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Edited by dat1guyovadere: 10/8/2015 10:34:29 AM

Is bungie for real? SLEEPER SIMULANT mission?

[b]TL;DR :-[/b] I'm questioning why this mission was so impromptu, why there is 0 design aspect in it, why the codes for the transceiver are displayed with hive spawning in a line, why it seems like these missions were made in less than 1 hour, and I'm stating that it sort of looks like these missions were designed to keep the sleeper quest going, regardless of a bug that was in it, and that these missions are covering up the bug which prohibited the quest from progressing. This isn't an accusation, it is a question, I'm asking what triggered the quest, and why now? And why is it poorly designed? [b]Brick wall:-[/b] This new sleeper simulant mission , which was triggered (To the best of our knowledge) randomly "The first firewall" BOTH LOOKS AND SOUNDS like a makeshift mission designed to please the players and to hide the fact that there seemed to be a huge bug preventing progress with the weapon, which related to the ACTUAL first fire wall quest. A) 0 voice acting, which is unusual considering bungie has heavily used their voice actors to cover up the intensely long loading screens. B) The enemies spawn in the weirdest of fashions, with 0 explanation as to why they're attacking, or for what. In fact, they look like they were so haphazardly spawned that they don't even attack you till you shoot at them (In my case, and a few of my friends), they just spawn in a straight line and stand there till you shoot em, that's supposed to represent a code? How on earth does that make sense? how are the hive spawning in a certain order supposed to contain the code FROM RASPUTIN? C) This quest honestly looks like it was put together in an hour or less. I've seen better quests assimilated by random players on Infamous 2's open quest designer. D) This mission is so haphazard, that if you finish your core, and turn it to banshee, and go do the mission again (another friend started it and I was helping him), you get another curious transceiver. It doesn't even log the fact that you finished it already, it just keeps giving it to you. WTF? is this not more proof that the mission was half assed?? I'm happy to know that I'll finally progress towards the SS, but Bungie I think we deserve an honest answer for once, was there actually a bug preventing the quest progress? Is this just a makeshift solution to dupe the players into not realizing there was a bug? it sure as -blam!- seems that way. I don't mind the fact that you did this, in fact I applaud the fact that you made a solution (as haphazard as this mission was), but after 3 weeks of us looking for a weapon which potentially was bugged, I would seriously be pissed if there was actually a bug and you guys tried to pass it off as a normal thing. Tell us please what triggered the mission today? and Why is it so shitty in terms of design? Compared to your average mission (which is full of boring dialog made to distract us from the rinse and repeat protect the ghost mechanism), this mission is much much less thought of. It really looks like it was a makeshift mission to hide the bug in your game. For the people who say that this was planned all along, and they were just waiting for the 7th in order to release this, then why the hell did they keep baiting us into believing the gun was out there, when they knew it wasn't? Why did they tell the basketball court of oyrx people to stop wasting their time, when they led us on for 3 weeks? If they had planned it to be time-gated, they should have informed the community about it, rather than egging us on with statements like "The truth is out there". They did it with the BBCoO people, but not with us, which just makes it look like they didn't plan to have it released as a time-gated thing, and if they're using the 7th as an excuse, then it really is just that. The heart breaking reality, which I hope is just false, and I HOPE AND WISH that I am wrong, is that either one of two things happened:- 1) Bungie blue balled the shit out of their fans, with tweets by Deej telling us to look for the weekly update, then the weekly update telling us "The truth is our there" "Keep looking in the landscape", while knowing that that it was time-gated, and any effort to even look for it was wasted, making us waste hours when they could have notified us like they did with the BBallCoO people. 2) The questline for the sleeper was bugged, Bungie implemented this mission to progress it, after refusing to comment when we asked if the quest was bugged, and now they're attempting to pass it off as the original intention, of the mission, instead of a bug, and covering it up. Either way, I'm so very salty about it and want an explanation, Bungie of course isn't obligated to do so, but at least it should show respect to their consumers. I hope that I am wrong. I wish that I am wrong, as a gamer that spends a good 40 hours a week or more on games like destiny, I'd hate to be put in either one of those scenarios. I just want an honest answer, in fact even if the answer was that there was a bug, and that you did make that mission to cover it up, I'd rather know that than continuously be duped into this shit, or alternatively did you blue ball us indeed? Seriously bungie? Please give us any response or comment. Edit:- The questline just ended, disappointment after disappointment, great gun, no story, not even a hint at any backstory going on, they tickled us with rasputin, then as always took it away so harshly. (I didn't get the gun yet, I'll pick it up tonight, but many players already posted here saying they got it, and the quest for it was as bad as the previous, just had to do a slightly buffed up heroic version of saber strike). I don't particularly care if the gun is good or bad, it has nothing to do with my argument, the fun of the hunt was the hunt itself, not the reward, but unfortunately the hunt itself was killed miserably by Bungie with these missions and quests. Edit:- I don't want bungie to hold my hand through a mission, I don't want bungie to make an intricate 40 hour puzzle, I want to know why this mission that seems so half assed, haphazardly made and put together in less than an hour (Like I said, any person with a game design engine like the one they implemented for public in infamous 2) can design a MUCH MUCH better mission if they wanted to, bungie is a professional studio, that mission made no sense, and was extremely disappointing. Not about being a snow flake or whatever. Call me what you wish, I'm just severely disappointed in the fact that it seriously looks like bungie is trying to hide up their -blam!- up with garbage missions seemingly made in less than a day, and with a puzzle that MAKES ZERO SENSE.... they spawn in a straight line and that's how you crack the code from rasputin?? HOW THE -blam!- DOES THAT MAKE SENSE??? You called me a tin foil hatter, well guess what, that puzzle bungie offered up is THE MOST TIN FOIL BULLSHIT I'VE EVER SEEN, ON ANY FORUM. Edit 2:- So I question bungie because this entire situation smells, looks, and sounds like bullshit, I get called a retard, a tinfoil conspiracy theorist, and a wacko. Alright, this is exactly what is wrong with this forum, instead of being polite, instead of being courteous, you abuse and bully people with absolutely no provocation. Toxic community just breeds more toxicity, I won't partake in any of that, so if all you have to say are things like that, write it on a paper and address it "to whom it may concern", because that shit sure as hell doesn't concern me. Edit 3:- For the 100 people posting about the code being hidden in the Hive lines, I addressed that, please read the FULL post if you are going to comment. Edit 4:- Words I really like :[Haphazard, makeshift, bugged, dupe, manangatang, pineapple, ruffle ] Edit 5:- Moved TL;DR section to the top of the post. Edit 6:- Added an attempt to counter argue, "It's the 7th" argument, and added extra argument to the possible reality we're in.
#Destiny #SLEEPER

