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4/23/2005 12:13:51 AM

Weekly What's Update

Wow. A huge dump of information thanks to Sketch and the test team, with everything you could ever need to know about matchmaking changes, stat resets and cheating. It's all inside. Go read. Go!

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  • That leaderboards are derived from the stats - Your entire record will be reset. [Edited on 4/22/2005]

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  • listen, this is my 2nd post to u on this subject, and i demand an answer, and this isn't what u called stupid questions. regardless to what u and bungie and the rest of xbox live feel about action replay, it's a legal and fair product, and i am a loyal supporter to halo and xbox, proud, and devoted, but i have been permenantly banned from live, with no warning at all, and as i later find out if u signed on live AFTER the update with the profile "a caring muslim", then u r blocked, i did not hear about this before the update, but regardless, i did NOT sign in under that profile, and never in my life used it in matchmaking, and i will continue to post and argue my case, because like master chief, i never give up, like true supporters believe, i expect a direct response very soon, my e-mail is, i'll be hearing from u. loyal halo, bungie, and xbox supporter, D i e s e l 369

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Secnd Law Office plasma pistol combos are for noobs. I just wanted to tell ya that so you would know, and the only good red is a dead red. As you can see. Humps on ya[/quote] if bungie didn't ban it: "IT'S A LEGITAMITE STRATEGY" - RedvsBlue (crazy religious dude) seriously the PP is one of the best weps in the game... i know the PP/BR combo is kinda cheap, but if it works, it works, and it is defendable. and the PP/SMG is being weakened...... so whats your problem coming in and B******* out another wep. on an official update forum that has nothing to do with the wep. your a few updates short - wep updates were 3 updates ago.

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  • i cannot wait until the maps come out......-blam!- awesome!

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  • BUNGIE LISTEN! Ok I know I'm like the 5th person since your update to ask but you MUST let us know...Are the STATS being reset? Or is it just the leaderboards? Or both? Seriously that's really all I've wanted to know and once again your too vague. WTF mate? Does ANYONE know? Anyone?

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  • plasma pistol combos are for noobs. I just wanted to tell ya that so you would know, and the only good red is a dead red. As you can see. Humps on ya. Plasma pistols are for noobs and I hate em. It takes no skill at all and it makes the game suck for the people who actually have skill. Theres no effort in shooting someone twice and killing them. I Know all you people who suck out there and use that combo are going to hate me, but I really dont give a -blam!- and you should learn how to play without being a pussie. It should be takin off all maps and BANNED FROM HALO 2. NOOBS I dont feel for any of ya I'm sorry [Edited on 4/22/2005]

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  • Hey, can I be banned for quitting out of training matches? I usually just hop into one until my friends send me an invite from a real game.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] magicmanp I am a 1st Degree Brown Belt, if anyone said this stuff to me, they would be in the dirt women[/quote] I agree with magicmanp until he mentioned his brown belt. Dude you need a lesson in life... isn't that karate stuff for def., not to be used unless for protection? i think you may need to be taken out of your karate class before you kill some kid for stealing skittles or something......... dud - you need help, mentaly- but the other stuff he metioned was true, cursing should be banned, you know you can turn off your communicator and still listen to other ppl and curse w/out anyone hearing it..... Otherwise i am so glad i can ban those many ppl that are -blam!- annoying and curse me out because i "stole" the rocket from him. also if they are reseting the leaderboards (wich is top 1000), then for everyone to get a chance, they would have to be reset to the same level. so everyone is getting a 0 for their level agian... the only question i have is can i change my gammertag w/out running the year out because the stats are being changed anyway? also boosting was the first cheat to be prevelent, that is one of the better things to go. and hiding bombs are a pretty bad technique, if you cant win in the time, and 30 seconds overtime.... then give it up... but i think that making overtime compleatly dissapear was a mistake, a 1 minute LIMIT would be awesom. That would be suspensfull. Me: "how much time do we have to plant it" Him: "....... I dont know........." Together: "..........CRAP......." [Edited on 4/22/2005]

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  • Gosh fricking bungie, i swear your descriptions are sometimes really vague can someone please explain to me what the hell resetting the leaderboards is gonna do? if they just do that then what is going to happen? they resetting our levels or what?

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  • well the update didnt do much i still get standbyd every team slayer game i play and i havent played skirmish but i imagin its bad to.

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  • I dont know whats going on with the reset of the friends list but everyone is telling me to keep one of their messages so that they can stay on my friends list. But at the moment it is just a rumor.

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  • Effing awesome. Autoupdate = teh pwnZORZ (haha sorry, couldn't resist :P), the new ubernades are freaking awesome. Hooray for banning cheaters. Double hooray for new maps. A thin strip of flexible material used to encircle and bind one object or to hold a number of objects together = BAND. Imprecationed = BANNED. This is fun.

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  • FRANKIE DEAR GOD HEAR ME, why isnt there a battle rifle only playlist, and is there more changes to be made in the future regarding standby, like will your bring the blue screening time down even further in the future, like it was 7-15 seconds before, where as now its like 4-7 seconds or less now, but please answer me Frankie your my flipping hero dont let me down, if you want to e-mail me or pm me or for christ sakes you can CALL ME OMG I DONT CARE JUST CONTACT ME please.

