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Edited by Jamie Steel: 9/8/2015 5:04:43 PM

I just got threatened by a 12 year old

It was just another day in the crucible with some of my buddies when we came across a particularly laggy team. It was a thorn lag fest on pantheon. At the onset of the match a 32 titan camping in a corner runs up to me and quick scopes me at point blank range. He then proceeded to tbag me for no apparent reason, I was using a titan with all legendary weapons... I was pretty impressed he was able to pull the shot off so I let it slide. Further on in the match and the game was tied at about 12000 a piece. I come across the same 32 who magically teleports from behind and manages to shotgun me. Yet again he proceeds to tbag me. I was tad bit angst at that point. So the next three times I saw him I squashed him and teabagged. No I am not a fan of tbagging and this was probably the 3rd or 4th time I had ever tbagged someone. My logic was that if you tbag me im probably gonna tbag you back. At the end of the game he sends me 5 party invites in a row. My friends convinced me to join his party for shts and giggles. As soon as I joined my ear drums were basically torn asunder. The poor soul, no older than 12, raged on and on saying I shouldnt have tbagged him and that I was bad for using a shotgun (please take in mind he was using a shotgun as well, was last on the leaderboards, had a low grimoire score, didn't have a single capture, and was likely controlled by the cold, ruthless grip of his prepubescent nature.) I tried to apologize and said things along the lines of, "Sorry I meant no offense, my fault, ect." But the poor child wouldnt stop. Never in my life have I witnessed a more hilarious rage fest. Before he kicked me, as I was apologizing, he said I was garbage and threatened to kill me, in real life, if he ever saw me in Destiny again. I just sat back and smiled. Gotta love being threatened by 12 year olds :) Edit: For those of you saying that it was my fault for joining the party and i got what i deserved please remember that i joined as a favor for a buddy of mine who thought it would be funny if i did. We all had a good laugh after and no harm was done. We still reported the crap out of him though. Edit 2: Wow over 900 replies. When i first posted i expected to get only one or two replies saying things along the lines of ur a fgt or you have weak knees or something. Edit 3: Nearly 1000 replies dang momma would be proud. Just thought id clarify a bit further. This story is meant to entertain and enlighten. Im in no way attempting to complain or cry to bungie. I wrote this mainly to get a few laughs and just remind everyone how rough our community can be at times. On a further completely irrelevant note, if you're interested in playing with likeminded people on the 360 or xbox one msg me at BTtheChief. I play with a group of 30+ who are all great people and are fantastic to play with. Im always looking for more people to play with and havnt had much success with lfg. Feel free to message me anytime.
#Destiny #RAGE

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  • Wow what a spazz kids need to learn that when they are actually threatening to kill someone in real life, that person has every right to press charges if he/she feels threatened(all though most the time when it's just a kid making the threat, there's pretty much nothing to really fear) stuff like that can get them into some deep trouble

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