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8/27/2015 6:01:13 AM
Not an apology, but then again they shouldn't have to apologise. A game like this has never really been attempted before, honest mistakes were made, but every DLC/weapons balance since has been a genuine attempt to rectify those mistakes. Maybe things should have been different at launch, maybe it was rushed? I still had a shit load of fun playing it and I appreciate the effort Bungie are making to progress the game.

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  • Edited by shirley timple: 8/30/2015 3:00:16 PM
    oh, another a true belieber. How does Luke Smith taste, guardian?

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  • Oh look another idiot with nothing useful to say. How's it feel being a useless tit?

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  • Like chicken? BBQ chicken if I have to be specific, I suppose....

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  • Edited by DeathBringerZen: 8/28/2015 12:28:32 PM
    [quote]but every DLC/weapons balance since has been a genuine attempt to rectify those mistakes.[/quote] Sorry but that is bullsh*t. There has been absolutely no attempt at weapon "balancing" in this game so far. All they are doing is over powering weapons rarely used so they shift the way we play. Shotguns and pulse rifles were made OP because they were barely used outside of PvP and now everyone uses them instead of auto rifles and scout rifles. The latest attempt at "balancing" is just them taking away everything that makes exotics unique and making them comparable with legendaries, which defeats the purpose of them in the first place. Basically they have adjusted weapons based on whiney posts and compaints by morons who want everything to be the same and boring. No fancy perks for anyone. Every sniper, auto rifle, hand cannon etc all have to be the same as all others. Any perks that stand out will be considered a crutch.

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  • Just because you have little experience in gaming doesn't mean that we are all gaming noobs like you :) Nothing original in this game except the hype and marketing!

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  • Little experience in gaming? My first experience of video games was when I was 1982.

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  • LOL really then you should know better!!!! What the hell have you been playing all this time? If you think that Destiny is original then I'm sorry to say that you are a gaming NOOB!!! You might have started gaming early but that don't mean anything if you don't even know the games that are out there...

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  • if thats true then extra shame on you.

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  • Shame on me? For what? Enjoying a game that you have issues with?

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  • For being ignorant about the games out there and then talking big... If you don't know then do some research, better yet play more quality games., that way you'll have something to compare destiny too :)

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  • Whoa there, who's talking big and who's being ignorant?! You're running the risk of coming across as a bit of a Delbert. All I've done is express my enjoyment of a game and said I don't think the devs owe us an apology. If you see that as me talking big and being ignorant, then I'm guessing life must be a constant struggle for you and I kind of feel bad for you.

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  • Dude learn how to read!!! You know very well that the reason you where called out was for your "A game like this has never really been attempted before" comment. Call me Dilbert or Delbert, I couldn't care less. yeah go play the victim :) "All I've done is express my enjoyment of a game and said I don't think the devs owe us an apology". topical loser mentality! you talked crap got called out for it so now your gonna cry...

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  • Edited by Vesp1ne: 9/1/2015 9:36:58 AM
    Edit: Double post.

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  • Edited by Vesp1ne: 9/1/2015 9:40:15 AM
    [quote]Dude learn how to read!!! You know very well that the reason you where called out was for your "A game like this has never really been attempted before" comment. Call me Dilbert or Delbert, I couldn't care less. yeah go play the victim :) "All I've done is express my enjoyment of a game and said I don't think the devs owe us an apology". topical loser mentality! you talked crap got called out for it so now your gonna cry...[/quote] Firstly, don’t tell people to “learn to read” then pepper your reply with a raft of grammatical errors. Normally I’m not one to pick on peoples skills with the English language and for all I know English isn’t your first language, but if you’re going to rip on someone for not being able to read then please don’t make a mess of your own post. Secondly, I’m not sure why you think I’m playing the victim. Expressing my enjoyment of a game and giving a reasoned and valid argument for why I believe Bungie owe us no apology, is not me playing victim. Neither is me defending my argument against people such as you. Thirdly, if me giving support to Bungie is me “talking crap” then I can only describe what you’re saying as diarrhoea. If you want to carry on arguing, please continue, I’m not really sure what you’ll gain from it, but go ahead.

