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7/31/2015 4:54:10 PM
People like you are trying to completely ruin the game...the bosses SHOULD be hard and SHOULD take an should have to switch guns according to the boss and work as a team with skill and strategy to be able to win...yes the loot drop rate sucks and yes it sucks for people who have the guns that are getting nerfed. But seriously, deal with it. The game shouldn't consist of people running through entire raids in 20 min because they can with weapons like IB and gally. They're nerfing the guns to inspire us to use a variety of weapons and to make the game more challenging and rewarding when you do get that sweet loot. Nevertheless the loot drop rate does suck and I think that if they are making the game harder they should make it worthwhile and maybe garuntee us at least 1 exotic per 2 hard raids/6 easy raids/3 nf strikes/100 crucible matches or something like that. They should also garuntee us at least 1 legendary weapon or gear every weekly, nf, raid, 15 crucible matches. Idk just to make the game a bit more rewarding. But they should also add a ton more exotics and legendaries in ttk, I hate getting the same guns it blows. I'm serious tho like double the amount they have. But anyways learn to use different weapons

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