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Edited by dat1guyovadere: 10/8/2015 10:34:29 AM

Is bungie for real? SLEEPER SIMULANT mission?

[b]TL;DR :-[/b] I'm questioning why this mission was so impromptu, why there is 0 design aspect in it, why the codes for the transceiver are displayed with hive spawning in a line, why it seems like these missions were made in less than 1 hour, and I'm stating that it sort of looks like these missions were designed to keep the sleeper quest going, regardless of a bug that was in it, and that these missions are covering up the bug which prohibited the quest from progressing. This isn't an accusation, it is a question, I'm asking what triggered the quest, and why now? And why is it poorly designed? [b]Brick wall:-[/b] This new sleeper simulant mission , which was triggered (To the best of our knowledge) randomly "The first firewall" BOTH LOOKS AND SOUNDS like a makeshift mission designed to please the players and to hide the fact that there seemed to be a huge bug preventing progress with the weapon, which related to the ACTUAL first fire wall quest. A) 0 voice acting, which is unusual considering bungie has heavily used their voice actors to cover up the intensely long loading screens. B) The enemies spawn in the weirdest of fashions, with 0 explanation as to why they're attacking, or for what. In fact, they look like they were so haphazardly spawned that they don't even attack you till you shoot at them (In my case, and a few of my friends), they just spawn in a straight line and stand there till you shoot em, that's supposed to represent a code? How on earth does that make sense? how are the hive spawning in a certain order supposed to contain the code FROM RASPUTIN? C) This quest honestly looks like it was put together in an hour or less. I've seen better quests assimilated by random players on Infamous 2's open quest designer. D) This mission is so haphazard, that if you finish your core, and turn it to banshee, and go do the mission again (another friend started it and I was helping him), you get another curious transceiver. It doesn't even log the fact that you finished it already, it just keeps giving it to you. WTF? is this not more proof that the mission was half assed?? I'm happy to know that I'll finally progress towards the SS, but Bungie I think we deserve an honest answer for once, was there actually a bug preventing the quest progress? Is this just a makeshift solution to dupe the players into not realizing there was a bug? it sure as -blam!- seems that way. I don't mind the fact that you did this, in fact I applaud the fact that you made a solution (as haphazard as this mission was), but after 3 weeks of us looking for a weapon which potentially was bugged, I would seriously be pissed if there was actually a bug and you guys tried to pass it off as a normal thing. Tell us please what triggered the mission today? and Why is it so shitty in terms of design? Compared to your average mission (which is full of boring dialog made to distract us from the rinse and repeat protect the ghost mechanism), this mission is much much less thought of. It really looks like it was a makeshift mission to hide the bug in your game. For the people who say that this was planned all along, and they were just waiting for the 7th in order to release this, then why the hell did they keep baiting us into believing the gun was out there, when they knew it wasn't? Why did they tell the basketball court of oyrx people to stop wasting their time, when they led us on for 3 weeks? If they had planned it to be time-gated, they should have informed the community about it, rather than egging us on with statements like "The truth is out there". They did it with the BBCoO people, but not with us, which just makes it look like they didn't plan to have it released as a time-gated thing, and if they're using the 7th as an excuse, then it really is just that. The heart breaking reality, which I hope is just false, and I HOPE AND WISH that I am wrong, is that either one of two things happened:- 1) Bungie blue balled the shit out of their fans, with tweets by Deej telling us to look for the weekly update, then the weekly update telling us "The truth is our there" "Keep looking in the landscape", while knowing that that it was time-gated, and any effort to even look for it was wasted, making us waste hours when they could have notified us like they did with the BBallCoO people. 