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5/27/2005 10:02:32 PM

Weekly What's update

Here we go - answering all your questions. This week we cheated and got all of our questions from the HBO forums, because ours were busted. The HBO crowd is a classy, curious lot, as you'll see inside.

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  • When is the price on the Xbox 360 going to be announced. I keep hearing people say it is like 600 and other say 350. I think it is about time to announce the price, after all it is only like 4 months till november.

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  • I agree fully with the above post: the motion tracker added a level of strategy that is now missing in head to head games. However, oddball and KotH games should not have the motion tracker. Rifle Duel shouldn't either. But it should be put back in Sword Duel and the classic Slayer Duel. I can’t wait to see some more interesting and odd gametypes. I also miss race. Headlong and Waterworks seem to have been designed with that gametype in mind. I don’t really mind all that much, when I feel like playing race I get a few friends together in a custom game set a course and drive around. I know that apparel with a player’s gamertag and emblem was a idea that was thrown around prior to the release of Halo 2. I would love a T-shirt with my gamertag on the breast and my emblem brandished on the back. There are web-sites that sell custom made shirts designed using a simple wizard and uploaded image files. My question is, if I were to take my emblem and design the shirt would I be liable for copyright violation? Moving on: This is a message to all those who post messages consisting of "1st”: I don't care that you got the first post, I shudder to even call it a post. There is no prize for being the first to "reply" to the topic, the only end achieved by your childish game is annoying true Bungie fans who want follow the discussion. You force them to scroll through 1 or 2 pages of BS before finding a post that has even a grain of substance. The same applies to posts that bash Frankie and complaining that the WWU is not giving any substantial information. They gripe about the lack of substance but post messages so shallow a baby could lie face down in it and not drown. I found that there is plenty in this week’s update. I admit, there have been weeks where the useful information in the update is close to nil. But those are weeks where very little has happened. I ask you to also take into consideration that Frankie can not tell the public certain aspects of Bungie's current doings... let me explain this aspect of life in a parable: two friends are talking, one is a technician for the army and he works in a nuclear missile silo. The other asks him how to infiltrate the silo, access the launch systems and override the security protocol to fire a missile at a target of his choosing. The technician laughs and doesn’t tell him anything of any use (hopefully). Not because he's an ass but because there are some things that we are not supposed to know: one being the internal workings of a nuclear missile silo, another being what the good folk Bungie have up their sleeves (just to name a few). It is also probable that Frankie does not happen to know the answer to many of the queries posted. The question: "Why are we here?" answered by: "Because they have a blue base over there." will make many laugh (anyone who remembers the first Red vs. Blue episode “Why are we here?”). The same response will annoy those with a sense of humor equal to the amount of substance found in the posts I referred to in my second paragraph and they will go off and call Frankie a (insert long list of profane words and terms here). That being said I don't care if you bash Frankie, just do it on your own forum, not on a forum where there is supposed to be discussion about the update. I know there are moderators for the forums, I request that all posts deemed inappropriate (be they offensive, insulting or just completely off topic) be removed... repeat offenders be blacklisted. I'm just fed up with all this BS. I know I’m griping, I apologize for being hypocritical but there are things that must be said. PS: I can’t wait for the new maps… and if the little blurb about Pimps at Sea was a continuation of the April Fools update I will be very angry.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] wuz sup [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] weasy WHy does Halo 3 have to came out for 360? Why can't they just make it for xbox 1? [/quote] Cause it would SUCK for Xbox, XBox could hardly handle Halo 2 what makes you think it could handle Halo 3?[/quote] Yep

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] weasy WHy does Halo 3 have to came out for 360? Why can't they just make it for xbox 1? [/quote] Cause it would SUCK for Xbox, XBox could hardly handle Halo 2 what makes you think it could handle Halo 3?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] corytheboyd If you explode on Containment, and nobody is there to hear it, does it make a sound? [/quote] Not if you mute the volume.

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  • hey every one does any one know why they didnt allow master cheif drive a shadow their has to be a better answer than it would make the game lagy or that it is going to beused in the next halo like the banshee was in the 1st halo but really wouldnt it be awsome for big team battle it would be able to hold your whole team wile crossing the map that would kick ass.

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  • WHy does Halo 3 have to came out for 360? Why can't they just make it for xbox 1?

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  • I play alot of big team battles and I alwaysget the same maps like Coag or waterworks. Why the hell is this?

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  • Why is the plasma psitol so weak? All its good for is taking shields down, but whenever you do that people get mad and start calling you a noob and quit like little pansies. [Edited on 5/28/2005]

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  • Hey frank is there any chance of bungie doing any sort of myth type game for x-box 360. it would be pretty cool to see bungie do any sort of game like that.

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  • Theve already been porting them. cauagulation=blood gulch Warlock=Rat race but it would be cool to have DIRECT ports of the old maps

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  • SInce bungie no longer wants to spend time developing more Halo 2 Maps, it would seem like the perfect time to port all of the old "Halo 1" maps to be available for download. I can't imagine it would be too time consuming since it wouldn't need to be perfectly balanced. There could be s separate playlist (and/or ranking) that features only Halo 1 maps. Are there any plans to do this? I'm sure the Halo community would love it. I would pay 5 bucks (maybe 10) for a Halo 1 Map pack, and I'm sure hundreds of thousands of other people would too. Simple math, huh?

