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Edited by Energyking: 12/11/2015 4:53:08 PM

Exotic Weapon Ideas

Hi Community and Hopefully Bungie, Here's a thread made to post your ideas for exotic weapons. Here's mine: Brewing Storm - exotic arc Handcannon It would basically have the shape of Fatebringer but the color scheme and lighting bolts like Thunderlord "Winds can be stilled, oceans can be calmed, but none can stop the storm with in!" [spoiler]For the stats below, 1 is the lowest and 10 is the highest[/spoiler] Magazine: 4 Rate of Fire: 3 Impact: 9 Range: 5 Stability: 6 Reload: 8 Upgrade tree: Row 1: Arc Fan fire (maybe, probably not) Row 2: Soft Ballistics Linear Comp Accurate Ballistics Row 3: Third eye Row 4: Send it Field scout (increases mag from 4-10) Perfect balance Row 5: (unique buff) Brewing Storm: Precision kills cause enemies to leave behind a storm cloud, causing 3 lighting bolts to shoot out a nearby enemies. Then of course, the bs damage upgrades that you put in where needed Reason for such a low mag is because it has "lightning speed" reloads. [spoiler]Tell me what you guys think! Sounds better than Fatebringer huh?[/spoiler] Edit: I changed mag size (7 to 10 w/ field scout) Edit: Someone nechrobumped this Edit: At this point i would just love a fatebringer again y bungie y!

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  • It seems everyones doing primaries so im going to do a secondary. Name: the candle wick. (Or possibly playing with matches) Description: it will burn... Enjoy it... Class: shotgun [u]skills[/u] I will go by tiers Tier one: solar, rapid fire Tier two: just an random assortment of different sights. Tier three: (this is a cool but you have to see what the exotic skill is first.) [b][u]phenix[/u][/b]: decreases range significantly but increases reload and impact greatly.(told you id be interesting) Tier four: damage upgrade Tier five: agility +2, perfect balance, and [b][u]sudden movements[/u][/b]: better accuracy while moving but decreased accuracy while standing(again just go along with it) Tier six: exotic perk: [b][u]ring of fire[/u][/b]: when damaged to red health, emit a burst of fire then a pulsing ring of fire around your feet until red health is white health (basically red health is health is health and white health is shields.) cool down: 30 seconds. RoF: moderate high Stability: low Range: low Magazine size: 5 Reload speed: high Accuracy: moderate Impact: high I might have missed something in the stats but tell me guys what you think! If its op then suggest a nerf. I was wondering if destiny takes gun ideas from players and i really want to have a shot at getting this gun in the game. Im sure others would enjoy a gun like this too.

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