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5/21/2005 12:03:52 AM

Weekly What's Update

More of your questions answered, dodged, or put to rest forever. If there's one thing I love, it's evasive answers! And yelling at cheats. Get all that and more, inside.

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  • I was looking at the leader board and its clear that some of the people on the leader board are cheaters. For example the leader in head to head ELITExGUNNER clearly used boosting to get to the lvl he is he player like 10 games in a row with halos elite and won every one either 10-2 or 10-4. I was just wondering how you could miss this and why are they still on the leader board. I mean its crazy that the number one player on head to head cheats and you miss it. I mean if you dont catch the #1 player who do you catch? You keep saying that you have all this technology to catch anyone who cheats and yet the first player on head to head clearly cheats and you don't even catch him. [Edited on 5/24/2005]

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  • it is possible that it will come out that day, because i heard that xbox 360 comes out in August, im not sure what year, but i know it comes out on one of the augusts.

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  • hey did any one check the lastpage some kid called a level 18 a noob when hes only alevel 19 whopty f u c k i n g do hes one level higher that really make him better i bet the other dude could own that piece of trash that relly fu ck ing cares about his lvel what does he win for being a level 19 , nothing so he can go waste his life geting his level up while we have fun with his friends , i personally dont care about my rank ad i playmore costume games then i do match made i could easily be in the level 20s if i wanted to but i have a life unlike that laos kid im a level 16 and i dont give a -blam!- i could be a level 1 and i wouldnt care its a game and so u people just enjoy the -blam!- game u pricks and one more thing who ever uses the word noob is an idiot and their proubily smoking some -blam!- so please enjoy the damb game jeasus criest

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  • Hey my friend said that on EB Games' website it tells you that Halo 3 comes out on June 30th, 2006. Is there any truth to this? What should I do if Eb Games is wrong?

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  • hey guys do u know what are mod on halo2 every one is talking about it

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  • A guy on my team was about to die and he yelled 'HELP' so I went and helped him, he didnt die... but he goes 'YOU STOLE MY KILL' Then I told him I was saving him because he asked for help. He also called my friend who was a level 7 a noob. It ended up that my friend had the most kills. And the guy who called him a noob had 3... But then he goes.. If that idiot Shonen didnt steal my kills i wouldnt have done so bad, he must have so many assists because he is a noob. I had 3. I told him to shut up and he called me a noob over and over again. So I go im not a noob I had 15 kills you had 3. Then he said he was going to report me because I stole his kill and would report me. Can I get banned for this?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Combat_Chuck how come all of my team mates on team slayer suck and everyone on the other team is always good? I'm not saying I'm the best halo player or anything, but I'm telling you that 75% of the time I'm the only good player on my team and everyone else on the other team is atleast ok. The other day I had to get 40 kills and the other 2 guys combined for 10(one quit)!!! especially since in that game I was a @ level 9 and teamed up with 3 other lvl 2s. everyone on the other team was around lvl 10. I think sometimes the way the matchmaking matches people up is messed up. can u make there be like an auto kick if players on your team have 1 or 0 kills after like 5 minutes? I'm sick of having players on my team that just feed the other team kills and thats why we lose. [/quote] I think the main problem is low level people bring their high level friends to take out everyone WHY BUNGIE do you allow this to happen. I think you can only play with friends that are 5 less or 5 more than your level. I had a situation where I was lvl 18 and my team normal levels, then the other team had a level 18 and the rest were 25-27! OF course now we know that the level 18 guy was party leader who let the high level guys cheat. Yeah are levels will go really high if we win but personally I don't care about the levels I have fun. I just put a piece of tape on the right hand corner of my TV and play but I find a problem when "skill level" is NOT THE SAME!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] lanass It's not about what their ranking is or how it will drop their ranking. I don't really care for there rankings. The point is about discouraging people from quitting a game just because they are losing or if they just don't like the gametype. If you want to play the gametype you like, then play custom games with your friends. If you don't like losing, then you shouldn't play online with other people. Granted that if your wife is going into labor or your kid is outside fighting the neighborhood bully, that's a different story and I highly doubt that you'll be on Live again playing anytime soon in the next 15-30 mins. The idea is to make people think twice about quitting just because they don't like it or is losing. Sure, you can still just quit, but at least they'll have to sit out for the next 15-30 mins (and we all know we're all big Halo 2 game-aholics and how being banned for just those few minutes can be annoying to game-ahoics).[/quote] They'll just turn off their Xbox...DUHHH!!!!!!!!!