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  • My weiner is 15 inches long

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  • i have a big weiner

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  • Hola Frawnkey! Me es having mucho amounto of network problemos. Like u c, i try to go into mi amigos party right, and then like "this blue screen of death" screen says u are unable to join cause WHERE having net problems. Got any ideas to fix that man. Cause it get me really aggravated not playing with my friends. Gracias Senor!

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  • how do i know [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] BitLight BitLight Will all the games for the old XBox work on XBOX 360?[/quote]

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  • Hey Frankie, Have you guys ever thought of bringing the skulls to live? Thats my only request for Halo 3. : ) You could hide them outside the maps, since people are going to try and get off the maps anyway, why not make it part of the game? Please, I like skulls and I like getting off the maps! (but not in matchmaking, that pisses me off!).

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  • Is it possible you guys will make online co-op for Halo 2?

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  • hey guys, mindbulletace again. just wanted to say: nice update. for everyone who dont believe britd get screwed over from time to time, check out the vid named fair game? in the media section at hey, why not check out the site anyways, theres a few other vids and stuff there. cheers

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  • By the way, MLGis for people too fat to play real sports. ;/

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  • Not alot of Halo 2 oriented questions this week. ;/

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  • Ok, I'm a hardcore Halo fan and like playing very competively(MLG). Know, since the Pro community agrees that Halo 1 is a better multiplayer game is there any chance that you guys will please, please, remake Halo 1 with Xbox? And don't put a Halo 2 like auto-aim in there either. If not that will please make "your next project" more geared toward the pro community?

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  • Hey, what game genre will your next game be? Do you expect your next game to be as notorious as the H A L O series? If it is another H A L O game, will you add some of your Ideas that you cut from H A L O 2, like the ATV. If it is another H A L O game, could you add online co-op, those other warthogs, the choice to have the weapons from H A L O 1, some REAL camo, the ability to change your mask color, the ability to use your flash light in multiplayer, combat knife, to switch battle rifle from burst to semi automatic, have boats maybe some ship battles, and please DONT! put a flame thrower in the next H A L O, i hate flame throwers, and put in mines and or timed grenades. i also have some multiplayer game Ideas, bomb diffusal (where each team starts at there opponents base and rush to there base to diffuse the bomb), skull dodgeball (where you throw the skull at someone and if they get hit they're out), kill to survive (where you must kill atleast one person in under a minute or you die), pitch black slayer (where it is an all black level and you can only see five feet infront of you and you have NO map) that is it, hey frankie tell me watcha think.

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  • I'm extremely impressed with Halo 2, but I have managed to come across two main complaints thus far. Figured I'd voice my opinion in the small chance you might actually listen. First and foremost, I must say that the decision to take radar off of *all* head-to-head gametypes simply doesn't make sense to me. I generally don't have any problem with any particular game variation (including no radar), but this one just stands out like a sore thumb. One of the most intense and depth-producing aspects of a one-on-one battle is the motion-detector, move/countermove, attack/counterattack sort of dance between the two players. A move is made, seen on the radar, countered, and that move is countered, so on and so on... where it really becomes an insanely deep, tactical, strategic battle of wits between the two players to attempt to find the best point of attack. That kind of gameplay really hooked me on head-to-head matchmaking. But now it's gone. Not just in *some* gametypes... but in ALL. Completely wiped clean. No balance, no variation, nothing. As I played head to head matches without it, I realized that now it's more of a luck-based, hit-and-miss style of gameplay... where you just better hope you're facing the right direction at the right time. You're constantly at risk without any chance of defending yourself if the opponent just so happens to spawn or unintentionally run behind you at the right time. The only real way around that kind of danger is to get the first kill and then back into a corner, which is a completely lame way to play the game, obviously. Perhaps it wouldn't hurt too much to remove radar from such games like oddball, king, and bigger sized head to head maps like Ascension. But I strongly suggest you consider adding it back to some of the appropriate gametypes... it would bring head to head back to its former glory. My second complaint - the needler. I noticed in an old 2004 E3 video that its rate of fire was dramatically increased in order to revive it as a formidable weapon to wield. However, that move was clearly trashed. Why? The needler seems to have a laundry list full of drawbacks without any real benefit other than a weak lock-on feature. Not only does it have a damage delay (the time it takes for the needles to explode) giving the opponent that much more time to lay into you, its rate of fire is STILL extremely slow. So you fire your needles, some follow and some don't, then they take a while to reach your target, and once they do, they take ANOTHER while to actually do damage. In that span of time, you've probably been flattened by the other guns that DON'T have a damage delay and DON'T have a slow rate of fire. See my point? It just seems a bit too restrained to be a consistently effective weapon. And there are the complaints. The other 99% of the game is brilliant. You have my approval, as I'm sure you've been desperately waiting for it. :) Thanks for your time.

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  • I always play custom games with ghost and warthog racing. Do you think it could be place in a playlist (Team Skirmish or a new playlist)? People need a break from just killing games once in a while.

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  • how am i supposed to get my downloaded halo 2 maps to the xbox 360. it would be easy if not for the "1 map download, 1 xbox". And, would it realy be that hard to put a word filter on xbox live, it would be nice to be able to go 3 seconds without some weak brained moron swearing. but god forbid people have to use brain power to come up with a better way to express them selves. [Edited on 5/28/2005]

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