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  • I thought this was just a video game............

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  • Edited by Wowbagger: 10/8/2015 8:23:41 AM
    it's for a gun, it's not meant to be so complicated and long winded that only 10% of players can get it and start acting like they are something special like happened with the Gally. It also has to be doable for people in the 270's-280's as that is where most casuals will be at the moment.

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    • Ahahaha hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha. So after all the speculation and theorizing about the Sleeper Simulant, there is now speculation of a conspiracy to cover up a bug that prevented us from getting the Sleeper Simulant. This community is -blam!-ing stupid. You guys really do yourselves NO FAVORS AT ALL. And then you blame Bungie for your incredible stupidity....

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      5 Replies
      • agree, bungie fxxk u birch!!

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      • Same just got it

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      • What a Joke. I just got mine.

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      • Edited by Desperado1211: 10/8/2015 9:59:49 AM
        The only part that gets me is that I feel they hyped this gun big time... However the process in which to obtain it was hardly as "shrouded in mystery" as the lead up to it all chalked it up to be. I liked the relic collecting and thought that fit in quite well to the narrative, mostly because the drops were totally random. They also spanned to possibly drop anywhere you could kill something, which was mysterious. But the missions, while racing to the top of the tower was fun, both missions had zero context as to what we were doing in Rasputin's bunker / racing up a tower (minus the literal *text* we read upon selecting the mission.) I don't wanna sound whiney at Bungie and just complain about everything they do that's not from the main storyline, but it's so far from the Taken King campaign missions that anyone would think, "Something is off about this mission design / plot" Anyone else think so? EDIT 1.) In conclusion, I'm tired of Bungies additional content feeling like nothing but an afterthought. Especially when you add a totally new dynamic that was absent from the game (inputting of the code). Cause the coolness of that? Yeah it's overshadowed by the "WTF" most people are saying once it's complete lol.

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        • For people arguing that this is just a conspiracy theory, it's actually not that difficult to believe this could be the case. Why else would this mission pop up so suddenly, out of context, and in the condition it's in? [b]Think[/b] about it for a second. At the end of the S.A.B.E.R. strike Zavala very clearly states that the vanguard is sealing the vault up. How would the hive have gotten back in? Even better yet, how did nobody back at the Vanguard know about this breach? Literally every time Rasputin has been in trouble, he's sent out a distress signal. It also seems to make sense why the artifacts beforehand were leading us back to Rasputins bunker, and then so unceremoniously the mission popped up. Why is this the case? Why wasn't there any link between the artifacts and the mission? The artifacts have no context, heck, [b]nothing[/b] about this has context. I just don't understand why people are so quick to bash this guy over his concerns? It's not that far stretched of an idea, and even if he's wrong, this "quest" for the sleeper simulant is fairly lack luster. Sure, it's a change to a previous model of obtaining gear, but that doesn't mean it's a [b]perfect[/b] change to that model. Why can't we criticize the changes Bungie makes to this game? Don't we want it to get better? I guess no one likes to think with their head anymore around here. Just name calling and insults...that gets us nowhere. But then again, I guess thats what half of this community always seems to want...

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          2 Replies
          • The strike was more disappointing. Literally just SABER strike with heroic.