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  • uh heje my message did not appear

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] paraleagle I'm really glad that the cheats were addressed in this latest fix. It was getting ridiculous having to waste my time quitting out of games where the opponents were obviously cheating, and having to use my good playing time to leave bad feedback (the only cheating I see now is by players whom I presume expect to be banned soon, using their accounts to betray teammates in matchmaking.) However, I thought that flying around with the sword was an integral part of "mastering the energy sword" (to quote official Halo 2 documentation). In the hundreds of games I've played, only once was I ever able to actually kill someone using that maneuver (not a cheat) in a real competative game, and I consider myself rather skilled in the technique. It's just too difficult (in most maps, most of the time), risky, and impractical to have the rocket and sword at the same time or be waiting for an enemy to approach you in the passenger seat of a warthog, and not lose focus of the objective. I've never ever heard anyone complain in postgame carnarge report lobbies about someone using the Anakin move. Did anyone question Anakin Skywalker's ability to use the force in order to fly to the rescue of Obi Wan Kenobe in Star Wars Episode II?. To the contrary, he was commended by his opponent-Count Dooku if you recall. I would say that the vast majority of players who use the technique wouldn't want to rely on it in real matchmade games. Why not at least enable it in custom games? I can understand Bungie's desire to be consistent physically and geometrically (fixing ghosting, wall pass-throughs, etc.). But if you're going to domesticate a cool weapon like the energy sword in such a way, then you might as well do away with the Guardians, skulls, the remaining 5 rings, and all the other mysteries of Halo. The mystique of a great covenant weapon will indeed be lost. In the absence of the imminent introduction of some other form of personal flight device (like a rocket pack) Bungie should seriously consider reactivating the power of the energy sword, and not fool around too much with Covenant providence.[/quote] Amen

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  • what if I find myself having my worst game ever and I want to quit so the team doesn't lose? is that cheating?

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  • hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha -blam!- I -blam!- like -blam!- the -blam!- update -blam!- Bungie -blam!- I -blam!- wonder -blam!- if -blam!- those -blam!- maps -blam!- have -blam!- any -blam!- glitvhes -blam!-

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  • Hilarious. I hope those cheaters get BANNED. On a further note, who the hell cares if you're the 1st, 7th, 10th, or any post on the first page? Shut the hell up, no one likes you.

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  • the autoupdate sux stop kidding yourself i want my old Halo 2 back

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  • I'm really glad that the cheats were addressed in this latest fix. It was getting ridiculous having to waste my time quitting out of games where the opponents were obviously cheating, and having to use my good playing time to leave bad feedback (the only cheating I see now is by players whom I presume expect to be banned soon, using their accounts to betray teammates in matchmaking.) However, I thought that flying around with the sword was an integral part of "mastering the energy sword" (to quote official Halo 2 documentation). In the hundreds of games I've played, only once was I ever able to actually kill someone using that maneuver (not a cheat) in a real competative game, and I consider myself rather skilled in the technique. It's just too difficult (in most maps, most of the time), risky, and impractical to have the rocket and sword at the same time or be waiting for an enemy to approach you in the passenger seat of a warthog, and not lose focus of the objective. I've never ever heard anyone complain in postgame carnarge report lobbies about someone using the Anakin move. Did anyone question Anakin Skywalker's ability to use the force in order to fly to the rescue of Obi Wan Kenobe in Star Wars Episode II?. To the contrary, he was commended by his opponent-Count Dooku if you recall. I would say that the vast majority of players who use the technique wouldn't want to rely on it in real matchmade games. Why not at least enable it in custom games? I can understand Bungie's desire to be consistent physically and geometrically (fixing ghosting, wall pass-throughs, etc.). But if you're going to domesticate a cool weapon like the energy sword in such a way, then you might as well do away with the Guardians, skulls, the remaining 5 rings, and all the other mysteries of Halo. The mystique of a great covenant weapon will indeed be lost. In the absence of the imminent introduction of some other form of personal flight device (like a rocket pack) Bungie should seriously consider reactivating the power of the energy sword, and not fool around too much with Covenant providence. [Edited on 4/22/2005]

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  • The BANNED section rules! Thank you for working on this.

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  • hey i dont cheat and the only form i know of is stand by ..... whats this boosting stuff and what about super jumps..... my friends do the super jumps in custom and some guy was using that action thingie whats that all about...if its a custiom game is it cool ?

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  • he said the leader boards would reset, does he mean the stats too?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] magicmanp Regarding A couple Issues... [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] PoopeyPants everything that was mentioned was cool except for being banned for cursing.[/quote] Cursing is against the TOS agreement that you agreed to when you signed up for Xbox Live. I don't like it I am happy that it is getting people banned, I personally do use feedback in every game, good and bad. Racism really needs to be rid of, because that totally ticks me off because I play with alot of overseas people. I am a 1st Degree Brown Belt, if anyone said this stuff to me, they would be in the dirt, now thanks to this new cheating stuff, these people will be put in the dirt. [/quote] if feel that it is going ove the top to ban someone in a game because they curse.For me it's hard not to curse when i'm in a heated game and i died or my team or me are playing poorly. If they went through with banning people because they curse then they would be banning most of the community. If you don't want to hear someone who is cursing just mute them.

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  • Great update!

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  • how the hell can you have a name as white pride and be korean.

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