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8/27/2015 6:01:13 AM
Not an apology, but then again they shouldn't have to apologise. A game like this has never really been attempted before, honest mistakes were made, but every DLC/weapons balance since has been a genuine attempt to rectify those mistakes. Maybe things should have been different at launch, maybe it was rushed? I still had a shit load of fun playing it and I appreciate the effort Bungie are making to progress the game.

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  • Yeah that is a down-right dumb thing to say. It's been done. This ain't that new...

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  • Give an example, then.

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  • Why would you challenge me on this? Are you really that clueless? Borderlands Warframe Firefall That's just 3 off the top of my head. Hell, I can go all the way back to the early 2000's: Phantasy Star Online - Destiny ripped that entire concept off and just added FPS to it. Never been attempted before... they really got you desticles on your knees.

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  • Fyi, pso2 should have come to america, and its moderators should not have ever banned american players from playing on their servers. The man who made the game told americans (to just keep trying to get on and play, even pirate it if you have to) But the moderators label us gaijin (outsider) which is 100% racist and then ban us and forget about it Destiny is alot of things Its unbalanced Its rng based It is the only game where shotguns are good (multiplayer fps) It has no raid matchmaking It has serious reward issues It has no story (pso really didnt either, the main difference is destiny has cutscenes and voice actors lol) But at least it is not a game that discriminates where you are from. Bungie has been good to us I just dont think we have many chances to see how bad other games have it

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  • Actually destiny was attempting to combine those elements into a game Nice try

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  • Edited by FourExample: 8/27/2015 3:58:59 PM
    War frame is very similar, I would agree, but it's a much smaller title. Borderlands is a similar concept but it's [i]way[/i] to different of style and mechanics to be compared to Destiny too heavily in my opinion. That's just my personal thoughts, though. You don't have to agree. Bungie placed themselves in a very peculiar niche with Destiny. The way that they made this game, the way that they are developing it, and the style they adopted has not been attempted before.

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  • No No No And added FPS. It added FPS making it different not the same. So yes destiny is the first MMO FPS for consoles. Destiny is unique.

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  • LOLOLOLOL that funny dude :)

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  • not an MMO!!!!!!!

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  • Look up a definition of an MMO then come back.

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  • massively multiplayer online game! Massive= destiny is not. Multiplayer= barely makes the cut (3 man fire team, pitiful) Online= YES So there you have it. Destiny is not a MMO. and that for the gaming noobs who don't know what a MMO is.

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  • [quote]No No No And added FPS. It added FPS making it different not the same. So yes destiny is the first MMO FPS for consoles. Destiny is unique.[/quote] This is what a desticle response looks like... DeeJ has you trained right.

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  • Nope trained myself to not be hater self entitled kid on the internet complaining about what he wants to get his way. I respect the work they put into the game and feel like I got my money's worth instead complaining it isn't perfect because I know I couldn't have made as good of a game.

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  • [quote]Nope trained myself to not be hater self entitled kid on the internet complaining about what he wants to get his way. I respect the work they put into the game and feel like I got my money's worth instead complaining it isn't perfect because I know I couldn't have made as good of a game.[/quote]ok... Doesn't change the fact that destiny is not very unique and a lot of this has been attempted before...

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  • [quote]No No No[/quote] How can I argue with that logic? You really proved me wrong there.

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  • Beats me, haha

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  • You listed games that were different let's go with borderlands. Looter shooter not focused on storyline just on getting gear. Destiny while they botched up the story it still is more story and lore focused. Destiny is more vertical based instead of the horizon type gameplay. Yes there are cliffs and stuff but destiny is more vertical focused. Also gear leveling and weapon leveling is something borderlands doesn't have. Major difference. You listed games with no reasons why they are the same so I told the same basic answer you gave.

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  • Not focused on storyline? The story carries through all 3 titles is well written and thought out. Oh and it's all in the game not on cryptic cards on the devs website. Apart from team size borderlands is similar to destiny even some of the mechanics are similar. Not calling out devs on problems within a game that we have basically beta tested for a year is like putting up with buying a car and ignoring the fact the drivers seat falls out at 60. This game has a lot of flaws that need addressed. Some small some almost game breaking, the devs obviously didn't test this game fully before launch or much of the dlc. All of the endgame activities had problems from launch that had to be pointed out by the community many have still not been addressed and have you read the descriptions on the error codes? Virtually all of them blame the players connection when it is obvious the game isn't stable. Don't get me wrong I like this game I have well over 1000 hrs invested in it and "put up" with many of its flaws but those flaws are all to often glaringly obvious. I'm not talking OP weapons or crucible cheaters, I'm talking atheon teleporting and detaining players. Enemies not taking damage, knights running through the glass on crota, crota going wakko and running into the rooms, the list goes on. Do they fix these issues? No but they will nerf weapons on command from crybabies and turn this games multiplayer meta into a 3 or 4 load out game. Remember the "thorn is trash" posts shortly after launch, they buffed it into pole position of the OP list and left it there for almost a year. Almost every aspect of this game has issues the devs have chosen to ignore. Saying "I couldn't make a game like this" is an idiotic defense of the game. I couldn't make a microwave oven but I expect it to function properly when I purchase one. You wouldn't be able take a 747 but I bet you would have a complaint to make if the tail rudder fell off while you were on that flight.

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  • Well said SIR!!! Super Bump

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  • Bump this shit!

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  • Game breaking flaws in Destiny? I don't once recall every seeing a post about someone that had to delete their characters and start over because of a game breaking flaw/glitch/bug. All I've ever seen is whiney little bitches complaining about how their apparently better developers than the people that actually developed the game; and how bungie needs to change this or "fix" that to make this or that crowd happy. Yes Destiny has issues, what game doesn't. Some have more some have less but the point is... Some people need to just shut the hell up, if all you're (as in everyone like this) is going to do is complain about it and the "game breaking flaws" then either do better yourself or, as I said, shut up :)

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  • learn how to read bro :)

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  • Well thanks for your input, but I didn't say anything was game breaking. Did you see the word ALMOST before the other 2 words? And whiney bitch? You must have also missed the parts where I said I enjoy the game and that I put up with the flaws. How would pointing out issues be a bad thing? You are simply picking 2 words out of a paragraph and deciding to be inflammatory. To what end? I'm pretty sure I will still sleep fine tonight and get on with my life as normal knowing I'm a whiney little bitch in your all mighty opinion, why? Because your opinion is drawn purely from an unsubstantiated conclusion. I even pointed out the issues that occur from the devs listening to "whiney little bitches" but thanks for your input. It has been noted and ignored, have a nice day.

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  • My opinion means no more or less than yours. But you're right on one account. I actually can't recall reading your whole post, either that or I just don't care that much, either way it doesn't matter, it's just your opinion.

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  • Ok whatever you say.

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