2) The questline for the sleeper was bugged, Bungie implemented this mission to progress it, after refusing to comment when we asked if the quest was bugged, and now they're attempting to pass it off as the original intention, of the mission, instead of a bug, and covering it up. Either way, I'm so very salty about it and want an explanation, Bungie of course isn't obligated to do so, but at least it should show respect to their consumers. I hope that I am wrong. I wish that I am wrong, as a gamer that spends a good 40 hours a week or more on games like destiny, I'd hate to be put in either one of those scenarios. I just want an honest answer, in fact even if the answer was that there was a bug, and that you did make that mission to cover it up, I'd rather know that than continuously be duped into this shit, or alternatively did you blue ball us indeed? Seriously bungie? Please give us any response or comment. Edit:- The questline just ended, disappointment after disappointment, great gun, no story, not even a hint at any backstory going on, they tickled us with rasputin, then as always took it away so harshly. (I didn't get the gun yet, I'll pick it up tonight, but many players already posted here saying they got it, and the quest for it was as bad as the previous, just had to do a slightly buffed up heroic version of saber strike). I don't particularly care if the gun is good or bad, it has nothing to do with my argument, the fun of the hunt was the hunt itself, not the reward, but unfortunately the hunt itself was killed miserably by Bungie with these missions and quests. Edit:- I don't want bungie to hold my hand through a mission, I don't want bungie to make an intricate 40 hour puzzle, I want to know why this mission that seems so half assed, haphazardly made and put together in less than an hour (Like I said, any person with a game design engine like the one they implemented for public in infamous 2) can design a MUCH MUCH better mission if they wanted to, bungie is a professional studio, that mission made no sense, and was extremely disappointing. Not about being a snow flake or whatever. Call me what you wish, I'm just severely disappointed in the fact that it seriously looks like bungie is trying to hide up their -blam!- up with garbage missions seemingly made in less than a day, and with a puzzle that MAKES ZERO SENSE.... they spawn in a straight line and that's how you crack the code from rasputin?? HOW THE -blam!- DOES THAT MAKE SENSE??? You called me a tin foil hatter, well guess what, that puzzle bungie offered up is THE MOST TIN FOIL BULLSHIT I'VE EVER SEEN, ON ANY FORUM. Edit 2:- So I question bungie because this entire situation smells, looks, and sounds like bullshit, I get called a retard, a tinfoil conspiracy theorist, and a wacko. Alright, this is exactly what is wrong with this forum, instead of being polite, instead of being courteous, you abuse and bully people with absolutely no provocation. Toxic community just breeds more toxicity, I won't partake in any of that, so if all you have to say are things like that, write it on a paper and address it "to whom it may concern", because that shit sure as hell doesn't concern me. Edit 3:- For the 100 people posting about the code being hidden in the Hive lines, I addressed that, please read the FULL post if you are going to comment. Edit 4:- Words I really like :[Haphazard, makeshift, bugged, dupe, manangatang, pineapple, ruffle ] Edit 5:- Moved TL;DR section to the top of the post. Edit 6:- Added an attempt to counter argue, "It's the 7th" argument, and added extra argument to the possible reality we're in.
#Destiny #SLEEPER

