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Edited by Lord Bird I: 9/4/2015 3:02:34 AM

Mr. Fruit's View on Titans and Class Balancing

Titans should be buffed (I am a Titan)


Titans should be buffed (I am not a Titan)


EDIT: Please ignore the poll, I accidentally posted it unfinished and now I can't change it. [quote]As to all those who don't believe that Titans are the worst, and are trying to refute me. I could spend a whole video talking about it, but almost every point you all bring up - the other classes either have it built-in, or an exotic that outclasses it. Bubblebro is priceless in PvE. But for PvP, Titans are just at a clear disadvantage. As a person who has used every class, and every subclass, and has most time put into a Titan this is the consensus I've come to. Thankfully it looks like Sunbreaker is going to change things for Titans in PvP, but let's look at it realistically: Slowest agility : Yes you can use the "triple" tap jump to speed around, but it's not intuitive to most and it's not always practical to run around doing it in PvP and in a gunfight, you don't have the same speed to strafe or even run away - not to mention blink is just a get out of jail free card. It's so easy to avoid supers, heavies etc with blink, but titans can't get away so even overall titan's k/d usually don't match up with the other classes. It's the "TANKY" class : We're supposed to be the frontline, however even when we max our armor out we only have 1 more health than a hunter in PvP I believe, and are tied with Warlocks. The Ram alone gives Warlocks like 22 more health in PvP which is insane. Melee : We're supposed to be the melee class, but it's a fact our melee is the worst. No range to it. Hunters are above it especially with blink strike glitch, and the warlock is just a mile ahead of them both. Yes we have shoulder charge, but as you can see it's pretty easy to counter if you know what you're up against and titans also have to usually prep for shoulder charge beforehand knowing when it'll be up after sprinting, and how long it'll be up. Supers: The Fist of Havoc is situational, rarely nets several kills, and you almost feel punished for using it at times because it always seems like you need to save it for a cluster, which rarely seems to happen. Warlocks have the same thing in the form of Nova Bomb, which they can send from a safe distance. Hunters have a super that pretty much guarantees 2-4 kills every activation. Exotics: Yes the Saint-14 is great... in PvE. It can help occasionally in PvP, but using bubblebro in PvP is already putting you at a disadvantage. Ruin Wings are bugged and only useful for PvE. Arma is great for two grenades which can help, but warlocks have that perk built into their subclass already. Pretty much any other exotic is completely niche, or just offers a perk that's already in your subclass. Feedback fences? It tickles the enemy, I've gotten 1 kill across my hours of playtime using it. PvP you just have nothing that really helps, and so I often use Inmost light just because it lets me take 2 skills for my super. You can all sit here and argue on and on about it, but I can say without a doubt that Bungie is sitting on data that backs up exactly what I'm saying - especially PvP. I talked to Luke Smith and Mark about this while I was at bungie for hours on end. The Titans just don't have anything they really shine at, except for being the staple for most PvE encounters with the Bubble. They told me they're aware of it and are always looking at ways to fix it. So fingers crosses, but even Bungie knows Titans are a notch down from the others. The bubble is near useless in PvP because it can't protect against supers, you can't use it as a reactive defense because everything bursts it. Anyway like I said I could go on and on and on about this because as someone who wants the Titans so badly to be really good, it hurts to realistically look at it and know that we're just not at the same tier with the current build. I'm not going to respond to the comments to this because it won't get us anywhere, you're always free to disagree. /rant[/quote] -Mr. Fruit This comment can be found here: This is probably the best argument for class balancing I've seen in a long time. The video (Specifically the first round) shows the clear disadvantages that the Titan has in the melee department, even with shoulder charge. And in the round where they were all using an auto rifle, Mr. Fruit absolutely crushed Blue and Rhabby, so he's likely more skilled than them, but in the other rounds in this series it doesn't look like it because abilities were allowed in those rounds. Other Thread with more evidence: Statistics thread: Tell me if you agree or disagree, and if you do disagree please give a valid argument rather than "Fist of Havoc/Shoulder Charge/Lightning Grenades is/are OP" or at least give some form of evidence to prove it. Thanks for Reading!

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  • Edited by OldeSkoolKool: 9/4/2015 7:54:23 PM
    Mr. Fruitcup obviously doesn't know how to play a titan. Everyone has a preference when it comes to classes. Opinions...they matter.

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    2 Replies
    • With the change in marks, I don't think I will be playing as a titan in pvp unless the new sub class is on par with the others

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    • Shoulder charge isn't even that good anymore because every warlock and their mother just wears ram so they can survive it and shotgun it or melee.

