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8/20/2009 2:03:58 AM

Test patch 1.09 for compat fixes

Hi all, Last night I decided to sit down and fix the problem where 64-bit machines with >4GB of RAM complained that you have 0 RAM. That was easy. Then when I tried to test the fix, I discovered the compat problem with the recent IE security fixes, and saw the threads here suggesting that people uninstall them. That's no good, right? So I put together a fix for that, too. I'd like you guys to try it out on your various systems and make sure that (a) it fixes those problems, if you had them , and (b) doesn't cause any new ones. NOTE!!!!!! This will *not* have any impact on gameplay. All the changes are finished happening before the MGS logo movie even plays! Every time there's a patch, there are always a few people whose internet connections happen to get flaky that day, and they assume there's a correlation. This patch won't change the game. It's your imagination. Really. This patch is only for HaloPC, not for CE yet. If a little time passes and no one can convince me that the patch is buggy, I'll port the changes over to CE and release both. This version will network with 1.08 in the same game, it doesn't break compat. Try it out, reinstall your missing IE patches, and post your results here. If anyone is still running Win98SE (gasp!) let me know if it works as well as previous versions. Thanks! [url=]1.09 Beta patch[/url]
#Halo #HaloPC

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  • Another idea could be to plant fake values for what the aimbot goes after into memory. From personal experience with using a program called "The Cheat" which searches the memory a program is using for values you can specify that Halo really only has value for an item in most cases. If how these values are loaded is changed and fake values are placed in as well it would throw off the aimbot as to which is the real set. Ofcourse this would involve a lot of work with the engine, but I think that should work. [Edited on 08.22.2009 9:19 AM PDT]

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  • Thanks for the answer and patch then Sawnose. :) When you release it, could you update the MotD text file so it has the right version number in please? It's been out of date with 1.07 for a couple of years and probably doesn't help the community to be so out of date. AsK Magic, the bots will be working again within 30 seconds of the patch being released. I suppose I'll have to see how to fix them myself so I can update Halo Anticheat in advance since they all have to use the same method of working pretty much.

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  • Ah yeah brandini is the one who discovered the new way to crash servers. He has provided a patch for Haloce dedicated servers earlier. And yes this new patch works like a charm. And an even better bonus, I tested to see if the aimbot still worked and to all you guys out there against aimbotters the aimbot crashed halo. It was the one released by Sodomist. So a unexpected plus came out of this as well. Thanks Roger.

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  • Ok, one more version of the patch is up, same URL as before. This one adds a fix for a network exploit that can crash a server after enough bad packets. Please re-download the patch and make sure all the old stuff works as expected. Plus if you are aware of this exploit, see if the fix works for you. The version number is still .619. I hope this is the last fix to go into this patch. If there are no new problems, it will eventually go out for auto-update so we don't fragment the player base by having unpatched users unable to see patched servers. Thanks to BrandiniMP_ and Omegga for working with me on the network fix. [Edited on 08.22.2009 12:30 AM PDT]

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  • Surprisingly hard. I actually spent a good deal of time investigating that about 4 years ago for an internal project. And it was quite a headache, because so many systems (hud, shaders, text,...) assume 4x3. it just wasn't meant to do that, sorry.

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  • Don't mean to be a pesky bug sawnose but since we're talking about this and that just out out curiosity how hard would it be to enable actual widescreen for halo? Many people today, way more than when halo was released use widescreen. The problem is when even using the -vidmode in console the weapon will be off screen a little and the HUD stretched. Thanks, Rook

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  • Btcc22 - Honestly don't remember details of any unshipped maps there might have been. I remember we were really squeezed for CD space, but that didn't keep us from shipping any content - we managed to get everything we wanted into the disc budget. That was a happy event.

