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Edited by Lost Sols: 12/7/2015 2:15:42 AM

You don't need HYPE! or paywalls when content SELLS ITSELF.

Hello Bungie, Sols here. We need to talk. So throughout the evening I've thought about how I wanted to broach this topic.[url=] I started getting messages about it as I was making my last post [/url]and quite honestly I was hoping for one week that maybe we didn't have to come to this over a Fluffdate. C'est la vie I guess. So I thought about what is it that I want to try to convey to you. Is it anger? Indignation? Mistrust? Maybe it's all of that and more, but more than anything it's sadness and disappointment. [quote]Character • Character Level Cap for all players will be raised to 34 • Level Cap for The Taken King will be 40[/quote] [url=]This may or may not be something for people to be pissed off about[/url]. The fact that we don't know exactly what it means is exactly what is wrong with your attempts to "communicate" with us. Just like [url=]Luke's stupid vague remark about having to beat Oryx to play endgame[/url], this is just another stupid comment that- if written, needed to have clarification as to exactly what it was stating. The consensus from posts I've seen are people taking this to mean that anyone who doesn't buy TTK will be capped at 34 and therefore unable to run ANY endgame content. I've been asked in messages if I thought you'd actually stoop this low and I believe you very well could. What this could also mean is that on the 8th all Light Levels will go away and we will all have actual levels beyond 20 which cap at 34 and then once TTK drops, the new level cap will be 40. The problem is that this shouldn't be hard for you to communicate. I would guess that is more likely what you mean, but your choice of words is astonishingly bad and for someone whose job it is to be Bungie's voice for the community, that is simply unacceptable. In fact this entire year of communication has been unacceptable. The forums have been populated since launch by Guardians eager to be a part of this world and this community and pretty much every legitimate question, concern or debate that has arisen on here over the last year have gone ignored. For crying out loud, the Weekly Updates have been called Fluffdates since at least January and yet the joke doesn't end, it just keeps on giving ever so painfully. [quote]Soon.[/quote] Just like everyone is sick of "soon". It's not funny, it's not clever and it's not ironic. So communication is a huge problem. The Twitch streams, while a really neat concept with community personalities guesting largely fell flat and left more questions than answers. Oh, and I'm pretty sure I've tried telling you for awhile now that you don't sell content by telling people what they're losing or not getting. [quote]Finding a Fireteam will be part of the challenge[/quote] [quote]There won't be a raid, it will come later.[/quote] [quote]Some year one exotics will ascend[/quote] That's not really stuff you want to include in freaking streams set up to PROMOTE NEW CONTENT. I get that we'll want to know that, but that's kinda what the weekly updates and forums should be for and afterwards when you piss everyone off sufficiently, we should be able to comment on the posts and tell you 10000 times how freaking wrong you are. But you disable comments on Bungie posts because if there aren't any 10000 comments saying how wrong you are, then you must be right, right? If you are going to post on the forums, stand behind what you write. Now back to the other possible meaning of your comment, which could in fact be that anyone who doesn't purchase TTK will not be able to reach level 40. Some think it's farfetched, but then no one expected that 3 months into the game (hell, some had owned it a week) that game modes would be locked out unless we bought dlc. This is another BIG problem. DLC should not routinely remove content; it should be adding it and you shouldn't EVER have to sell dlc by withholding game modes. If your dlc is as good as you think it is and you truly believe it is worth what you are asking for it, then it should sell itself. We should goddamn straight be throwing money at our screens because the game should be that kick-ass. When you lockout content in TDB and now in