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    • Biased pole is biased

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    • Edited by Darth Noodle: 9/4/2015 10:24:36 PM
      Whenever I play in crucible, I always use my titan. My hunter is my favorite class but it feels like I cant compete with other classes. I hate the warlock so I never use that, but when i use my titan I usually get on a 5 or 10 kill streak every game. I disagree based on everything that I have experienced while playing. I personally think that some people are turning into crybabies about the titan, and Im not trying to hate on Mr fruit, but even he is sounding like a salty fruit.

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    • I think this pole is slightly biased

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    • Edited by Nanye: 9/4/2015 4:29:00 PM
      I disagree, and I am a Titan user. Now personally, I play to the strengths and weaknesses of each class. I have adapted my playstyle to suit almost all subclasses (I cant play as a Gunslinger for my life), and I have to say I am a pretty good player stat wise. [spoiler]Bladedancer is the melee class, not Titans in general....[/spoiler] Also I can use a bubble effectively in PvP.....

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      26 Replies
      • What about no one cares what Fruitcake or any YouTube scrub has to say

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      • Whenever I play as striker in pvp I do fine, even against blink. The melee sucks but that's really about it.

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      • If one thing is clear it's this: The ram has turned the chill Titan into a big crybaby.

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        5 Replies
        • I wish I had the stats for my character because FoH has probably caused 50% of my super deaths, while the other 50 is split amongst the other supers. I'm not saying it's op, it's just that guaranteed kill that you can't stop. A Titan that says FoH sucks sucks as a Titan... FoH is a brootal took that can tear apart teams and change an entire round that's even better than blade dancer when used correctly. If you say people don't group up for its maximum effect then you've never played control because all you see is groups of 2-4 and sometimes you'll even see the whole team takings a key locale. A dumb Titan charges directly in plain view and dies or gets a couple because the others seen it and bailed out. A smart Titan sneaks in and gets close or high enough and slams it so nobody has time to run and gets everyone. You can say this doesn't happen but it does all the time and if I can use my golden to kill 5 guys on a control point in less than two seconds a good Titan can smash them in 1. I've played many titans and friends that can grab multi kills even in modes like rumble where it's every man for themselves so it's usually just a 1v1 match up they can interfere. Clash and control are great for groupings and better for smashing people. I'll create a Titan come TTK and I guarentee a better kd then my abused hunter. I'm already getting a hang of my warlock. I started off in y first pvp round last night with a .38, ended on my fourth round with a 1.75

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        • Actually the hunters melee is better than the warlocks melee, bungie nerfed the warlocks melee a long time ago and their self-res as well, you used to be able to survive a rocket after you self-ressed but now u can't even survive a shotgun

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          1 Reply
          • But he's going to ignore the fact that they have a ranged one hit melee In shoulder charge, and arguably the best super fist of havoc?

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            56 Replies
            • Fruit isnt even that good at PvP :/ I'd rather listen to Mtashed or Holtzman.

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              3 Replies
              • What Blink Strike glitch?

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                • Bump

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                • :)

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                • Titans are fine the way they are, especially with the new subclass coming

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                  2 Replies
                  • Edited by SteveNitroxid: 9/4/2015 8:54:16 PM
                    Here's my opinion, titans are ugly af and you shouldn't use them in pvp, yes they are good for pve (which is what the game was made for) so stop whining. Why use the class if you think it's under powered that's the point of selecting a class is feeling confident in what it has to offer.

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                  • Edited by Kolegra: 9/4/2015 8:51:03 PM
                    It would be cool if they remodeled shoulder charge. What if holding down the melee button activated shoulder charge instead of running? But it then used a melee ability charge? #feedback :)

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                  • Honestly the way I see Titans is the noob friendly class good for one cheap kill like a FOP or a shoulder charge InB4 why don't you play one then

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                    13 Replies
                    • Not going to happen. Warlock are bungies love child

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                      1 Reply
                      • Agreed, but it won't happen. Pretty sure bungie hates Titans, they'll never buff us, there's a reason for everything

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                      • Warlock melee should have range dropoff.

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                      • Good post. I for one feel comfortable with either subclass in PVP. But has anyone else noticed that the Titan seems [b]a lot[/b] weaker than before. When I first got the game last year I felt unstoppable with my Titan, but a friend and I have just seemed to notice he plays completely different. He definitely seems weaker.

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                      • Absolutely agreed.

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