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9/6/2015 8:21:59 PM
Bump. Thanks for articulating it so nicely Sol. When I look at what I got when I bought Destiny and the season pass I can not justify shelling out 40 more bucks for new dlc. I sincerely hate the idea that I won't be able to play Nightfalls anymore if I dont. Sure, I can still crucible, but if the new level cap is 40 and I'm stuck at 34 then I'm just cannon fodder. So by comparison, when I've shelled out 95 bucks for another game I have gotten 5 or 6 times the amount of content THAT I CAN KEEP PLAYING FOREVER AND DON'T LOSE ACCESS TO EVERY 4 MONTHS OR SO. Hell, I've easily spent twice that on other MMOs, and what do I get for it? Usually the expansions cost 20 bucks and I get complete new areas. Complete new WORLDS. [spoiler]For the people who insist that Destiny is not an MMO, what is the basic mechanic of an MMO endgame? Gear grind. What is Destiny's main mechanic? Gear gring. Sure, it isn't massive. But it is definitively an mmo. Suck it up buttercup.[/spoiler] Let alone what just came out about how Bungie has been screwing over its employees. Let alone that I'm starting college in a couple weeks and I don't have any spare money right now. If you treated the players right I would be willing to shell out another chunk of money (15-20 bucks for anyone who already owns a season pass is a good idea. Builds some goodwill with the user base that feels screwed over. Nudge nudge.) But 343 said it best earlier this year when they announced all the H5 DLC would be free. [b]Because they did not want to segregate the playerbase.[/b] I love the concept of the game. The mechanics play beautifully. But losing content repeatedly unless I shell out even more money for substandard product is completely unacceptable. Change it. Try to re-establish what Bungie was, not what it is becoming. Because at this rate Bungie is a sinking ship, and it deserves better.

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