HoW, make sure that either the NF or weekly is locked out every week, you're telling the people that have supported you that you could give two fracks about them if they don't pay up. You’re also sending a pretty powerful message on how you really feel about the value of your product and it is not a very flattering picture you're painting. You want to know how you get people to love your game and WANT to spend more money on it? Give them more. More things to do. More places to see. More battles to fight. More secrets to discover. More people to meet. I've stated before, if you'd just let everyone still run the NF and the weekly, but you'd given additional content (a second NF, PvE events like the Queen's Wrath Event, etc) that was only available to DLC owners, people would WANT to buy it to get the extra content. Again... I should want to buy your DLC to get MORE content, not to NOT LOSE game modes I already have. Your hype machine has indeed been in overdrive since E3, but we didn't have GI cover stories for the first Halo. There were no Twitch reveals. There weren't any weekly updates "holding our hands every step of the way to launch". Yet it was still so massively successful that here you are 14 years later talking to us about Destiny. How is that possible? Because the game sold itself. The content and the story stood on their own and they kicked down every goddam door in America and around the world and said "f Nintendo, f Sony, f school, f MTV, f your job, f your social life, I'm the biggest, baddest f’ing game to ever come down the pike. Now get your controller, tell mom to bug off and let's kick some alien ass." And for the next two years- “Sir, alien asses have been kicked, Sir.” So where is that Bungie? Destiny is not a bad game. In fact, Destiny is a big, bad mother in its own right. But instead of letting it kick down our doors, you're trying to sell it to us a piece at a time on the back pages. I get that Destiny is here to make you all money. I don't have a problem with that. There's a reason that some of us were more than willing to give Blizzard $15 a month for years to play WoW, because it delivered a world that we could go to get away from the bullsh*t that can be real life. We could socialize and gear up and explore a massive world together. Destiny could be that, but right now it's not and for you to throw up pay-walls every 3 months to go on is just low. You don't have the world WoW does, you have big round tunnels. Hopefully the Dreadnaught is more, but it doesn't excuse the planets. You don't have social interaction. If you had proximity chat and we could talk to people we met in the worlds and fighting public events together, it might justify the price of admission because BEING ABLE TO TALK TO PEOPLE IS FUN (yeah there are dirtbags, have a report and mute function. Not hard). You don’t have any in-game matchmaking options to easily play endgame content. There are a massive number of players that never experienced either raid so far, never played ToO or higher level PoE's. Some barely played Nightfalls because they couldn't solo them. For these players the only real endgame is Weekly Strikes, Strike playlists, NFs and Iron Banana. They paid for the full experience, but due to your jacked up "philosophy" they only experienced half the game. And now you want to take away that half unless they pay up??? Well, then try to make it worth their goddam while. If you want us to pay to keep these game modes, then give us matchmaking or LFG or some way in-game to play ALL THE CONTENT if you want us to pay for it. This bullcrap of we have to pay to proceed and then can't even play the sheet we bought without trolling websites is the most rigoddamndiculous thing I've ever seen. So there it is Bungie. That's where I'm at. I plan on getting TTK and I'm hoping beyond hope that when I'm writing the review, year 2 delivers in ways that year 1 never dreamed, but you need to be better. There have been many positive steps lately. Cozmo has been great for the community and most of the upcoming game changes are truly exciting and [b]you letting everyone play the new maps next week is how it should be done. That is letting your game sell itself[/b] and if it is sufficiently badass, you won't need pay-walls because we'll all be subbing up. - Sols out

