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4/23/2005 12:13:51 AM

Weekly What's Update

Wow. A huge dump of information thanks to Sketch and the test team, with everything you could ever need to know about matchmaking changes, stat resets and cheating. It's all inside. Go read. Go!

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  • i think thats complet stuff... but i herd that rumor also playing in the game. Thats complet stuff that bungie can do something like that even if its a accident. So im just currious on why they would all of a sudden start to do something on this level of mentalitly... but in retrospect from a third person point of view seeing someones account being banned for a week is slightly amuseing....well thats just my oppion so don't take it too harsh or whatever.

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  • Is it true that Bungie is planning on doing something about betraying people? Rumors are that if you betray someone more than twice that accounts will be suspended. Just thought I would get the truth on this. Thanks. [Edited on 5/1/2005]

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  • AscendantLaos, Adolph Hitler was a texbook homo-blam!-. Adolf Hitler's homo-blam!-ity has been demonstrated beyond question by German historian Lothar Machtan's massively researched new book, The Hidden Hitler, which shows homo-blam!-ity's central role in Hitler's personal life. But the crucial role within the -blam!- movement of the most vicious and lawless types of homo-blam!-ity, which Machtan also shows, is even more important than Hitler's personal preference. In 1933, six months after Hitler took power, the distinguished Jewish author Ludwig Lewisohn described what Machtan confirms, that "the entire [-blam!-] movement is in fact and by certain aspects of its avowed ideology drenched through and through with homoerotic feeling and practice." And those homo-blam!- currents inextricably were connected with vicious German militarism long before the -blam!-s. Hitler quit school at age 16 and in 1909 moved to Vienna, where he twice took and failed the Art Academy's entrance examination. Shortly after his move, August Kubizek, a young man from his hometown, joined him and they lived together for four months. Intensely jealous, Hitler wrote Kubizek, "I cannot endure it when you consort and converse with other young people." Hitler's adolescent move to -blam!-ly liberated Vienna — so new to him and so different from home — and his open choice there of homo-blam!-ity calls to mind the choice involved in what Charles Socarides calls America's "Thanksgiving Day Massacre." His book, Homo-blam!-ity: A Freedom Too Far, describes that "massacre" as when a college freshman, home for the first time after months at a -blam!-ly liberated college, joyfully informs his startled parents, "Hey Mom, hey Dad! Be thankful! I have something to tell you. I'm -blam!-!" For the next several years, Hitler drifted aimlessly. Despite immense -blam!- efforts to erase as much of his past as possible (by destroying his massive police records, for example) Machtan dug out clear evidence of Hitler's homo-blam!- activities during this period, such as his five months at a men's hostel known as "a hub of homo-blam!- activity." He formed close attachments to several men, but throughout his life was uninterested in relationships with women. In May 1913, he moved with another young man to Munich (said to be "a regular El Dorado for homo-blam!-s") and, in September 1914, joined the Bavarian army. He spent the war years as a behind-the-lines messenger, enjoying a long and active -blam!- relationship with another runner, Ernst Schmidt. At war's end, Hitler returned to Munich and more homo-blam!- activities. He met at that time Capt. Ernst Roehm, a well-connected army officer who soon offered him his first job — as a political spy for the army within a newly organized workers' party. Hitler's political rise from that point was "meteoric," Machtan writes. Politically "an unknown quantity" when he joined the party in 1919, three years later he had become an important political influence — "the repository of the deutsch-folkisch [roughly German ultranationalist] movement's hopes." Hitler's rise largely was due to the two brilliant homo-blam!-s who mentored and tutored him: Roehm, a notorious pederast and a contemporary, and Dietrich Eckart, 21 years his senior. Roehm, a career staff officer during the war, had access to both secret army funds and to military and right-wing groups such as the ultranationalist, anti-Semitic and homoerotic Freikorps — the fiercely anticommunist terrorist squads that sprang up, especially in eastern Germany, in response to the political chaos of the early Weimar Republic. Eckart was a fiercely anti-Semitic journalist and playwright who taught Hitler political tactics and introduced him to Munich and Berlin society, as well as to other wealthy people throughout the country. In April 1923 Hitler was convicted of treason for his nearly successful coup against the Bavarian government. Sentenced to five years in prison, he was released after nine months. He then began collecting the lawbreakers, -blam!- and other, who would form the heart of his new -blam!- Party. Machtan shows that the party was a -blam!- swamp from its very beginning, an evil conspiracy in which members held -blam!- or other criminal secrets over one another's heads. Indeed, Machtan suggests that Hitler's fear that Roehm and other openly homo-blam!- -blam!-s would "out" him and his associates was a motive for his later murder of Roehm. The -blam!