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Edited by Marshal Spectre: 7/1/2015 11:31:25 PM

Deej, Gear Ascension is mandatory

Just watched the little IGN chat video, Deej... How am I supposed to become a legend if I don't have a trademark weapon that becomes legendary with me? "Being married to the same gun for 10 years sounds boring" is YOUR opinion... Some of us like the idea of having a signature weapon, and some of us, myself included, don't like where the art is going on the new weapons and armor or hate enemy-themed gear like The Dark Below kit. If you make the new weapons and armor solid contenders, people will naturally want to acquire them, rather than being forced to by numbers... And denying a play-style because [i]You[/i] think it is boring is wrong. The real reason the ascension system is mandatory, however, is because this isn't an MMORPG! In a standard MMO, your combat is derived from your class and augmented by the numbers provided by gear. Sure some swords might swing faster or slower, but autoattack is like 2% of your DPS and combat. This is a shooter with live, twitch firearms... Every single one of which runs a little differently than the next. When a player finds a "favorite" gun, it isn't just his favorite [i]looking[/i] weapon, it is his favorite [i]running[/i] weapon. I have run a custom tuned 1911 pistol in competition for almost 12 years now... Are there better modded guns out now? Yes Are there a lot of newer guns I have liked and have added to my collections and ran? Yes But the bottom line is I cannot run any gun as fast or as hard as that 1911. It has been tuned to my preferences and trained with until it is an extension of my hands, so that's the gun that I drive in matches that count... Just like Fatebringer drivers in Destiny (Or in my case Timepiece and Grim Citizen) You cant treat Destiny like an MMO because it simply isn't one. I would actually like an answer about plans for long term ascension, because I am done tomorrow if all my work acquiring, leveling and customizing my characters is gonna be moot in 3 months... I was done before until you announced Etheric Light. Edit: Great comments, thank you! We are not alone, and we want an answer, Deej!

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  • Bruh, DeeJ is just the community manager, besides, you can use new guns. Chill

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    8 Replies
    • Bump

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    • It should almost work the other way around. Year 1 weapons should ascend, but should stop being obtainable weapons.

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      • This game does have MMORPG elements though...

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        19 Replies
        • Plans for long term ascension: Each major content release will increase guardian power and bring a new set of weapons that match that increased power. Feel free to use your old, weaker weapons, but they will not be viable outside of standard crucible.

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        • Bump

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        • I'm not exactly crazy happy about all my legendaries becoming obsolete but sometimes the reset button is good. I'm not deleting any of my raid gear but all the rest of it's gone, the only one I'm keeping is my zombie apocalypse. It's my goal to keep that thing no matter what.

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        • Bump

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        • None of the changes are clever, it's bungie rehashing old stuff or just completely wiping the slate clean to make you grind for the sake of grinding. Its just not fun anymore and i cant find a reason to stay when all my work is made useless and not useful. Maybe i'll come back in a couple months when i'm over it with a new attitude, this just was not what i was expecting after a dedicated year of play.

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        • I've been playing from day one. I could care less about weapons and armor staying with me for ever. Even exotics. I like the grind. Having to get new gear in TTK will help keep the game fresh. It would be boring to me to just stick with the same old gear I've had from day one. This is just how I feel however. I understand why some people become obsessed with some gun they found in a raid or bought from the vanguard. I mean, it took you a while right? Who wants to feel like they wasted time while they play a video game?

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        • Agreed

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        • Well that sucks because it's not going to happen so deal with it or don't play it's not going to change

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          3 Replies
          • Idk which quality to mute you for first. Whining. Self entitlement. Or maybe for just being so damn pathetic. I like the last one. Let's go for that.

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            13 Replies
            • Edited by Faithless007: 8/11/2015 6:53:32 AM
              Been reading through the comments and started thinking, why do bungie even bother with expansions during the year if they are just going to reset us each year. Why don't they just give us all the content for the year in one go rather than stretching out the whole sad affair. I'm all for new guns and armor but but bungie need to stop being lazy and create upgraded versions of the weapons we love. I was majorly disappointed with HoW weapons! How lazy can developer get? They design a load of awful looking weapons and expect us to have to "re-roll" the perks it took the whole "trying to get that certain special gun" out of the equation. My destiny game time revolves around what gun/armor don't I have and how am I going to get it! Over recent weeks the game feels tedious and I have no goals because they will mean nothing in the month/s to come. And as a little side note, what is it with these so called "adept" weapons from trials my do they even need burns on them when in pvp burns don't have any bearing on game play? I for one ain't seen a guardian with a solar shield yet.