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  • Lol I didn't even read this Thupdate. I thought it was anither recap of the stream like last time. Sounds to me like they're saying that year 2 content isn't available to those who don't pay for year 2. All y2 endgame is packaged in ttk. There for if you've not purchased ttk you cannot access current endgame. Do I disagree with that? Actually not really. But I do disagree with ripping the nightfall out of the y1 players hand. Now that's -blam!-ing shady.

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    • Agreed - bump

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    • "(a second NF, PvE events like the Queen's Wrath Event, etc)" This all the way. I just couldnt understand why they didnt take this route since TDB released. I was shocked.

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      2 Replies
      • Oh don't worry me and my friends are playing more battlefield then ever. We rarely ever play destiny anymore. Good news though! I got a Bipod on my knife

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        • Edited by Gaslight_13: 9/4/2015 7:27:42 AM
          I keep it short (busy working), so I only concentrate on the level 34/40 issue. My viewpoint is more desticle-like than that of Lost Sols, but I have to agree on a couple of things.... People often say that content is being removed, which IMO isn't the case. Let's say Bungie switched VoG to lvl 40 and redesigns it and from this moment on, VoG is only available to people who bought the expansion, that is removed content in my opinion. What happened until now is just that old content stays, well, old....I don't see this as removal, but just as a basic function of time. May be my WoW background.. But this shit with keeping people that don't buy TTK at 34 is something different. It's not new, we already had something similiar: In the Dark Below you needed raid gear to be level 32, people without TDB stayed at 31. Back then that wasn't really an issue, because you needed 32 only in two activities: The Raid (which you couldn't play without TDB anyway) and Iron Banner. But we all know that 31 or 32 isn't really a difference in power in Iron Banner. In TTK things will be different: Sure, without TTK you won't have access to those high-level PvE activities, so you don't need lvl 40. BUT, before TTK players could reach max level minus one, now there's a big gap of 6 levels. This will make nightfalls impossible (and you are already excluded from nightfalls in new strikes without DLC), Iron Banner and the House of Wolves activity Trials of Osiris will also be impossible. So, for the first time I have to agree..... Bungie is removing content. I get that without DLC/expansions the game will be less and less attractive, because you add new stuff and more and more players play the new stuff, but this step is too harsh. People who bought HoW will lose a popular pvp-mode just after a few months, that can't be right....

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          • Honestly my most hyped things for the taken king are the dance moves, possible exotic boots for warlocks, and a good necrochasm

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            • Why should you get access to endgame content if you didn't pay for it do you really think you are entitled to anything? If you do then you obviously don't know how life works. No one is entitled to anything in life.

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              • Edited by LEAFSreborn555: 9/4/2015 2:07:36 PM
                I stopped reading after you said Bungie stooped too low for preventing non-TTK from reaching 40..... YOU HAVE TO BE A GOD DAMN IDIOT! Why would Bungie allow non-expansion owners to get to the expansion level cap? Are you dense? The TAKEN KING END GAME SHOULD ONLY BE ALLOWED BY THE TAKEN KING OWNERS you idiot. Also its not hard to understand for anyone with a fcking brain. 34 is the cap for post-ttk non-dlc owners. 40 is the cap for post-ttk dlc owners. The fact that this thread has more than 1 like is astonishing

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                • Edited by Xeoboy: 9/4/2015 4:02:14 PM
                  The one thing I can say that I have really disliked about game features, game consoles, and games in general now a days is that they always seem to take the next gen items and remove functionality. Removing functions that existed in previous consoles, and game features is the way to lose a customer. Take for example NHL franchise for games. When NHL 2015 came out it was missing game modes and features that were all included in the Xbox 360 version of NHL 2014. I as a consumer do not like loosing features in a game that were previously included. This appears to be a constant issue in this next gen of consoles. If a game is simply not ready for launch don't put the game on the market and it is a sad excuse when the launch date can't be pushed back because not all the game features or content can make it into the game. To me that just ruin's the game experience and the moment the experience is ruined forever are you soured on the game. I would rather wait as a consumer until the game is ready for a quality launch then pay the money up front and get a shitty experience from a game. I don't want to wait 3-6 months for a game patch that will add the features that were missing from the game that should have been included at launch. I realize there are contracts and such with game developers but to be honest they should really care about the end product that they are pushing to market. It is only a matter of time before Activation, Electronic Arts, and the other game publishers lose the trust of the consumer knowing that their games ship as an empty shell and will not live up to the game they were promised prior to launch. Destiny has done so many things poorly the lack of communication has to be the worst to be honest as you stated Lost Sols most of us gamers myself included don't trust Bungie on the direction of this game from the poor decisions that are being made with every DLC release. I paid for this game prior to our beta launch that lasted a year and I can honestly say I am totally waiting out the launch of The Taken King. I want to see what people say feedback wise as to how this game didn't live up to what was promised or if it does deliver how poor the details were provided to the public to make a better informed decision to buy this game expansion. I am not a fan of losing the hard earned exotics I have and I welcome change or refresh to the game openly if it improves on existing game elements. I can't say I am really a fan of an overhaul of the old system to support a new system that will replace it. If anything it should have been a lets build on top of what we have currently and add these features.. or better yet write a story on how these features were improved to fit into the game. The lack of story is still to this day lost on me as I am sure others as well as to what in the heck we are doing in Destiny lol.. I have been sucked into Destiny for hours on end with friends playing and having a great time over the past year BUT, the grind of the game has really annoyed many gamers as we have had to evolve our gear and grind out numerous factions to get an item we wanted or even Iron Banner gear that looks great but then comes a new DLC that pretty much is going make the gear and weapons crap and pretty much need to get brand new gear and weapons just to start out again basic. Should have done something game wise for story and said the weapons and armor were proven to not be as affective against these new threats that us guardians now face. We have developed a new technology that will allow us to shoot lasers or some other type of modification to our guns and gear that will resist elements or allow our guns to work more effectively. I don't know anything would be better then just killing off the items without some story driven reason as to why its happening and not from a we didn't develop the game correctly in the beginning to allow these items to work so we are nerfing them. I do like this game for a lot of great reasons and want it to be more but I can't support removing features from the game this isn't change this is nerfing and game breaking. My personal thread is here and its constructive:

