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8/6/2015 11:32:39 PM

Evolution of Supers

While it is wonderful we are getting new weapons and worlds to explore, what about the actual guardians we love. At present time in the game you are telling us that we have learned all the abilities of each class. There is nothing else to learn or even think of. That just doesn’t make sense. Since when does the human race just settle with what we have? We always push forward and challenge the laws that govern us. I believe this concept should be applied to the Super abilities in Destiny. Right now there are basically only 6 different classes that millions of people are allowed to fall in love with. What if we were restricted that way IRL? Human race would not survive. Diversity is the key to longevity. The following are a few of my ideas for Super Abilities and how they should be introduced into the world. Abilities Hunter – Duel Wield 1. By the very name the hunter now has 2 energy swords. This will triple the movement and attack speed of the hunter, Hunter does 60% of the damage as a single blade, but has double the shield. 2. Arc Blade – this adds a distance factor to the arc spec. With each swing the hunter will send out an Arc Blade of energy (picture Gyle in Street Fighter) across the map. While the hunter swings he is rooted and can’t move. The hunter can move between swings. If the hunter swings in the air he will be pushed in the opposite direction of the arc blade. Titan – Aura 1. Solar – First type is to become a mini star. This radiates damaging energy around the titan. Second type is a Point Blank Area of Effect (PBAOE) – the titan spends the energy and creates an area on the ground where enemies take damage in DOR fashion with lingering effects when they leave the area. 2. Void – the titan becomes a generator of sorts. Allies within proximity gain either extra shield or extra regeneration. This brings more of a strategic element to the ability. The titan now becomes the main target of enemies without being able to just sit in a bubble. This also brings mobility to the Void line. Warlock – Ark Orb 1. The Warlock sends out a relatively slow moving ball of Arc energy. All enemies that come in proximity to the orb will take arc damage equal to the amount of damage of an arc grenade from a hunter. This allows for high damage but enemies still have the ability to escape. 2. Warlock places a floating, stationary orb or ark energy. This orb acts as an aura for allies. All shields are increased and all weapon shots do extra damage for a period of time. World introduction These abilities should not be listed abilities but should have to be discovered. Now just because it is discovered does not make the guardian a master. The guardian must use the ability to become a master. Example: Discovery: An ark spec warlock goes to use their super and instead of shooting out lightning from his fingers he shoots out a slow moving ball of damaging ark energy. Now this will be a surprise but he will be intrigued and want to know how to do it every time. Just like in real life he will tell everyone he knows what just happened. So…any warlocks in the zone with him have discovered this new super ALSO any warlocks on the friends list will discover the new ability as well and can start learning how to use it. Learning: With discovery the warlock now has a 1-in-1000 chance to shoot out the ball instead of the finger lightning. Yes there is randomness to this. With every super use in the ark spec that chance goes up by 1 count. 2/1000 – 3/1000-4/1000-etc. until 500/1000 from this point on it reverses and the warlock uses the new super with a decreasing chance to use the original super. Different power-ups can be placed in for customization and playstyle dynamics. This dynamic should not be announced to the public and the person that uses the new super for the first time should be immortalized somehow as the one that discovered the ability. And Bam!(minus all the planning and coding that will need to be invented for this) just like that your choices have been doubled. There are more Super ability ideas but I didn’t want to make this pages upon pages long. Thank you for reading! XB1 – Slack Pawner Twitter – Elemental_drake Twitch – Elementaldragons YouTube - TheArtInGaming P.S. Please excuse any spelling or grammatical mistakes. I am a guardian. I protect and fight, not type at a keyboard.

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