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Edited by JDeltaWhiskey: 10/5/2015 8:43:11 PM

(Edit) NEW HIDDEN DOOR IN RAID SOLVED Go look at this guy on Twitter they are figuring of the sequence with Datto It's right after Golgoroth Edit: more pictures [quote]I have a reddit post going on with more pictures and a VIDEO. check it out [/quote] Edit: Anyone with Golgoroth Cp want to dive in this? Message me on xbox one! Still looking for someone to science the shit out of this with GT is same name as above Edit: more pics with some info Edit: Unrelated, a commenter posted this and hits it spot on [spoiler][quote]well we've known about this for quite some time. [b]What pisses me off[/b] is that players USE our shared, collective knowledge and STEAL the progress when they make it to the next step and hoard the answer. The community could solve this so much faster than one group alone... Ultimately everyone might even get this as soon as its solved. The only CHANCE at being first is to deceive others and stall them while you slowly inch forward? What a selfish... Enjoy a chance at being 'first'. I hope no one gives players like this any positive reputation. IT truly happens all the time. Players steal public leads and hoard... Why are we like this? You get nothing.[/quote][/spoiler] Someone shared the Original Post [url][/url] Credit to this guy. [b]KEEP THE INFO COMING[/b] From Original Posters Post : Video Proof: Images: Edit: Going to get some sleep. Will update this post again 0800 (8am) EST with whatever info comes out. Keep working together everyone! We can do it! Edit: .. Because screw sleep [quote]--From the stream--guy inside is talking-- Light there are six of these There is a sequence with these six lights. They are saying this sequence is random between different fireteams They killed golgoroth in three orbs He just showed the sequence which seems to b counter clockwise After dunking six times it says overcharged (inside the room) They just said that they died in golgoroth Edit : [b]WE KNOW FOR SURE THAT GOLGOROTH HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THIS PUZZLE[/b] Datto knows the sequence that was given by this team but it isnt working.[/quote] Edit: I am watching the stream. Here is where everyone is for the glowing rods hanging off the side. To the left and above where nkuch is standing, that's where the hidden door is. The light only turns Green when the player walks under the Orange/Yellow light. When you are off from under light it turns back Orange/Yellow..(you get the point) There is a sequence in which we need to find where each player one at a time needs to step under the light and turn it green one at a time and stay there until everyone in the fireteam is under the light. Commenter in twitch who is "providing the info" is saying once you complete the right order a bridge will appear and the door will open. We do not know if he is trolling. This is all speculation. I will update as it goes! (We still don't know the sequence) 4,1,6,5,2,3 or 4,1,6,2,5,3 - the sequence (Updated) can anyone confirm? This is the sequence that worked for Datto - Fun fact: 6+1=7, 5+2=7, 4+3=7 Bringing Bungie's Favorite number 777 How to know which light is which number? There are spikes on each light. Count the spikes.. That's what your number is! This is part 1 : We still don't know a confirmed sequence. Need further confirmation from other guardians on the one provided above. Once the sequence is set.. People have said a couple things. A bridge will form to the opened door or a blade dancer needs to knife it's way across. Step 2 is after the door opens. There is a relic in there and a dunking part. Thoes are from the pictures when this post was made as you can see way above. I do not think anyone has figured that out yet Edit: Here is a great video from Planet Destiny explaining basically all we know! Give it a watch. Interesting stuff We are making good progress putting our heads together everyone! Let's keep up the good work and keep dumping ideas! Edit: Sorry Deej and Cozmo. We won't beg for mercy. [b]Beat me more mama![/b] FINIAL EDIT: From Luke smith himself Turns out it's just an Easter Egg! Still pretty cool! To bad there is no loot!

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