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                • I'm most annoyed by the bit about Elder Cipher weapons now dropping from the chest. Not only are they not showing any sign of giving more attention to year one weapons, but now they're actively reducing the value of what were once some of the hardest guns to get in the game.

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                  • Bumpfortruth, probably the best post I've seen you write, truly commendable

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                  • Edited by dova spook: 9/4/2015 3:57:51 PM
                    Another way Bungie is "encouraging" sales. Activision/Bungie's funny business has turned me off to any kind of future investment. Frankly, I'm surprised 2.0 isn't behind a pay wall.

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                  • Clapclapclap

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                  • What do you think about a reward like this:

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                  • Boo. I wouldn't pay a monthly fee. I would much rather pay for the DLCs one time. I think bungie is doing the best they can to avoid monthly fees and still make a profit. They still have a long way to go of course. It sucks that they are removing some content though. Doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

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                  • slow clap. truly inspired by your well thought out posts. i have lost all faith in bungie though. i hope you continue to make these posts but it is clear after a full year of expressing our concerns and desires they just fall on deaf ears. either bungie doesn't care about it's disgruntled customers or they are so arrogant they believe they can retain a large following by abusing their trust. i am going to play TTK but I have zero expectations for a decent amount of content because we already know what to expect based on previous DLC's.

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                    • My sentiments exactly! I was thinking this myself, great games sell themselves there is no need for any built up hype or devious marketing schemes. My question to them is how do casual players play this game? Sure if you have at least 6 or more hours a week that you can play you won't have too much of an issue with your weapon choices other than dealing with the terrible RNG system. But one of my best friends who had time constraints; always had trouble with end game activities and covering a certain weapon with a particular damage type. I would ask him to break out his void sniper and he would reply that he didn't have one. Ok no problem I will do the sniping you cover up close with your arc shotty, nope sorry I don't have one of those either. Or I just got one but I haven't had an opportunity to level it up. If Bungie is going to continually change gear every 3 months it will continue to create those problems for the casual player. Personally I have been treating Destiny like walking into a bear in the woods, just holding my ground but backing away slowly. I want this game to be good but almost every positive change is followed by two very bad decisions. Grinding new weapons every 3 months is just not fun for me and that seems to be the trend for this game. I am disappointed though in hearing that your going to buy the TTK dlc sols, but to each their own. Otherwise good post as usual.

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                    • But...but content takes work! So much better to get people to have to pay for no content, and then tell them that this is the future of gaming and it's their fault if they don't like it.... [b]Better yet,[/b] get a bunch of fans who have been suckered into the game to yell at people with valid points of view and how they are not stupid for following along with Bungie 'who knows better'. That way, less sales team needed, more obscurity, and more BUCK$ for less work. Woooo!

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                    • Bumpppppppppppppp

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                    • Bump

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                    • Bump

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                    • I'm hearing bounties will auto delete as well. Can anyone confirm this? Am I saving my iron wrath and 5000 bounties for no reason?

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                      4 Replies
                      • I honestly don't know how people still have the energy to ask Bungie anything :) certainly for answers! Or acknowledgment even!

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                      • I read it as from 2.0 download till the taken kings release on 15th September will be capped at 34 After that the cap will be 40, I think they've already said the level cap will be for all. You are right though, they've not been very clear. And hell yes optional matchmaking needs to be added.

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                      • Edited by chango815: 9/4/2015 1:54:20 PM
                        Level cap might be 40 for ttk but instead of forever 29 It's gonna be forever light 290 (if the light number cap is 300) Unless they truly fix rng That's gonna plaster the forums

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                      • So if you dont buy it you will be at a 6 level disadvantage iron banner and trials

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