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  • I've always wondered if there only six new maps were shipped with the game because of disc space limitations. There were eight maps in development, and although Gearbox said they may release the final two at some point, they never did. Don't suppose you have any info on those two ditched maps just out of sheer curiousity. Names, styles, anything? ;) Probably not, but hey, worth a shot to try and get an answer to something I've always wondered. [Edited on 08.21.2009 9:59 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] OpsY 31337 Hey Sawnose, I'm a long time Halo PC player, from about the release and I wanted to thank you personally for all this. The CE community is shrinking and shrinking but there's still lots of fun going on there. Keeping those patches alive means alot to me and probably to other users of the community. If there was one thing I could ask, and I know it has been asked before, it would be to merge PC and CE together so that the players on CE learn about the possibilities of Custom Edition. Anyway, Thanks again and hopefully we'll see you some day playing some of our custom maps![/quote] You're welcome, and thanks for still playing! Incidentally, there were 76,000 unique players online in July, including 5500 first-timers! (based on cd-key) Unfortunately, the original reasons for splitting off CE still hold - most importantly, that CE maps are language-neutral, and PC (including Campaign) maps are language-specific. The engine can only deal with one of those at a time, and it would be a huge amount of work to get both running in the same "game". Also various other things, like that the shader tweaks made for CE were never tested against the campaign and would probably have to be revised. Basically, we made the right decision to separate them.

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  • [quote]One thing I'd like to see improved is Halo PC's netcode, to get the updated netcode that Halo CE got. I rescently played a few games of PC and realized just how much worse off it is than CE. There is constant lag spikes even in a server with a descent ping. There is roughly about x10 more people playing PC than CE and it can be frustrating with all the lag, knowing that the server's ping isn't the problem.[/quote] I play almost every night for 2-3 hours and I don't often get these lag spikes you are talking about. The netcode works just fine for right now and Roger has already said that he will not be updating the netcode now.

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  • One thing I'd like to see improved is Halo PC's netcode, to get the updated netcode that Halo CE got. I rescently played a few games of PC and realized just how much worse off it is than CE. There is constant lag spikes even in a server with a descent ping. There is roughly about x10 more people playing PC than CE and it can be frustrating with all the lag, knowing that the server's ping isn't the problem.

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  • Hey Sawnose, I'm a long time Halo PC player, from about the release and I wanted to thank you personally for all this. The CE community is shrinking and shrinking but there's still lots of fun going on there. Keeping those patches alive means alot to me and probably to other users of the community. If there was one thing I could ask, and I know it has been asked before, it would be to merge PC and CE together so that the players on CE learn about the possibilities of Custom Edition. Anyway, Thanks again and hopefully we'll see you some day playing some of our custom maps!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AsK Magic There's a rumor going around that you will be taking on the dead weight project of Halo 2 Vista? Is this rumor true or false?[/quote] False.

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  • There's a rumor going around that you will be taking on the dead weight project of Halo 2 Vista? Is this rumor true or false?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Frnksnbns I guess you don't play Halo PC[/quote] Honestly, not much for a long time, and mostly LAN at work. I don't claim to know as much about the Halo PC community as you guys, but since I'm the one person involved in the development cycle who is both willing and able to use my personal time to make the security and compat fixes needed to keep the game playable, I'm afraid you're stuck with me. (or, y'know, boycott my personal patches and return to 1.03) "Before we shipped" we were of course already planning the features that only got delivered in later patches. For reasons I've discussed in the past, I will not be entering the "arms race" of trying to stay ahead of aimbotters, which would involve rewriting large portions of the game and constant updates to keep up with new exploits. (It was considered too complex a problem for the team of ~10 full-time devs to fit into the 1-year dev cycle; I'm 1 person - and not one of the original devs - currently spending 2 evenings a year on the game.) "Old" games can really benefit from community support. My best advice is to find a preferred moderator who will collate ban logs submitted by individual server operators and master-ban a person who has been banned from enough servers. Then the server ops can pick up the updated banfile at their convenience. Your collective judgment, even if imperfect, will still be more accurate than any anti-aimbot code that isn't constantly updated by a dedicated dev team that doesn't exist. My involvement will continue to be limited to only the tiny spot-fixes that keep the game from instant death at the hands of a new OS or crashing exploit. [Edited on 08.21.2009 2:51 PM PDT]

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  • Hey, newer patch worked perfectly on my old eMachines T6216 with 1GB DDR Ram, 160 GB HDD, AMD Anthlon 64 3200 2.01 Ghz processor, with a BFG NVIDIA 8600 with 256 MB DDR2 Ram. And I am running XP Home SP3. I haven't had any problems running Halo with 1.08.

