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Edited by FJFSOM656: 9/6/2015 4:15:34 PM

Titan Story: Chp 12.3: Leadership and Fighting 101

The Exo Hunter practically ignored us as she continued to glare at Rex. "Don't be sure a stick in a circuit, Rexxy! I wanna get some points like the rest of you!" "Then go find another group. I won't allow you to end our test." Rex actually looked annoyed, a surprising emotion from his otherwise blank face. His eyes burned a brighter blue and his posture was one of a hunter, one ready to strike at any moment. The other Exo snorted and began to pace like an engaged tiger while still watching Rex. "You know what? I don't care! If I kill this ragtag team, I'll be the top of the pack! And that means you will lose our little bet Rexxy." Her mouth turned into a sly grin as her pacing continued. Her knife twirled effortlessly between each finger. "I've been practicing ya know." "In your wildest sleep mode, Kate-456." Rex hopped down from his perch and pointed both hand cannons at her. She stomped her foot angrily. "It's just Kate! K-A-T-E! No numbers!" "Your still an Exo, so you still have numbers. It's simply proper." "I don't like proper! You know that! Why are you so mean to me, Rexxy!" Her crossed her arms and stuck her chin high up in the air. "Because you act so childish. Now go away Kate-456 and stop calling me Rexxy." "Its just Kate!! Geez!" Everyone else, including me, stood dead still. The two highest ranking Hunters and the second and third seats in the top five students stood in front of us, and stuff was about to hit the fan. Hard. Charles took the smart route and hid inside my now formed helmet. "So what's the game plan chief?" "Sit perfectly still and pray she doesn't kill us." "Come on she's just a girl!" "A killing machine that has the predictability of a 18th century musket and enough power to boot. I'm staying right here." "Yea so? You can take her! You beat Amelia before! She's like fifth chair!" "Like maybe twice out of luck... Kates third chair..." "Sooooooooo?" Before I could answer, Kate barked at Rex again. "I won't leave! I'm going to beat you and win our bet!" "That bet should have ended 125 times ago." "It was only 124..." She grumbled under her breath. "It will be 125 if you don't leave now." Rex cocked his hand cannons. "Go away." "Oh cocky as ever! You will lose this time!" She drew another hunting knife at lighting speed. Rex fired off two quick shots. She seemed to phase right through them and charged at Rex. Switching his hand cannons around so the barrel faced his arm, he stopped and continuously blocked her flurry of slashes and jabs. "Nows our time to move!..." Charles whispered in my ear, a little to keen on leaving suddenly. "Go!..." I began to slowly back away from the fight along with Angelica and the rest except Laurentine who stayed in his branch. We moved to the edge of the trees and watched the fight. The fury of Kates jabs were quick and precise, each easily going for a vital spot if they were not blocked by Rex's own precise counters. Finally Rex stopped the cycle by fired off a quick round into her shoulder, knocking her off her feet and proceeding to kneel on her stomach after throwing her knifes away. Kate yelped in pain and stared up at Rex. "Well... what are you going to do?.." He simply brought his cannons to her chin and cocked, leaning in close. "You should have left when you had the chance." She snickered at him. "Oh Rexxy." Her finger grazed up her torso and rested in between her chestplate. "You are such a tease." She moved her finger up to reveal a slender, curved knife and used it to slash a quick slit in Rex's eye. He bellowed in pain as Kate knocked him backwards and quickly moved into the tree line opposite of us. Rex quickly got up, reloaded his hand cannons and looked around him. His wound began to glow a faint light as it healed swiftly. He scanned the area slowly and carefully. His Ghost popped up beside him and watched his back. It was a simple shell with a core that changed color in a very slow cycle of the rainbows colors. It didn't speak but responded in small blips and beeps that only Rex understood. It gave off a beep. "I know she's here, just watch." It gave a whirl and fell silent. The air grew tense as the seconds drew on. I watched my radar incase she snuck up behind us. Soon Rex's Ghost beeped loudly as Kate dashed from the trees straight at Rex with another knife along with the curved one from earlier. He simply pointed and shot. Kate blinked past him and threw down an Axion grenade. It whirled and sparked to life before Rex could get away and a chain lighting bolt struck him in the back sending him sprawling to the ground. Kate quickly took advantage of this and jabbed another knife into his side. He howled as she dug it in further. "How's it feel to lose Rexxy?" Her voice was jagged and harsh and her eyes shone like a roaring fire. Rex simply looked at her and managed to point his gun up at her torso. "You tell me." He fired off a round. She stumbled back as Rex quickly convescated her knives and put them into a slot in his side. "Last I checked you didn't have more than four that you could hid." He pointed his guns at her. She laughed. Her plated fingers angled out and extended, becoming sharp talons. "Told you I practiced." Arc energy from her super began to flutter over her body as her fingers glowed a bright blue. She yelled and lunged at Rex angrily, eager to reach her goal. link to Chapter 12 Link to Chapter 12.6

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