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Edited by KICKR Snipes: 7/16/2015 2:54:56 PM

What Destiny Changes are the Most Important to You?

#1 is the most important for me


#2 is the most important for me


#3 is the most important for me


#4 is the most important for me


#5 is the most important for me


#6 is the most important for me


Other - leave comment of what is important to you


1. [b]Get dedicated servers [/b]- this would eliminate lag, being booted because of network errors, and cheaters being able to lag switch. 2. [b]Increase Skolas loot drop rate[/b] - we have many different views of how, but I think we can all agree that this should be increased. It's currently around 15-20%. 3. [b]Make every round in Prison of Elders have random modifiers[/b] (not just the boss round of Skolas' Revenge). 4. [b]Rebalance weapons (In Crucible)[/b] - There is no need to nerf weapons in PvE, such has been done in the past, but the meta for PvP has become ruined by OP weapons such as The Last Word, Thorn, The Messenger, and Red Death, shotguns with shot package and hammer forged, snipers with final round. The current time to kill is way to short. If you are shot in the back with one of these weapons you are dead before you can turn around and fight back. Auto rifles need to be buffed slightly too. 5. [b]Increase Husk of the Pit drop rate.[/b] 6. [b]Refine the RNG loot system[/b] to only drop items you don't already have before dropping duplicates. EDIT: Other requested changes by the community: [b]Checkpoints in PoE. More vault space. Optional Matchmaking.[/b]

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