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5/21/2005 12:03:52 AM

Weekly What's Update

More of your questions answered, dodged, or put to rest forever. If there's one thing I love, it's evasive answers! And yelling at cheats. Get all that and more, inside.

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  • you didnt say that halo 3 wasnt coming out you just changed the subject, so tell us are we going to see halo 3 ever (and dont say something like "i can tell you that we will see it in the next 1000 years") and if not and we will be stuck forever never knowing about what will happen then will you ever sell the halo games to another company like you have done before cause it will just endup being aload of crap or they will change it into a rpg or 3rd which we dont like. [Edited on 5/21/2005]

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  • this whole quitting business is really ruining Halo 2 for me. i havent played a game in the last 4 months where someone didn't quit or that the game ended just by quitting. i know people that join games and quit and hope that their teams wins without them and when the team does then they level up...thats cheating...and since you can go into a matchmaking game and quit about 10 times during the same amount of time of a normal map then that means that player can get to higher levels without doing there anyway to allow the game to pause and request more players looking for your type of might be impossible since the code is already written...but for halo 3...i know for a fact perfect dark zero is doing that to rid this problem

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  • I don't know where to post the questions as i'm kinda new to this kinda stuff so i'll just ask it here. This happened a while back. But i was in a TS and the score was 10-1 for us and all of the red team left instead of one player, so as we're already winning might as well have fun, so i was trying to just chill out with him on the roof of zanzibar, protecting him from my other team mates. But my team mates were real butts and each one of them killed me once purposely, and saying something that they have connections with bungie,etc. As they had something agaisnt me for some reason, so one of my mates were in a ghost he took down my shield, knowing if he betrays me again i'll boot him and i was trying to get them all to betray me so i'll boot them for disliking me for no reason. So as my shield was doesn i purposly jumped infront of the ghost to get betrayed so i can boot him. I did so and when i came on to look at my stats for that game they weren't there saying that playing in the party left a feedback on that game or something. What's up with that? I know i dragged that question a lot but i just thought you should know the whole story.

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  • Recently i have been playing alot of people who were my level in the game type i was playing. But after being beaten six times in a row i checked their rank and found that they are only my rank in that current game type. Bungie should make the ranks by overall ranking not by game type. That way i would actually get to play people around by own level not just people who are the same in that game type... Im getting tired of playing level 20's and up when my highest level is 11. Have any idea on making matchmaking more equal? Thanks [Edited on 5/21/2005]

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  • Hey Frankie, what would Mister Cheif look like if he were a Bungie Emloyee? Yes!!! First on the 5th page. [Edited on 5/21/2005]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] wuz sup Here's the (small) scoop on Halo 3. STORY MODE-Setting(Earth[With flood]) New Features: Switch between Arbiter, Master Chief and Cortana. Eveything you see is desructable (or partally destructable) Arbiter- First-Person-Shooter (Regular Halo) Master Chief- F-P-S (Same as arbiter) Cortana- Real-Time-Strategy (Egeal-eye view of level, command troops, call for drop ships) MULTIPLAYER New Features: Better Spectating mode (See an instant replay after the game, Record on to XBox 360 hard drive). *There are much more new features, Bungie is very creative, they'll think of many things* **Halo 3 is still early in progress with Halo 3 so none of this is promised, but is what bungie planned** [/quote] Why do i [b]NOT[/b] believe you?

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  • Please show us More Map Pics. Pleeease.

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  • You guys at bungie have serious problems First of all Battle rifles are retarded, upgrading their power was stupid, and i dont need to be playing every freaking board BR, it's absolutely ridiculous how many times I will get that in a row in any type of matchmaking. You guys must get hard-ons from using them, because i cannot fathom any other reason i see that on a map every 2 seconds. ENOUGH!!!!! Second, the battle rifle/plasma pistol "combo" has got to GO. Eliminate it PERIOD. How about just getting rid of the "lock-on" feature of the plasma pistol, that would make it much harder to do the combo as well as bring them in closer to make it more competitive. And lastly, why oh WHY does the sword not run out of energy? It does in single player, justtttt like every other damn weapon, stop making it and the person who uses it virtually unstoppable for a time, a limited amount of charge like in single player (5-10 slices) would make it much more acceptable and fun during matchmaking. Get off your moral high horse, Bungie makes ONE game and ONE game only good, and to be honest this one wasn't that redeaming if not for the online factor. Grow up, make the changes, and make it FAIR.

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  • I enjoyed the update. Always good to hear that things are still moving forward. I can not wait for those other 5 maps to come out, though i know they are still a while away... and the anticipation for the continuation of the halo story is making me crazy. One thing i really wanted to know, and i'm sure there is a good majority of the fans who want to know the same, what is the deal with the halo books? I think it was mentioned before, but i was hoping you could shed some light on what is in the works... is the next book going to start from First strike and lead through halo 2? then hopefully we could get a fifth book to link 2 and 3 before three comes out. But damn thats a lot of work for Nyland...

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  • well to say.u gotta have 100 negative feedbacks to get banned from live.whoever dos d swearing stuff if he gets dats much negative feed back hes out of xbox live.

