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Edited by Ordinal Prime: 7/6/2015 7:47:57 AM


As an Australian player i payed a total of $35 for expansions 1 & 2. Just about the same as what American players paid, even with my countries taxes and exchange rates etc. So my big grumble is: why do Australian players have to pay nearly 100% of the price Americans are paying, for the third expansion? It almost feels like discrimination for bungie to turn around and decide that all of a sudden, Australia will be paying much more than Americans for the 3rd DLC. And i hear the UK players have it even worse off. And thats not even getting started on the collectors edition. Now mind you the american price for the 9 CE trinkets is $20, witch some people are already claiming is exorbitant. Well over here in Australia its a whopping $50 (FIFITY! DOLLARS!) for 9 -blam!-ing trinkets! And again the UK has it worse... SMH bungievision. Anyway all in all the AUS TTK CE package is a total of $120 (bringing day 1 AUS players grand total spent on the game to a monstrous $255AUD). And the USA TTK CE package is priced at $60 (bringing the day 1 USA players grand total to $140USD). So if i decide to buy the CE edition here in Australia (don't worry I'm definitely not) ill be paying nearly 100% more than Americans are for the same content. And in my opinion thats some pretty disgraceful business. Got anything more to add? Or just want to correct me on something i got wrong? Feel free to comment below :)

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