so far since it's client sided. The dedicated server patch is going to attempt to lock out non verified users, but hey, even that isn't going to be fool proof and is going to divide players since there's no way of getting the information about it out there to those that don't check these forums or other popular HPC communities. [Edited on 08.20.2009 6:18 PM PDT]

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  • By the way (this is to everyone) - why are aimbots a problem when there are banlists? Before we shipped, we expected that the community would share results and collectively build a big banlist of undesirable players. (It's just a text file of hashed CD keys. A banned player has to buy a new game to play again)

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dirk_Gently Is this verified that aimbots do not work? All I can say is finally if so.[/quote] No, no change there. But the version number changed - the new can see old servers, but not the other way around. So there aren't aimbots for this version yet.

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  • Is this verified that aimbots do not work? All I can say is finally if so.

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  • Runs smooth i don't know why but it runs better than 1.08 thanks and the best part is No Bots!!!

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  • Hi again, I've tracked down the mid-game crash (it happened after a certain number of different sounds had loaded, and was related to the other problems) and tweaked the high-memory code a little more. I'm still not sure what caused AsK Magic's crash - could you try this version and let me know if it still happens? If it does, do you know for sure that 1.08 worked on this PC recently? Same link, updated files: [url][/url]

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  • The netcode is fine, just learn to lead =Q No seriously, I can understand why people would want it updated but I think the game would become a bit unbalanced. With no lead it would just become far too easy IMO. It would be interesting though! Lord knows how many times this game has made us rage with the random warps and what not.

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  • Hi im a halfway decent Halo Pc player and what I would like to know is will the FRG Register more on the players? If so id be greatly joyed. Also sometimes the rocket launcher doesn't register on warthogs who get hit head-on. Thank you. -Pa1NkilleR

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  • I have 3gb ram and have no idea what this problem is but I think its quite cool that someone out there is still supporting halo 1 pc. I love you sawnose <3

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AsK Magic Your not worth the response. just gtfo thank you.[/quote] Ok 2 day old member. "Fixing" the netcode arguments began in September of 2003 when the game launched. We've all been down that thread complaint road before many times around here. And allow me to throw some basic logic towards you, if M$ "fixed" the netcode and made the game unplayable to people who legitimately paid for the game during the 2003-2009 period, there would be hell to pay. However retarded the netcode is, you can't just change it nearly 6 years later. From the moment the game shipped with official 56k support, it was never going to change. There are lots of other things that could be worked on without breaking the game for people, so let them focus on those things.

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  • I concur with h2oblade's opinion. Halo PC would regain popularity and perhaps increase the number of people buying the game. I'm a strong proponent for reviving Halo 1 as competitive PC game.

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  • Double post by accident. [Edited on 08.20.2009 12:50 PM PDT]

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  • Indeed, if the netcode were to be fixed it would be a blessing for all the remaining halo players and could even bring back some of the people who left the game because of its buggy nature. Please look into this.

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  • Right now it does not make sense to ugrade the netcode to Halo PC. With only Roger working on it, this could take a while to test out fully and I don't think right now that bungie has the time or resources to allocate to retesting a multiplayer system that they know works right now. I have 2 or 3 friends that play halo, but due to where their live, or financial situation they cannot afford/get anything higher than a 56k connection. Granted that they may be few in the total Halo PC population, it is something to think about that currently upgrading and retesting netcode is not an option for a 1 man team. @anyone that can answer: If I install this patch on a system that is not affected by these problems will I be experiencing exception errors, or will it function normally? I run Halo PC through Crossover Games and sometimes I get errors saying that I have no VRAM ( in truth it is because the Geforce 9600M GT on this laptop shares the system RAM with the video cards, but I have 4GB of DDR3 so it is no big deal) but I really do. Would this be covered in this patch?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dirk_Gently I would disagree. It is very very hard to get good netcode. That is such a huge project to revamp all the existing netcode that right now it is not feasible. [/quote] The netcode already exists, from the Halo PC Beta. Gearbox was forced to remove their netcode in order to support 56K. Below is a link to a copy of a post by Randy Pithford, an employee at Gearbox. The original post was was either deleted from the Gearbox Forums, or lost when they moved their database to vBulletin. [url][/url] [Edited on 08.20.2009 12:01 PM PDT]

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  • I would disagree. It is very very hard to get good netcode. That is such a huge project to revamp all the existing netcode that right now it is not feasible.

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  • Your not worth the response. just gtfo thank you. [Edited on 08.20.2009 11:03 AM PDT]

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