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Edited by chucklenoris: 2/8/2016 1:37:34 PM

Monster Talk

This forum list is for discovering monsters and strategies to use against them, Edit (2/8/16): I will also be creating videos later down the road to give more visual to these posts. Check in every so often to see updates and edits.

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  • Target: Taken Thrall Race: Taken Taken Thralls are nasty little guy. They are slightly quicker, slightly stronger, and shift around rapidly evading attacks. Do not get these guys confused with Shadow Thralls. That guy is the third version of a Thrall, which was not discussed in the Thrall section. Shadow version are used in darker areas and are somewhat harder to track on screen due to their hallowed body. Taken Thralls though are that glowing black form. In patrols and taken events occur, they can be seen in groups of 1-5 depending on the action going on around. I'm guessing it is a random algorithm that controls this. In quest they are still the front runner that closes in on your location. In Oryx quests I have noticed that their melee hits will slow/stop your super light gain for a quick second. I do not see that in patrols or events, unless that is a mechanic for that fight. Just as their Hive version, the Taken Thrall is a up close attacker and follows closely to it's Hive brother. Differences are as follows (in comparison to Hive version): Outside of the slight extra speed and strength, the Taken Thrall is able to shift or blink around rapidly. They do this often and use it to their advantage. Using a patrol encounter as an example, Taken warp in and spawn from the fancy black light, and lets say there are three that spawn (typical count). As you approach them or set up to shoot, they will walk for a step or two, then start blinking from one point to another. My guess is roughly ten meters. They will go back and forth or use it to close the gap between you and them quickly. When going into melee they will blink behind you and flank your sides or back. Typically in a group of three, one will take your melee and keep your distracted for that quick second while two of them will blink behind you and get down on it. It is also a hassle to shoot one, as they will continue to blink unless you are quick to follow. In stronger fights I have had Taken Thralls actually jump in front of my melee to a champion/elite and take it for them instead. All I have to say is grumpy cat face. Note: These guys will engage in melee, but unlike Hive Thralls, they will stick close to stronger monsters of Hive or Taken breeds. They do this to allow the blink flank maneuver to work in their favor. If they do stick around, they will hide as well, staying clear of ranged fire. How to handle: Since they don't line up and prefer to blink more than run, it takes a bit of time to get that quick eye. In patrols, as soon as you see a warp bubble forming keep an eye on it. If Thralls appear, you have just a second or two before they begin blinking around. A good quick shooter can round up a pack in mere seconds stopping them from being annoying. Also toss that grenade in and have it waiting for them. Even a sniper can pick them off before they start to move. Their attacks might be weak, but in tough battles, take them out quick so you don't get trapped in a flanking blink attack by three or more of these guys. If you are having troubles keeping up on their blinks, just watch them, they leave a shadow flame behind as they blink around and it is the best indicator to where they went. I do suggest melees if all else fails, but some are known to take a few hits. These guys do not have a grimoire. I also want to note, unless in raids/nightfalls, I have not seen a Taken Cursed Thralls. I can only imagine that these guys would bring lots of dishonor to your family if they existed.

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