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  • [quote]I guess you don't play Halo PC. Sorry but respect is going downhill with a statement like this. Way too many false positives to be reliable. Some servers are better than others, but I can guarantee that every single excellent player out there has been banned at one point or another for "aimbottting" when in fact they are just good. Relying on "the community" to deal with cheating is a terrible idea and if you played the game you'd see firsthand the many reasons why after all these years it has never worked. Plus, the "before we shipped" statement I don't believe for one second considering the game did not ship with RCON support. Hmmmm. [/quote] I agree with the majority of this post, but I don't think it is the game developer's responsibility to regulate and monitor the online game experience that the game can provide.

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  • You need to stop posting. Thank you. [Edited on 08.21.2009 12:59 PM PDT]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sawnose By the way (this is to everyone) - why are aimbots a problem when there are banlists? Before we shipped, we expected that the community would share results and collectively build a big banlist of undesirable players. (It's just a text file of hashed CD keys. A banned player has to buy a new game to play again)[/quote] I guess you don't play Halo PC. Sorry but respect is going downhill with a statement like this. Way too many false positives to be reliable. Some servers are better than others, but I can guarantee that every single excellent player out there has been banned at one point or another for "aimbottting" when in fact they are just good. Relying on "the community" to deal with cheating is a terrible idea and if you played the game you'd see firsthand the many reasons why after all these years it has never worked. Plus, the "before we shipped" statement I don't believe for one second considering the game did not ship with RCON support. Hmmmm.

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  • About the Aimbot: I am no C# programmer, but I know C and a bit of C++, and from what I can gather here I can see it uses mem values to grab all this information from halo. Halo relies greatly on memory because that is how it loads maps so fast, a quick one time load into memory and you can access it whenever. There are a few options here for possibly fixing this problem: 1. change how halo stores data in memory 2. change netcode (might work, I have honestly no idea how better netcode and less leading would affect the aimbot) 3. change the offsets that halo uses for the affected values. This is just throwing ideas out there mind you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- An idea about the unified banlists: A toggle in the halo dedi that would allow you to query a master ban list when you start it up to specify a master ban list managed by the community or a user's own list. Have it query a text file hosted on a site and say "use this list" and have it compare the current one being used against the master list so you can update the master list and have people have the list update automatically. I also think that you should allow for the option of people choosing their own banlists incase people like to play with people that bot. A system like this would work great because it would not need a separate application or process to run behind halo to keep the list updated. I think integrating the current banlist system that was voiced before about gathering data from a community (videos and other media that prove a person is botting) before adding them to the universal banlist. Halo automatically checks for updates when you load up multiplayer, why not just add another thing in there to check for a new universal banlist? What do the rest of you think?

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  • 1.09 is Running crash free on my x64 Vista PC. Only issue is, my game starts lagging for no reason on my geforce gtx 260 and stopps buzzing, then starts again. And im at 1440x900 with 4xaa on through the nvidia control panel. EDIT: nvm, i think its a card issue. [Edited on 08.21.2009 5:50 AM PDT]

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  • No problem so far running 1.09 on 3 IE8 patched rigs. 1. XP pro x64 running haloded.exe (had mem alloc prob with 1.08) 2. Vista Home Premium x64 running halo.exe (didn't have prob with 1.08) 3. XP Home 32 bit running halo.exe (didn't have prob with 1.08) Thanks!

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  • Yeah it's that easy but really it's unnecessary. Why should you have to be the one to leave your current game and find a new game. It's like you are being punished because someone isn't playing fair. I just don't think that's right.

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  • but what if they are not acctully botting? just read the post i just made b4 yours

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sawnose Hi again, I've tracked down the mid-game crash (it happened after a certain number of different sounds had loaded, and was related to the other problems) and tweaked the high-memory code a little more. I'm still not sure what caused AsK Magic's crash - could you try this version and let me know if it still happens? If it does, do you know for sure that 1.08 worked on this PC recently? Same link, updated files: [url][/url][/quote] I have tested this new patch and It didnot crash on start up. Also I played a game of team slayer for 45 minutes no crash, runs smoothly, no more mini freezes due to the 64 bit operating system. It runs just like it did when I used XP. Great job, also I reinstalled all my IE patches and it runs fine. Hope the NetCode idea will be used :D. Thanks for all your help. [Edited on 08.21.2009 2:23 PM PDT]

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  • or we could always just ignore the aimbots and get on with life seeing as though it doesnt matter sense there is no ranking system. Just change servers.

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