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  • Pasting your comment twice doesn't make it any less pitiful!!! YES!!! learn how to read! That mean understand what is written instead of simply making up whatever you want to read! And again dude you where called out for a reason! you can try to turn things around by ignoring what was said and trying to change the topic to "poor me I was only saying it was a good game" But we both know that wasnt the issue. let me try to make things easy for you. Nobody cares that you love Bungie, that's your prerogative. How ever when you make comments like "A game like this has never really been attempted before" you show your ignorance and shouldn't be surprised that people call you out. Now you can use feces all you want to make your argument but it doesn't really lend credibility to your argument. Ps: Yes English is not my first language, who cares.... get over yourself. Hope English isn't your first language.

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  • Ok.... You tell me a game that has elements of MMO, RPG and FPS, that has at least a 10 year plan, caters to 16 million players, has a story system like the Grimoire, that enables you to build an emotional attachment not only to your character but also the weapons you use and that has a solid PvP mode. You point out a game that has that. If you say Warframe I'll just laugh. My opinion still stands. I think there isn't a game like Destiny.

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  • I cant think of any other game that uses the stupid Grimoire system (and for good reason). Boarder lands, Warframe, GTA online, MAG, Planet side.... that's just off the top of my head. You can laugh all you want but laughing like farting is not a valid argument is it? I mean after all I've laughing at you all weekend LOL (just joking). PS: I would question your description of the game though. I don't think Destiny enables you to have emotional attachment to either your character or gear. You simply don't know enough about who you are to get attached, same thing goes for every other character in the game. If you like to read novels you'll get where I'm coming from. As far as the gear goes, Personally I cant get attached to any piece of gear as the game mechanics makes you trade up pretty quick. About the 10 year plan, this is nothing new every big franchise does this!!! they plan a 5,10,20 year in advance. As far as player count goes COD, GTA, WOW and many more cater to a bigger player base ( I would be very interested to see where you got those stats though). Lastly I would say that Destiny PVP is far from balanced. And if you think PVP is balanced you need to go play some PVP (PVP is dominated by thorn, shotgun and Gally. NOT AT ALL BALANCED). Lastly I don't care about my spelling and grammar :)

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  • Edited by Vesp1ne: 9/1/2015 10:52:32 AM
    None of those are anywhere near the same scale as Destiny. And I disagree with you about no emotional attachment. My knowledge of the story is growing as my character progresses. The guardians were brought into the world and given little to no information from the Ghost or Speaker, we're finding our own way in the Destiny universe and I think that's part of the reason why the in game story isn't as fleshed out as you might like. Just as in real life, if you pay attention, read and learn, most things become clearer. Yeah, you can play the game as it is, just shoot stuff and move on, but don't moan about the supposed "lack of story" if you're not willing to go and look for it. If you take the time to learn about the world, the abilities, the factions, the weapons then that's where the emotional attachment comes from. Well, for me it did. I appreciate that not everyone is like that however. PvP is pretty balanced, I don't have much of an issue with Thorn, I don't get wrecked by it more than anything else, and shotguns are only a problem if you get too close.... Me being a gunslinger with a sniper and scout rifle, I don't have a problem with getting too close ;-)

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  • What do you mean by scale??? I think you might not know the meaning of the word. - Dude have you read a book, watched a movie, played a story driven game before??? -Yes I know the story and I've finished the game, done every activity there is to do and I even bothered to read the stupid grimoire cards... So I actually know what I'm talking about. And I'm sorry but the story is that's what you want to call it is at the best incoherent, incomplete and shallow. The very fact the to get to the story you need to leave the game is a prime example of the lack of story in game not to mention that it breaks the immersion of the game. -Balance is not about personal preference. Its about the overall game play and if the weapons, gear and ability equal one another and don't give one set a advantage (even Bungie admitted the PVP was not balanced).

