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8/31/2015 10:53:00 PM
Raids weapons and armor show where you've been and what you've done, they [i]are[/i] your legend. Exotics are bought or from the rng slot machine and not dependent on accomplishing something and therefore not special. Those things have meaning to those who have them, they earned them and should never be left behind. If a person wants to use vision or Word for the duration of the franchise, they should be able to. This is also about the lack of respect for the players time and effort this decision showcases. New content doesn't mean the accomplishments in the old should simply be cast aside and forgotten like it never happened. Yes, it is enough to get me to stop playing. Couple it with the lack of value I see in this dlc and it's a no brainer. 4 strikes, 8 missions, a raid and some crucible maps doesn't scream $40 value to me. That's the content of this dlc, the rest is beautification and housekeeping which non buyers will also get. So long story short, I'm definitely done. I just got home from trading my copy, the copy from Activision and the copy of advanced warfare for mgs 5 which drops tonight.

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