- Party, whose terrorism and conspiracy had won it a maximum of 37 percent of the popular vote, took power in January 1933. In June 1934 Hitler had Roehm — his mentor, one-time closest friend and head of his 3 million-man storm-trooper organization (S.A.) — murdered, along with many of Roehm's homo-blam!- party loyalists and hundreds of nonhomo-blam!- opponents. These peremptory murders destroyed the rule of law in Germany and opened the door for the Holocaust's unprecedented brutalities. The massacre, and the tighter laws against homo-blam!-ity that followed, are used falsely today, especially by some Holocaust-remembrance enterprises, to show that the -blam!-s actively opposed it and that they persecuted homo-blam!-s just as they did Jews, only to a lesser extent. In a 1931 exposé of the -blam!- Party, two years before it took power, the Munich Post attacked "the disgusting hypocrisy that the party demonstrates — outward moral indignation while inside its own ranks the most shameless practices prevail," and said that "every knowledgeable person knows that inside the Hitler party the most flagrant whorishness contemplated by paragraph 175 (defining homo-blam!-ity as a criminal offense) is widespread." Machtan confirms that -blam!- hypocrisy, noting how "homo-blam!-ity was simultaneously proscribed and protected: Hitler had tailored it to his political and personal requirements." Serious political errors mar this remarkably researched book. The most important involves the role of Magnus Hirschfeld (1868-1935), the well-known Jewish homo-blam!- psychiatrist-researcher whom Machtan calls "the pope of homo-blam!-ity," and his being used as an unquestioned authority on the subject. Hirschfeld, recently honored at a conference at the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum, spent his life seeking to repeal section 175 and get homo-blam!-ity accepted. Why then was he such "an object of hatred" by the -blam!-s and their Freikorps predecessors, with Eckart, for example, viewing him "with positively pathological loathing?" The answer is the "two irreconcilable philosophies linked by a common dysfunction" [homo-blam!-ity] that existed then in Germany: the "Butches" (or "Machos") and the "Femmes," whom Scott Lively and Kevin Abrams differentiate in their invaluable book, The Pink -blam!-. "The roots of this conflict span a 70-year period which saw the rise of homo-blam!- militancy in the movement that gave -blam!-sm to the world." Machtan mentions neither the conflict nor the Lively-Abrams book. The Butches were openly and deliberately lawless. They defied criminal statutes, including those governing homo-blam!-ity. As criminals, they were not concerned with trying to change the law. They were anti-Semitic, militaristic and gratuitously brutal. Their -blam!- ideal was the man-boy relationship extolled and engaged in by the Greeks, Crusaders and Teutonic knights. They considered these pederastic activities morally superior to sex with women, whom they despised as useful only for breeding. Their deepest hatred often was directed against the Femmes and, especially, Hirschfeld, whom they reviled as effeminate and therefore contemptible. "Femmes," reported variously to be perhaps 5 percent to 15 percent of all homo-blam!-s, saw homo-blam!-ity on the same moral level as hetero-blam!-ity, rather than above it. They supported the overall rule of law and opposed pederasty and -blam!-. Many were involved in artistic and scientific activities — dance, music, theater and medicine — and persuaded many German intellectuals, liberals and Jews of homo-blam!-ity's acceptability. This acceptance of Femme homo-blam!-ity, based partly on seeing homo-blam!-s as a harmless, often creative, "persecuted minority," seriously undermined public awareness of the true threat and acute danger of Macho homo-blam!-s. Hirschfeld inadvertently helped the -blam!-s in another way: by keeping many -blam!- sex criminals out of prison. Lively and Abrams describe this, but Machtan doesn't. The Prussian authorities, rather than incarcerating many of these criminals, referred them instead for psychiatric treatment at Hirschfeld's -blam!- Research Institute. The institute consequently collected an immense amount of material about -blam!-s' -blam!- crimes. That's why its records were the first fuel chosen for -blam!- book-burning. Another probable reason for Hitler's anti-Semitism is traditional Judaism's appreciation of women and its fierce opposition to homo-blam!-ity and the debasing of women. German-Jewish historian Samuel Igra describes this in his neglected 1945 book, Germany's National Vice. Machtan cites the book but not the concept. The same assistance Hirschfeld and other Jewish homo-blam!-s, and their liberal and psychiatric supporters, inadvertently gave -blam!-sm by accepting homo-blam!-ity is demonstrated by the review of The Hidden Hitler in the New York Times Book Review by psychiatrist Walter Reich, former director of the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum in Washington. Totally ignoring the viciousness of Macho homo-blam!-ity, its intimate connection with German militarism and its pivotal role in creating Holocaust brutalities, Reich suggests that if Hitler was indeed homo-blam!- that "may actually serve to humanize" him. When will today's liberal supporters of homo-blam!-ity, organized and otherwise, recognize how deliberate defiance of traditional -blam!- morality can lead to that deliberate defiance of all traditional morality, which defined the Holocaust! Hitlers -blam!-. You're -blam!-. End of story..