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  • I've played GTA, Warframe and borderlands, none of them have made me feel like I'm part of something huge. Even WoW, with its huge lore-base didn't make me feel like that, and I played that from vanilla to Lich king. Destiny makes me feel like a tiny cog in a huge machine that no one really understands. Maybe I'm playing Destiny wrong? Maybe I'd enjoy it more if I came on here and moaned about every aspect of the game? Maybe being angry at Destiny and slating the people that enjoy it is the way to go?

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  • So your argument is: I don't like those games so don't compare them to destiny? It doesn't matter if you hated those games. The point was your comment about Destiny being original and never seen before game type. Which of course is totally false. I'm happy for you that when you play Destiny you feel like your apart of something really BIG. good for you :) but what does that have to do with the subject at hand? And would you mind to stop accusing me of made up crap? You've been doing this in almost all your comment and it really makes you look like a big cry baby! Again I'm going to explain to you that I really don't care if you like the game or hate it. The only topic I'm discussing with you is your comment stating that Destiny is a new type of genre that has never been seen before. Now you can put words in my mouth and play the victim all you want but it doesn't make it so... :)

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  • Edited by Vesp1ne: 9/1/2015 1:14:42 PM
    You questioned my comment on scale. I said that none of those games, in my opinion, have the same scale as Destiny. I never mentioned whether I did or didn't like them.... Borderlands was fun, mods make GTA bearable, Warframe just feels like a budget 3rd person corridor shooter. I really am struggling to understand what you're wanting me to say? To put it in a nutshell: as far as I'm concerned, Destiny is a hugely original game in both content and execution, the story is there if you care to look for it and I think Bungie have done decent job with the DLCs. There is nothing to apologise for from where I'm standing. As before, feel free to state your point again.... Just as I've made my point again. Oh, and what exactly am I accusing you of making up!?

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  • Edited by Spiku: 9/1/2015 1:47:59 PM
    OK about scale: Totally didn't get what you where saying...My bad! I though your answer was generic to the games as a whole. However I would ague that the scale of GTA and borderland open world puts Destiny to shame. Warframe also some really big maps and location but you need to get further in the game to visit them. Also Warframe has swords!!! (so not just a shooter :)) I'm not trying to get you to say anything!!! My original and current point is that Destiny is not original, many games have done similar game types and have laid down the foundation of the genre. To claim otherwise is unfair to those games. Now we can argue about the quality of the game but I think that's a different conversation. About the made up crap: you implied the following -I didn't read the grimoire and was unwilling to do research to get the story elements -That I'm picking on people that like or enjoy the game (or slating them) -That I moan about every aspect of the game -That I'm angry at the game (lol I don't even know how that would work) Edit: I've played Destiny and if you look at my stats you'll see that anyone who played as much as me cant hate the game :). But at the same time I cant call the game original... Not when I have played other games before that where very similar, to the point where I'm telling myself while playing "didn't that come from X game, didn't X game do the same..."

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  • Edited by Vesp1ne: 9/1/2015 1:52:35 PM
    I didnt say that about you specifically (apologies if that's how it came across), I was talking in broad brush strokes about the vocal minority of people on these forums who seem to just love to hate this game, you actually sound reasonable and our opinions may differ but at least we're relatively civil! It would be a boring industry if everyone only liked one type of game. But anyway, Destiny is pretty original :-P ha!

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  • LOL But I took it personally :) No need to apologies! We all have the right to our opinions, I agree gaming would be boring if we all liked the same thing! I just didn't want you and others reading to think that I was bashing you or anyone else simply because you love the game and enjoy it. Because in my book that kind of person is a total douche bag. We can agree to disagree and that doesn't make either of us bad or good people :) Hope you have a good one and keep gaming :) Ps: I just love a good argument!

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