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              5 Replies
              • bungie hq meeting: "guys we need to reinvigorate our game, any ideas?" new enemies? lets just reskin em new places? lets just do backwards mission runs new story? lets just introduce new characters and stay vague. new weapons? we better make old ones pointless to use first.

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              • "Don't dismantle your fatebringer just yet" can be translated as "we have no idea what we're doing so hold on to as much as you can in case we change our minds yet again"

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                9 Replies
                • Hi guardians! I recently saw this post. And know how Bungie works, they probably won't read it and it will go away. So I'm going to paste it in a new post. If you support the cause, copy this post and paste it in to one of your own!!! So that eventually (and hopeful) Bungie see's this. Well here it is! :) So, Destiny is almost a year old. I started playing with the Beta, left after TDB was released, and recently returned. I am primarily a PVE player, but will take a turn in the crucible for a change of pace. I, like a lot of people, feel that Destiny year one has been a beta test. If Destiny year two is better that year one, I may be able to get over it. The games shooting mechanics are still a lot of fun. Everything else is pretty much a hot mess. From lack of story, multiple currencies, lifeless environments, heavy grind, confusing advancement requirements, to all the issues with PVP, Destiny has not been a user friendly product. I would like to see more done to compensate year one players. I want to know that Bungie appreciates my business, and all the work we have done testing Destiny. Right now I am not feeling the love from Bungie. I am for ascension of legendary gear. I do not accept the argument of "this is an MMO, so get used to it". I find that to be a defeatist statement. The entire point of giving feedback is to make the game better. Just because something works one way in other games does not mean that is the best way to go forward with Destiny. I would encourage Bungie to find a better way . Do I want to use the same gun for 10 years? Maybe, I don't know. I do know that I want the option to use my legendary gear, and be effective, if that is how I want to play the game. I would like to see bosses that are more than bullet sponges. Make encounters that a memorable and interesting. I want missions that more than my guardian fighting bad guys while Ghost does the work that moves the story forward. I would like to see more environments. There has to be more to earth than Russia and The City. Heck, I would like to explore the city, and see what my character is fighting for. Some in game method of building a strike team for Raids and other end game content. It makes no sense that I have to use fan sites to find a team. The game should make it possible to put a team together for any activity I want to participate in. More customization options for characters, please. Alright, this post is long enough as it is. Hope that Destiny is better in year 2. Have a great time out there guardians! And be sure to bump! :D

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                  • Bump

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                  • Edited by MechaBeowulf DW: 8/20/2015 1:45:23 AM
                    Bump. There is absolutely no reason that the Ascend mechanic on Year 1 weapons can't be upgraded to the Infuse mechanic. There is no legitimate reason to deny us our year 1 weapons. How does making our old guns obsolete enhance our gameplay experience? How does carrying them forward harm the experiences of other players? There is no good answer to those questions, which means that Bungie is deliberately shitting on some of its paying customers simply because they think it's a good idea for...reasons...

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                  • I think people who thinks it's a good thing to make our year one progress obsolete for whatever reason are crazy... The armor/weapons people have required over the year is our grind, our trophies, our personal story if you will! Year 1 players should NOT be at the same status level as a Year 2 player and it's our gear that sets us apart... There's no real logical not to be able to upgrade our old gear when the game is majority PvE, How does someone using the Comedian effects a Year 2 player? It don't! IF Bungie does this, There's no point in saving or collecting anything, Because with the next DLC/Expansion it becomes useless again and again and again... Why do people play games with a loot system? For the loot! Why would a logical person continue to play a game if it keeps making their loot obsolete? Think about... It sure the hell isn't just for the fun of playing the same thing over and over and over and over again! IF anyone has any problems with Year 1 weapons/armors delete it from your inventory! Your problems will be solved.

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                  • I am TheLordCypher and I approve this message.

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                  • Great post. Very intelligent and well thought out. I personally don't care that much whether they ascend the year 1 stuff or not, but it'd be nice to have it as an option for the people to whom it is a big deal.

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                  • CHOICE???? What a concept!

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                  • Best post on the subject yet. I agree we need some way to upgrade old gear. Make it a difficult and rare way... I don't care. Make it cost 25000 glimmer 50 strange coins 20 motes of light, and an item that only drops from the new raid. Just give us something.

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                  • You have literally dismantled hundreds of weapons over the course of your play. Your implication that anyone remembers any of us in the game is odd. You will never hear an enemy go, oh crap, it's Steve with his Matador 64! They will simply go, oh crap, that random guy just blew off George's face! I am going to shoot at him as he walks up to me and shoots me.

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                  • Best post on the topic yet

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