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  • How come in OXM it said Elongation would be releades, but instead we got wizard?

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  • I must be missing something glaringly obvious, where is this update button or icon, or what? Everytime theres an update I have to dig and dig and dig to find it?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] deehoc god there are some -blam!-es on this all need to stop being dick's to bungie, they dont HAVE to do anything, they got your money already, everything else they are doing is just to be really awesome, so appreciate it god damnit. READ THE UPDATES TOO! DOUCHES! it's been so many times in the updates JUNE 28 is the release date! CAN NO ONE READ?! you are all stupid, and should kill yourself, frankie im sorry you have to deal with these jerks, when i get out of school ill come and help you out haha.......... hang em high would suck was SO FUN at the time jsut because you ran around scoping with a pistol.....but right now, that map is so boring and so lame cocmpared to halo 2 maps.....turf is pretty awesome, and sanctuary is epic battles have already been played there. yes, warlock is great, but not just because it is a remake, just because it's a good fighting atmosphere. some of the halo 1 maps sucked balls and no one ever played them all the time, well at least most people. most of us played hang em high, bllod gulch and battle creek(which was ALSO remade, along with blood gulch) after june twenty eight....there will be a total of 20+ maps to play on halo 2....thats pretty awesome on bungies part....because we paid the 50 bucks already, xbox is getting money from live, but i bet little of that goes to bungie.... i hate stupid people[/quote] Haha! On the contrary me and my friends played all the halo 1 maps all the time because it was so much fun. If the only maps you played were beaver creek and Blood gulch hangem high. You must have been a noob All maps were really good then especially chiron tl34 and hangemhigh and one other I think is derelict. If you cant learn chiron and beable to get around in that map and spend enough time on it to actually comprehend how good it is then you shouldnt even be playing halo. I am no longer posting in these forums I will only be posting with questions for now. because, theres too many noobs on this forum that say all this junk but know nothing about this game!

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  • Whats the deal with the update and humpday challenge? Its already friday night. I like to read these before i go out boozing. The humpday challenege is supposed to come out on wednesday, thats why they call it the humpday challenge. I tried that link above, but it didnt work for me.

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  • wow, you are all stupid

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  • Guys, what is going on???? I dont see the next update on the front page, but it is at this link: WEIRD!

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  • YES

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  • STOP CHEATING PEOPLE YOU WILL,WILLGET BANNED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DO NOT SAY I DID NOT WARN YOU! (---------------------)

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  • is bungie resetting all the personal stats or just the leaderboards?

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  • When are we gonna get some more info on the 5 new maps. I wanna see them. Me need screenshots.

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  • wow if u wanna take me head to head bomb ill verse not a noob and im not retarted..u can look at my level 22 on II D1SABL3D II...send me a friend request and we'll go head to head mr. kno it all, -blam!-!!! [Edited on 4/29/2005]

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  • xSwiZzoRx yeh you can get the maps without xbox live but thats on the 28th of june when the CD comes out in shops and it costs $19,99 so you have a long a$$ wait

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  • god there are some -blam!-es on this all need to stop being dick's to bungie, they dont HAVE to do anything, they got your money already, everything else they are doing is just to be really awesome, so appreciate it god damnit. READ THE UPDATES TOO! DOUCHES! it's been so many times in the updates JUNE 28 is the release date! CAN NO ONE READ?! you are all stupid, and should kill yourself, frankie im sorry you have to deal with these jerks, when i get out of school ill come and help you out haha.......... hang em high would suck was SO FUN at the time jsut because you ran around scoping with a pistol.....but right now, that map is so boring and so lame cocmpared to halo 2 maps.....turf is pretty awesome, and sanctuary is epic battles have already been played there. yes, warlock is great, but not just because it is a remake, just because it's a good fighting atmosphere. some of the halo 1 maps sucked balls and no one ever played them all the time, well at least most people. most of us played hang em high, bllod gulch and battle creek(which was ALSO remade, along with blood gulch) after june twenty eight....there will be a total of 20+ maps to play on halo 2....thats pretty awesome on bungies part....because we paid the 50 bucks already, xbox is getting money from live, but i bet little of that goes to bungie.... i hate stupid people