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  • Here's the (small) scoop on Halo 3. STORY MODE-Setting(Earth[With flood]) New Features: Switch between Arbiter, Master Chief and Cortana. Eveything you see is desructable (or partally destructable) Arbiter- First-Person-Shooter (Regular Halo) Master Chief- F-P-S (Same as arbiter) Cortana- Real-Time-Strategy (Egeal-eye view of level, command troops, call for drop ships) MULTIPLAYER New Features: Better Spectating mode (See an instant replay after the game, Record on to XBox 360 hard drive). *There are much more new features, Bungie is very creative, they'll think of many things* **Halo 3 is still early in progress with Halo 3 so none of this is promised, but is what bungie planned** [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • Hard at work on your next project eh? Getting it ready for PS3 launch eh? Ah well, at least now i know Billy G. has a sound system in his pool. *grumble*richbloodyso'n'so*grumble* I have a question. How far out is the invisobarrier on relic from the edge of the island? The distance of the invisobarrier from the coast line was a bit dissapointingly short on both Zanzibar and the beach of outskirts.

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  • i like d fact dat we can play halo2 on 360.........dats cool

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  • Thanks for the update, Frankie! I'd still like to see more feedback options, not to mention some new map screenshots--maybe next week?

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  • I dont know if this is where i post my question i have never really need to ask one before because most of them are answered every week anyway a while back when you updated the play list to inculde battle riles in almost every game you took out the plsama pistols witch was good becasue you said that combo was really unfair but since you changed it i get combo 5 times more on every other level and it sucks why did you guys make a big fuss about the whole combo thing then make it easy for the people who do to use in other asspets of the game

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  • i think that someone should go through all the memberless clans and delete them for re-use. its silly when you have to change the spelling or add numbers to a clan name because someone took your name and then quit, so there is an empty clan taking up the name.

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  • Woot 72nd post cool update i want pics of new maps most but i still love you bungie!

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  • bill gates is a noob

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  • In the 5/13 What's Update, Fuzzypuffis asked... <

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  • whoa whoa...wait a minute guys.. getting banned for the boosting thing is like...just as bad as if you were getting banned for quitting a game..either of them would suck and getting banned for either of them or being victim to either can also suck. Now of course bungie has the final say in all of this and frankie can mock us all like a jerk when he's in a pissy mood {probably E3} and get away with it, but cant we atleast say something? I mean most of us run a 12 month subscription which is 70 bucks!!! oucha! getting banned cause you want to spend the night with your friends playing some halo just like the good ol system link days except better doesnt sound like that big of a deal to me. usually the primary factors for the oposing team losing is because someone on their team is being a serious well ASS...they'll be saying crap about their team mates because they couldnt miraculously dodge a sniper round, or they could just quit or team kill...all of which really suck. If a person is hitching a ride with his buddy to do some good ol halo isnt he only screwing himself over if he gets into a really high level that he's not capable of keeping? the next time he plays he's just going to get his ass beat. ive played level 15 people while being a level 9 myself, and i kicked serious ass and got a high level boost, so ultimately the boosters are only helping us enjoy our gaming experience. those of us gamers who hate boosters should consider that they dont have any friends and are therefor incapable of boosting themselves...or cant admit that the other team just happens to be better than them

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  • Artillery -- No offense, or anything, but, uh... you want him to get a life, which he should do, but you look like your lips are firmly planted on Frankie's asscrack. Seriously, everyone who reads these threads needs a life.

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  • hey I made it to page 4 w00t! No accomplishment at all!

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  • They didn't dodge a question about Halo 3. The guy asked if Bill Gates was a jerk, and we got our answer.

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  • is there a way to see if the jerks i leave feedback on are banned or not? because i have played against, and with people who swear and say abusive things to me just because i have too many deaths or dont get enough kills just because their rank is higher than mine. its bogus and i want to see if they got what they deserved or not.

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  • It is so annoying to read these topic changing answers every Friday or sacastic answers. Dont avoid the question! Tell us this so called "project" your working on. By the way I wish Xbox 360 was concentrated more towards gaming and not selling a T-shirt to people. When Frankie says boosting is cheating what are the levels that are considered boosting For instence a 1 with a 18 can I play with my friends that are 15-16 when Im a 19 [Edited on 5/20/2005]

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  • yo frank correct me if im wrong, but this is how things stand. you cant convert halo 2 onto the 360 because it will take too much time, and you are far too busy on your "new project" now, this new project is more important than keeping halo 2 going, but halo 2 is bungies massive fanbase, to which any company worth its salt would be commited to (and you are, congratulations sir) so, bungie's legendary commitment to all its games (marathon rocks baby!) aside, the new project would logically be something along the lines of halo 3, to keep people happy. oh, yeh... and then theres the HUGE cliffhanger type ending which screams "sequel" louder than The Empire Strikes Back. do correct me if im wrong? oh yeh. also, do you know how much the 360 is likely to cost? im about to splash out on a G5, and i want to know if i can afford a shiney new xbox as well!

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