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            11 Replies
            • Just a FYI OP: 1. The enemies spawn in in this fashion to show you a code you will later need to enter. Most of us twigged this after finishing themission, examining the tracker and seeing that it needed a code. 1 + 1 = Oh S%^t I need to run that thing again now to actually memorise the spawn in code! 2. The fist Firewall unlock was likely tied to the daily mission, a set number of arms days passing or the community datamining and thus working out that the mission should already have been triggered and wasn't! So yes this was artificially added in. I suspect the prompt was the community datamining it out and saying "Hang on a second this mission shouldn't be stalled at all!" 3. Yes the touch of malice mission seems infinitely more thought out than the sleeper simulant mission was. The quest missions to get the pieces were fine enough but, the real kicker is that there is a better gun out there! It's a swarm rocket and it's the true successor to Gjallarhorn! The sleeper may in fact be a red herring!

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              • Has Bungie confirmed that this is the quest for the actual weapon? (If they did, I'll just shut up) Everybody is doing this, but nobody really knows what they are doing it for. It is because all of the effort people like you have spent on trying to solve this mystery that everybody is thinking this has to be for the Sleeper Simulant. But what if this just unlocks the availability of the weapon and the true search begins after that? (wishful thinking maybe, but it is possible?) Either way, I think we have ruined this weapon before anyone even has it. I doubt it will be able to live up against all our expectations.

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                7 Replies
                • It's just a weapon and a slightly more interesting way of obtaining it. Fuk me.

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                • I feel you bro , I'll bump this up so they'll notice.. I was totally confused when I saw that on my map and even more confused that no one was talking the entire mission lmao..

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                • Edited by TheChosenJon: 10/8/2015 10:11:07 AM
                  I thought you were just going to complain about everything like a whiny scrub but truthfully I agree with you. This quest line was way too convenient. And everybody had it! Seriously? Nah, this does not sit well with me at all

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                • Destiny is poorly made piece of crap. Just now realizing this?

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                  • I understand what you're saying. I have been confused too because they just put up a mission without any explanation and I had no idea what's going on (except I knew it must be connected to SS, just didn't know why). But... you should stop being entitled little brat about it. Bungie will never give you any explanation, they don't have to. As much as you don't have to do that mission if you don't like it. Although it wasn't very clear at first (no dialogue in the first mission, no explanation) it all slowly started to make sense (I agree with you that the mission was really shallow and lore-wise didn't make much sense) and I had a lot of fun with it. You know..better than repeating the same content over and over. What I'm trying to say is - maybe start appreciating what Bungie's doing and how greatly they've improved the game instead of being entitled ass about it. Call me a fanboy as much as you want. I just call it as I see it.

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                    • Edited by Erijian: 10/8/2015 7:48:47 AM
                      I don't know if I'm more annoyed over the Sleeper Simulant, one of THE big TTK weapons, being behind a timewall wasting the efforts of many players..Or that The First Curse quest requires me to wait for Armsday twice. I guess Bungie wasn't all that confident in The Taken King having enough content, so they added timewalls through certain dates, daily heroics, or waiting for Armsday to keep players from finishing things too quickly. It's really a shame.

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                      • ...

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                      • If you guys were let down, it only because u let yourself get hyped up. I thought the mission was cool ( even tho it was easy ) because it was so different then what we have had to do in the past to get a weapon. I hope to see alot more of this. Only next time I would like it to be harder.

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                        • for anyone reading this post let me translate: waaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh bitttccchh cry cry cry wahhhhhhh

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                          2 Replies
                          • Bro, you need to calm your tits. I read that post and it actually made me concerned for you. Okay, so maybe it was a lazy attempt at a cover up. When you get the weapon and start playing with it, come to find out the thing is amazeballs beezknees. You will probably not care about the horrible papier-mâché mission line that got you the weapon. So what if the mission bordered on floppy disc educational game difficulty? The "new" Destiny is about satisfying all the whiny babbies that cried about RNG. So guess what, you get to run through missions made with Little Big Planet. It might all just be a bunch of low hoops for the sad sacks that faint in the face of difficulty, but at least you "earned" it, right? Personally, idgaf what the mission is at this point. "Press triangle to win the game." That is what the community wants. I enjoy the game. I love the feel of it. For the most part the movement is smooth. The sounds are fun. I'm going to play the ever loving sh1t out of it for the foreseeable future. You know what else? I'm going to enjoy the parts that are good and devour the parts that aren't.

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                            2 Replies
                            • Scrub the knights that spawned in the first mission determined the 4 codes. 4 knight sequences, 4 codes scrub. But you are too foolish to see that and you go on criticizing things you can't clearly understand.

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                              1 Reply
                              • I really enjoyed the quest line to be honest and have massive respect for the guys who worked out the code... I didn't even think to check the order guys spawn in as... i enjoyed everything about the quest expect the Warsat on mars -_- screw that one really 😕

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                              • Isn't it better than shooting the Pocket Infinity upwards until you notice a weird sound?

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                                • Did Banshee say anything for anyone else when you turned it in? There was zero dialogue for me

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                                  • Question I'm at the warsat bit but CBA finishing it can I do it tomorrow

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