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  • I have to say I agree the mission seem very half assed

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  • Well said.. I was looking for an explanation or some back story on why we doing these so-called story missions, but all I got was another Archon Slayer mission from the HoW. No mission intro, no explanation as to what was the goal of the mission and no wrap-up. Worst of all - We got no interaction with Banshee and this is suppose to be a "character-driven" quest to awaken lost memories. All we got was silence and a piss-poor design and implementation of a "quest".

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  • I agree with you mate. I've spent hours on reddit and other forums, to figure out this mystery. I even downloaded PDF file of Collectors edition book, to find some clues there. This really looks cheap. I've had more fun with PARADOX mission secrets, rather than this crap.

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  • I'm 50-50 with you, OP. It seemed very odd and random.. plus it all was a bit too easy to get.

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  • Got the gun today and its awesome. But I still feel that the quest needed to be longer and more like a raid. Exploring the Rasputin bunkers, solving complex puzzles, that would have been awesome.

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    2 Replies
    • I agree that they mailed it in on the design of The First Firewall "Mission". Having no ghost commentary tipped it off right away. While we were finishing it, my 15 year old son said to me "They just repackaged the Omnigul story mission. Very lame." That just about sums it up right there.

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    • I agree that isn't wasn't very well put together as far as the quest goes. The idea of finding the Fusion Relics was a good idea, but they should have been hidden and not just dropped when we killed things. And they should have triggered the mission once we found all 4.

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    • Hey your post is back!

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      1 Reply
      • Sorry for the idiots dude, I feel ya. This forum can be harsh, anyway I agree with you. This does seem really weird. Did people actually get the SS? If so then that was the stupidest and shortest excuse for a questline I have any seen in my life, especially considering the hype behind the reward.

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        2 Replies
        • So much hype, then we get this.... What the actual -blam!-....

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        • Dear Bungie, You absolutely suck. Your version of an epic quest is terrible at best. Do the gaming community a favor and just shut down immediately . Close the doors and walk away. EQ1 (1999, that is 16 freakin years ago Bungie) had better quest lines. is this a joke? Are you really proud of your product? Let me wrap up TTK for you real quick. You built a new zone, you scattered a bunch of fragments around and gave us a raid that can be run in an hour. I'm waiting for the punchline Bungie. $60 for Vanilla, $40 for the first 2 expos and $40 for TTK. Good for you for keeping us all on the hook. Your marketing is fantastic, they all should be praised. You managed to squeeze $140 (minimum) out of all of us on a game that while very fun to play has about as much content as a bag of Lay's from a vending machine. (You open that bag and there's like 5 chips in there....we've all been there!) Now I'll be the first to say I enjoy playing but after 2 weeks, there is absolutely nothing left to do. I get that the Hard Raid will drop but let's be fair, how long will that take to crack? I keep coming back because I think things will change, they will be better "this time". Well someone smart once said that a tiger don't change his stripes. Bungie, you are that tiger. Deymian, out. *Drops Mic*

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          4 Replies
          • Note: NEVER believe GameInformer

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            • The code was represented by up being regular knights and down being taken knights

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              2 Replies
              • You're stupid. It was a way to keep people playing after the Microtransactions fiasco.

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              • So is the quest automatically given to you?

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              • Not to mention u don't get it if u finish it today #uninstall

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              • I agree with you. It seems like they just gave us the quest to shut the community up. I get that its a game but im in this for the long haul. Wheres the discovery like what happened with the black spindle.

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              • I am on the "firewall happens every 7th" train because the first time since TK it was the 7th it happened. Normally that wouldn't mean anything but because of Bungie's love of the number 7 it wouldn't be that suprising to me if that was the trigger. I don't think there was a bug causing the quest to not show up.

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                6 Replies
                • Dude I loved a random quest jus showing up. How is that not awesome. And even if they came up with it in an hour, maybe that means they can do a lot of these then. It's a game bro and a pretty good one at that. Not everything has to fit neatly into the story. I like just having new stuff to do. And anything that has been triple jumping around the Devils spire is awesome in my book

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                • Wait.. you submit a wall of text very much crying and complaining about who knows what. Then when people on this forum take you to task over your rant... you cry and call them bully's? Phew... and you have the nerve to say that this is the problem with this forum, community and others like it? #smh 😥 life must be truly hard for you... Get a grip and grow up buttercup!

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                  5 Replies
                  • Wow man...did you have to write a novel? Also, go outside every now and then. There is more to life then video games. And also, your conspiracy theory in destiny? Really?? An apology from destiny? Smh

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                    • But its free!

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                      3 Replies
                      • They told us to "keep looking in the landscape". Then one day the quest popped up on the map. That's close enough for me. Maybe Bungie didn't realize how quickly people's imagination would run wild and start assuming what their words meant, instead of keeping an open mind. I for one thought this was a fun approach and I hope they aren't discouraged by conspiraccy theorists and do more stuff like this.

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                        • Who cares if it sucks, I liked it.. It felt a bit new to me with that code chain and all:)

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                        • I think you may be right personally

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                        • Yeah why were the hive and taken trying to help us by giving us the code, "accidentally", and then trying to murder us... What drugs were they smoking that day...

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