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5/27/2005 10:02:32 PM

Weekly What's update

Here we go - answering all your questions. This week we cheated and got all of our questions from the HBO forums, because ours were busted. The HBO crowd is a classy, curious lot, as you'll see inside.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] weasy WHy does Halo 3 have to came out for 360? Why can't they just make it for xbox 1? [/quote] Geeeee....maybe becuase the dam thing is comeing out in less than 9 months.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] weasy Why is the plasma psitol so weak? All its good for is taking shields down, but whenever you do that people get mad and start calling you a noob and quit like little pansies.[/quote] If all the Plasma Pistal is good for is talking down shields, then I wouldm't call that weak.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] rastamonkey614 Theve already been porting them. cauagulation=blood gulch Warlock=Rat race but it would be cool to have DIRECT ports of the old maps[/quote] I know you just didn't say Warlock=Rat Race. I think you better dust off you Halo 1 disc and check that S hit out. Warlock = WIZARD

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] KennyOne Who is Santa Claus?[/quote] He is the magical man that dresses in red and touchs you in your sleep.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Mendez45 Ok, I'm a hardcore Halo fan and like playing very competively(MLG). Know, since the Pro community agrees that Halo 1 is a better multiplayer game is there any chance that you guys will please, please, remake Halo 1 with Xbox? And don't put a Halo 2 like auto-aim in there either. If not that will please make "your next project" more geared toward the pro community? [/quote] That's what I said a long time ago man. If Bungie would of just remade Halo 1 for ONLINE play, then they would of had time to finish the story for Halo 2.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] RyDawg7 I'm extremely impressed with Halo 2, but I have managed to come across two main complaints thus far. Figured I'd voice my opinion in the small chance you might actually listen. First and foremost, I must say that the decision to take radar off of *all* head-to-head gametypes simply doesn't make sense to me. I generally don't have any problem with any particular game variation (including no radar), but this one just stands out like a sore thumb. One of the most intense and depth-producing aspects of a one-on-one battle is the motion-detector, move/countermove, attack/counterattack sort of dance between the two players. A move is made, seen on the radar, countered, and that move is countered, so on and so on... where it really becomes an insanely deep, tactical, strategic battle of wits between the two players to attempt to find the best point of attack. That kind of gameplay really hooked me on head-to-head matchmaking. But now it's gone. Not just in *some* gametypes... but in ALL. Completely wiped clean. No balance, no variation, nothing. As I played head to head matches without it, I realized that now it's more of a luck-based, hit-and-miss style of gameplay... where you just better hope you're facing the right direction at the right time. You're constantly at risk without any chance of defending yourself if the opponent just so happens to spawn or unintentionally run behind you at the right time. The only real way around that kind of danger is to get the first kill and then back into a corner, which is a completely lame way to play the game, obviously. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt too much to remove radar from such games like oddball, king, and bigger sized head to head maps like Ascension. But I strongly suggest you consider adding it back to some of the appropriate gametypes... it would bring head to head back to its former glory. My second complaint - the needler. I noticed in an old 2004 E3 video that its rate of fire was dramatically increased in order to revive it as a formidable weapon to wield. However, that move was clearly trashed. Why? The needler seems to have a laundry list full of drawbacks without any real benefit other than a weak lock-on feature. Not only does it have a damage delay (the time it takes for the needles to explode) giving the opponent that much more time to lay into you, its rate of fire is STILL extremely slow. So you fire your needles, some follow and some don't, then they take a while to reach your target, and once they do, they take ANOTHER while to actually do damage. In that span of time, you've probably been flattened by the other guns that DON'T have a damage delay and DON'T have a slow rate of fire. See my point? It just seems a bit too restrained to be a consistently effective weapon. And there are the complaints. The other 99% of the game is brilliant. You have my approval, as I'm sure you've been desperately waiting for it. :) Thanks for your time. [/quote] You forgot what FRANKY said "With no RADAR you have to listen for the foot steps" You see it's that simple you just have to put you ear nesxt to you tv speaker and listen for the foot steps. That will solve all you problems.