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  • isnt it interesting you can pick up the rockets too hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm oh i forgot your a noob

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  • I have an idea how about we take beaver creek out of halo 2 because hmm let me see we can't get any other halo 1 maps on the game so why the worst halo 1 map such as beaver creek I hate the map head to head cause everyone hides and it's such a -blam!- rocket map so yea why dont we take it out of matchmaking

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] rizo14 sry people burt the new maps sucks ASS!!!!! containment is big and all but its not a good map you guys should of uped the number of people to atleast 36 players i think warlock is the best map there. i haven't played the maps you have to pay for because its complete BULL-blam!-!!(no offense bungie) and really halo 2 isn't all that fun any more. i understand the proccess of making the maps is difficult and hard and takes alot of time but i still wouldn't pay $5.99 for two maps it sounds like a good deal but i wouldn't buy it and alot of dumbasses bout the "killtacular pack" but thats them. HAVE FUN HALO FREAKS C YA NEVA!!![/quote] I agree with you man! Warlock is the best map out of those 2 map packs. The question is why? Its because its a remake of wizard from halo 1. All halo 1 maps should have been remade for halo 2. Or you bungie should catch up on stuff and remake all maps from halo 1. Common youve got the time too and the money too. If you recreated all of the original halo maps and sold em on live for 20$ Id buy em in a heart beat. containment isnt a bad map I like it its pretty good. Turf and sanctuary played at a friends house those maps are not worth the 6$ If you ask me bungie you should have stuck warlock in the killtackluar pack. I know what you did brought back a famous map put it in with the free maps. Then when the noobs were fascinated with it they will buy the next 2 because the first 2 were of high quality. Especially the one being brought back from the dead warlock. I wish I could expect better from bungie. So the question now lies with why was halo 1 better. Ill tell ya why, Because it was never intended for xbox in the first place!!!!!!!!!!!! Microsoft bought halo out and made bungie release it to the xbox instead of releasing it to pc at first like it was intended for. The top pc games like half life 2 and doom3 were spent on a very long time and alot of quality were put into them. Halo 1 was spent the same way except for it got converted to the xbox. Because they spent such a long time on it and good time. It was the best game known to consoles and too me still is! Halo 2 was not intended for pc it was made for xbox so thus even though good time was put into it. The game got released early because nobody could wait for the game any longer. If it was intended for pc that would not have been as much as a problem. Because pc gamers are patient. Well most of them that is! So thus for it being halo 2 all of the old weapons pistol assault rifle and the old maps should have been upgraded with the new maps. new weapons of halo 2 and that would have made the best game of all year and the grenades should have already been fixed when halo 2 came out. What can I say they listened to the impatient noobs and released the game early before it was done. Oh ya and I can say one thing though. Were only human like they are so atleast they are working on fixing their mistakes. If they bring back some of the old weapons and the old maps Ill say they did pretty good. [Edited on 4/29/2005]

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  • Do you think Halo will ever have a shooting gallery so that we can practice with weapons like the sniper rifle? I think it would be nice to have a target shoot or somthing like the old duck hunt on nintendo (just an example) for all the newbies or even us old folks to practice with all the weapons!

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  • yo, seriously, what's up with putting out the updates earlier in the day. You have all week to work on that -blam!-, and yet you wait til the end of the day on friday. I'm on the east coast and would love to have something to read and discuss at work, so hurry up frankie.

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  • Yet another week and NO weekly update fixing the questions begging to be answered. When do the next set of maps get released? When will the new maps be put into mathcmaking and why is Burial Mounds the map I always seem to get when playing matchmaking? BURIAL MOUNDS IS THE WORSTE MAP OF THEM ALL!

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  • i was wondering if its possible to get the new maps without having live???

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  • hiding the bomb aint cheating but its being a loser people only hide it because there finding it hard to win the other team so they get scared and hide with it i think they shud grow up

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  • hey would getting on top of the building on turf near the med center be cheating. were u jump on the shutter and jump up on the wall (great sniping spot)

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  • no they aren't going to reset our friends lists

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