Alright, so millions of people are playing trials right now. Personally, I didn't want to play since I went to the lighthouse last week, but I really needed some etheric light. I go into the game and I'm like: shit, it's Pantheon, of all maps it's pantheon. After playing through and getting my etheric light, I was thinking about this trials compared to last one and found it wasn't as fun to me.
I believe this is why I don't like it. It's good that the map is symmetrical, but there are exactly 3, long paths to a wide open middle. All areas are perfect choke points for anybody with a mid-long range gun which deters against pretty much anything that's not a sniper, thorn, scout rifles (which aren't used anyways), and some pulse rifles.
In comparison, burning shrine was laid out in a 3x3 could move around any of the squares to do quick flanking maneuvers, or you could keep your distance and stay away. It potentially encouraged all forms of gun fights instead of just a few, certain weapon types.
On a slightly unrelated note, I think the shores of time is the anti-pantheon. The shores have wide open sides and short, closed off pathways to the opposite side, where as pantheon has a wide open middle and closed off sides with long paths to the opposite side
These are just my thoughts on the flow of the maps. Please put your thoughts in on the matter.
Edit: thank you for the feedback. Please, keep it up
Not every map has to cater to every gun style. How boring would it be if any loadout was equally valid on any map and nobody ever had to switch gear to adapt to different conditions?