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  • Who is Santa Claus?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SGT GRUNT FRIEND woo hoo i made to page 3[/quote] But the Great Journey is not over yet, young SGT Grunt. Next you must sly the elves dragon and free the elves from a life time of suffering.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Gaunts Ghosts Once again i wonder if someone is leading a one man team in slayer and they end up getting like 35 kills and the other 3 people on his team can't finish up should the person with the most kills on the losing team REALLY lose experience? or is there some rule already like this?[/quote] Let me get this lost? But you didn't loose to YOUR lost to the OTHER team. But you are curious if you still lost to the other team. Your theory of winning and losing is ingenious. I have submitted you name to Retard Prize Foundation. There you will be given a participation ribbon, that states "YOU LOST, BUT NOT TO YOUR TEAM; THAT ALSO LOST"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Crazy TREE MAN We Need more stuff to drive! We need more custom game options! Give us all you got + More! ME HUNGRY ME WANT EAT![/quote] Or what? Most people that threaten other people,normaly threaten to do somthing if their demands are not met.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Dr_Destruction Here's my question: Are there any good easter eggs left to be found in Halo 2? The "megg" was such a fun (and exhausting.. oh and chaotic) search, but it was exhilarating nonetheless. Any hints?[/quote] Yes in fact I just got finished dying them. Happy hunting.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] island boy I have been playing a lot of Big Team Battle lately and I sometimes get booted for no good reason. For example, I was riding in a warthog in the passengers seat holding the bomb going to bomb the base in Headlong and I was sniped out of the warthog and then the warthog crashed and the game said that I betrayed both other people in the warthog. The driver then decided to boot me and I got no credit for the great game that I had played. I would like to know why this is continually happening to me. [/quote] I love stupid posts :) Let me get boot for no good reason; but you betrayed too other people. mmmmm You said that you sat in the passenger seat and was sniped though! Interesting...and then everyone died...and you were booted. Wait I got it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The bullet from the sniper went through you bounced off the back seat and into the skull of the drive; who then crash the car and burned the gunner alive. NO NOW I REALLY GOT IT. There was a second shooter! The two shooters, worked together to kill you and your team and in a consperacy blaimed it on you.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] acdcboy110 I thought up of an awsome idea for the next content download to come out with the new maps...Alright it is a gametype for team slayer and I call it ^^^^ Of. and Def. Slayer ^^^^ Ok it is called that for a reason... you have 2 teams Offensive and Defensive. Offensive- This is the team were you get your kills and the other team cannot, simply looking around for the defensive players you kill them and your points go up. Although you have only 1:30 min. to get your kills. Defensive- This team can either hide or take your enemy head on battles by trying to take all the weapons before the offensive team does.Although when densive players kill and offensive player the defensive does not gain points for kills because they are on defense. This will consist of 4 rounds and to spice it up even morre you can change the weapon sets. This all was thought up by TMAN110 and I really thought this might be fun for everyone on xbl. Me and my friends would really like to see something like this in team slayer matchmaking if availabe when you do the next matchmaking update. Thank you everyone from Bungie and Hope yall are working on Halo 3 for XBOX360!!![/quote] I prefer my game type "YOU LOSE I WIN" The title emplies everything, much like yours, but for kicks I will explain: If I kill you I win, if you kill me I win...need I say more.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Homer918 Hi Frankie, just a quick question if I am in a game and I go to send a voice message to someone else do people in that game hear me? Or is my voice muted in game and only recorded for the message?[/quote] I guess it wouldn't hurt to ASK THE PEOPLE IN YOUR PARTY! But I will throw you a bone. If a tree falls in the woods and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THE 130M13 Well, I would like to say....... Can you plz post some screen shots for the five new maps, and thats about it. Oh yeah I got my 32!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. And I'm about to lose it because I got standbyied by some one, I'm sure rezener sent you like a little video showing that they are standbying, I'm not sure about that, Anyways I'm just hoping that you are going to post some pics up for the five new maps, so what would say, are you going to post? I wonder if I would be on the weekly update?[/quote] I guess waiting another month is too much to ask.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] streetlegendz If I play a system link game with four xboxs, and only one xbox has the downloaded maps, can I still use the downloaded maps for games?[/quote] I'm not going to answer that question becuase I don't think you could even lan an XBOX. But I will throw you a bone...if you have 4 cars and one key. How do you start all four cars? Honestly people...remember the song "One of these things is not like the other" do you think it plays a part here?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] The_Hunter_X OMG! Mister Chief in a mexican telenovela. 'che mister chief se ve bien cagad...[/quote] omg...NO!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] qnzfinest99 How will you be able to tranfer ur xbox live account to xbox 360?[/quote] Remeber that big number you entered?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] marinealver Testing, good the forums work now. [b]Now who is the chick with Mister Chief in the Soap?[/b][/quote] Roger that... I guess reading the past posts was too shocking to believe

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] revolverevolver Wow, what a stinking pile of hits that was, WORST P.R. EVER seriously bungie, sack frankie, he sucks and blows. screw caps, because he doesn't deserve them. boring, worthless update, with no more maps.... what a pile of shoe P.S. if you fancy... flaming away you bunch of dicks.I posted this in my lunch hour for the job I use to keep my beautiful girlfriend in bed and happy. Hahaha I mean a [i]real[/i] girl, not TEX from RVB you load of -blam!-ucking funboys. so -blam!- off you load of virgin, high balled -blam!-s. john squid x [/quote] Say it with me this time: "I'm not mad at you I'm mad at my Father"

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AshofPompei the weather in seattle is unreal ain't it. 96 today? nuts. [/quote] Thank You

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Holy Pimp321 U Should Say That PPL Suck U Must Give PPL A Chance For Halo 2 if U PPL Wanna PLay Wit a True Halo 2 PLaya Den Add me 2 ur Friends List My Gamertag Iz.... UCantSeeMe101 Hope 2 See Ya PPL there eZz[/quote] No I will never add you to my friends list, because if you type like that; then I would hate to hear you talk.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BATTLESUIT Somebody was on the weekly whatsupdate asking for more Halo books. Why bother, since the story to Halo 2 was written as if the books never happened. Way to go on that, Bungie, by the way. Also, everybody who has that pot thing pasted to their replies, get over it.[/quote] Why do you have to single out Halo, why don't you include Star Wars and Star Trek. Or are you a Treky?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] AJSmanhunter first page horray!!! now back to biz... still no map pics? im very disapointed franky. and about the pistol/smg combo, face it it sucks now, it was hard to use it before the udate now its bull crap and if i got one and faceing a person with the PR/smg combo im going to loose hands down.[/quote] Ahhhhh....ummmm....let me look at the top of the page again. Nope still a 2, noooooo; wait. Nope it's still a 2, public education at its finest. If you're wondering what I'm making fun, look at the top of page 2.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] maxdoggy I have a thing for Mister Chief to be. What would Mister Chief look like if he was on steroids?[/quote] He would look like a dude on roids...duh

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Weaklerdrake Why did OXM give Splinter Cell 3 a better rating than Halo 2? WHY?![/quote] Because it had an ending...duh

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