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6/3/2015 3:31:36 AM

Prisoner of Elders Critique

I'm seriously infuriated with PoE plays right now at this very moment. Honestly, I do love the concept of PoE and like how it's set up. It's something new and you get some good rewards as well, also it's pretty challenging. But this is my main issue. Prisoner of Elders is just way to frustrating and is just not enjoyable to play, at least the bosses. Fighting up to the boss is actually pretty entertaining, taking into account all the modifiers and adapting your strategies. But the playlist bosses are just extremely difficult, to a point where I think it's just more frustrating than actual fun. The boss mechanics and gimmicks don't seem well thought out whatsoever. Now I'm certainly not the best player but I'm pretty good and usually manage everything quite well, I got a good team and I play with various people from time to time. Sometimes we're more successful than other times but in the end we still pull through and have no issues. We actually breeze through the first rounds in PoE but the bosses is what makes everybody of us so utterly angry. Now, I've spent so much time recently with the PoE playlists and we always get stuck at the bosses. It's so time consuming and the strategies that you have to use in order to win seem incredibly hard and often punish you if you just do one mistake. Qodran luckily got a nerf but it's still extremely annoying to play it, way to much ads and the eye is always hidden making it so unreliable. Sometimes you just get lucky and at times you're just screwed. It doesn't feel like it's skill dependant but more about chance, we tried it doing the legit way but it's just so annoying. Then we relied on the simple ghallahorn tactic which is frankly not fun but in the end more effective, sure people complain about it but no wonder are actually using it because the game actively encourages you to use such cheap tactics and honestly I don't mind. Kaliks also has an annoying gimmick with all the dregs, there are so many and it's just utter chaos. At the end we still just resorted to just use raw dps in order to take him down, simply because it's just more efficient. Bosses just seem to have way to much health or ads that spawn in. Making it far more infuriating than rewarding or challenging. The only one I particularly like is Urrox's Grudge which is pretty a neat boss mechanic, but the other one's are just so goddamn time consuming and boring, encouraging cheesing and cheap tactics. I'm fairly sure that this comment of mine has a sour taste to it but I'm extremely frustrated because I can't seem to defeat these bosses despite serious effort and time investment, while trying various tactics. From a gameplay and mechanics point of view, it's just not enjoyable to play. It definitely needs some tweaks and changes here and there. Also, please refrain from saying "get gud" or "get better at the game, find some better players". I'm a fairly competent player and I'm viewing this from a game design perspective.

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