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Edited by technixs: 6/11/2015 6:12:56 AM

Everyone Read! Fix as soon as Possible. GG

This game is becoming complete "trash". Some games are just great and die out, but this game is just Shite! So why do you Bungie decide to make this game the cause of suicides. This game is Unholy, santanist, shameful, and Disgraceful. This game is an Epidemy. Now for the stuff you should "FIX" are these suggestions... Actually Suggestions I meant something that would fill everybody with satisfaction. First of, please, for the love of god. Ban or nerf overpowered Handcannons for PvP only. Two shots possibly even one might end up with me smashing my controller against my playstation a couple of times until it disintegrates. Second, buff up every auto rifle. Is this the first game where auto rifles are just a rubber bullet hitting against a titanium armour plate... Lastly, Trials of Osiris should have no advantages. I'm level 33 and any weapon I use against a 34 is basically an actual nerf gun with foam tips trying to penetrate a diamond before entering a lava pit of hell this game is turning my life into iraq with non-lethal weapons...

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