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  • Here is my thought on the Halo 3 issue: Bill Gates was quoted as saying Halo 3 would be released on (or near) the PS3 launch date (Spring '06ish). We know that they are keeping this game under tight wraps since they said nothing about it at E3. They also made "micro-transactions" one of the selling points for the Xbox 360. I think they will release the Halo 3 trailer as a purchasable download on the Xbox 360. If you think about it, it makes sense. Halo is one of the most profitable franchises in gaming history. It has a huge fan base (almost a cult following, really). I'm going to guess that they won't release any information about it until the 360 is released. If they do that, they will encourage people to buy the new system and boost revenue with a micro-transaction for one of the most eagerly anticipated games. Microsoft will be making money off of a game teaser trailer: a first for the industry, but certainly not the last. Microsoft and Bungie are notorious for being tight mouthed about their "Pocket Ace". Rumors are already flying about the game and all of it is only feeding the fire for the hype. I highly doubt Bill Gates accidently let one slip. It's all intentional and it's working. Just look at how many people have asked about it in this forum. Microsoft is a very clever company and will make as much money from their golden goose as they can. [Edited on 5/24/2005]

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  • how come all of my team mates on team slayer suck and everyone on the other team is always good? I'm not saying I'm the best halo player or anything, but I'm telling you that 75% of the time I'm the only good player on my team and everyone else on the other team is atleast ok. The other day I had to get 40 kills and the other 2 guys combined for 10(one quit)!!! especially since in that game I was a @ level 9 and teamed up with 3 other lvl 2s. everyone on the other team was around lvl 10. I think sometimes the way the matchmaking matches people up is messed up. can u make there be like an auto kick if players on your team have 1 or 0 kills after like 5 minutes? I'm sick of having players on my team that just feed the other team kills and thats why we lose.

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  • Very nice post. Just a quick question about banning quitters. I like your reasoning for not banning quitters because you never know their circumstances, but could it be possible for us players to ban quitters? Similar to NBA Live. When you see a person's "career" it tells you a percentage of games that the person DNF. You also have the option to ban that player so that you never have to play against or with him. Could this be a possible solution in the Matchmaking process, where you limit matching up consistent quitters with actual players? I know it may not be possible, but it would definitely allow for more competitive battles.

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  • WTF!!?!?!?!? I was just in a winning winning streak on team slayer. it was ascention, we were winning by a little and ALL OF THE SUDDEN MY INTERNET STOPS AND I LAG OUT. I sign back on and go to a cutom game, I lag out again. I go back to playing machmaking again to keep winninging...... guess what, I CANT PLAY FROM RUMBLE PIT AND DOWN!!!! I have lost my legit 18. And now my highest lvl is in Big Team Battle... im now a 10. The only thing I found fun about matchmaking was Team Slayer. Now I have no fun. Thanks.

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  • I too want to know if there are dates for the last five maps to be released for content download. Or are they going to make it to where you have to wait for the retail disc to come out in order to get the last five. If I have to wait for the disc I will be one unhappy xbox live player, and I will hunt down every last one of Bungie associates on xbox live and assasinate them all. Sorry.. I had a hate moment. Doesnt usually happen.

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  • u guys r sad, all sci fi tv programs suck.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] medpimp Congratulations and thanks for all of the new maps, playlist updates, and new weapons balances, I'm having a lot more fun. I have a few questions I would really like answered. For one, how does the new level system work? With the original system you guys posted a breakdown of experience gained per win, distance between levels, etc. I'm just wondering how much my rank, now higher than before, is due to changes in the system, and how much is due to my blatant awesomeness. Also, I'm assuming you guys are going to reduce containment's weight in the matchmaking process with the next update? Maybe it's just me, but I've been getting that one map about half the time on big team. I love it and all, but I miss coagulation. You can delete waterworks though, I won't mind One last small request, I'm always wondering how I stack up against the general overall population of Halo 2 on live. Is there anyway you guys could post a semi-regularly updated overview of what percentage of live players are ranked where? Is it possible that most people are just as awesome as I am? I just can't believe it...[/quote] What the hell r u talkin about, u suck, really badly, i mean cumon, level 18? that is -blam!-e and u know it, u r a noob!

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  • Do u know how much the xbox 360 will cost?

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  • star wars is awsome what the hell u smokin?

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  • Does anybody know when halo 3 is going to be made or is it going to be made?

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  • Do u know if you can play every xbox 1 game on the new xbox or just halo 2

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  • u my friend are a -blam!- little -blam!- who probobly watches stargate and star trek which suck ass compared to star wars ...(u -blam!-)

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  • he did a star wars one a while back

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  • star wars sucks balls

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  • Are there set dates for the Live downloads of the last five maps?

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  • dude your freakin stupid man its protect not pertect i guess that is why you probably play halo all day isnt it?

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  • I have to say, I was arround 23 legit but then I hit a massive pocket of standbyers, and dropped all the way down to 20... It's so -blam!-. Of course I can't prove they were standbying, because I didn't lag out, and I don't remember their names. ... I should have written them down but it's not like it matters they probably won't get banned untill bungie looks at them on their own accord. Any way yeah if any1 who is good wants to play send FlySwattaOPain a friend request. [Edited on 5/24/2005]

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