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Edited by Jim SWAT 01: 5/29/2015 8:21:28 PM

Trials Separation

Does anyone feel that it would make sense to have players separated into two different pools for matchmaking? They could have people who haven't completed trials play separate from those that have completed it. I'm decent a PVP and know I can get through it with my usual PVP group, but I don't know how others will manage. It seems like trials are mainly upper echelon PVP players going around just to piss in others cheerios. I get that these people want to make it as difficult as possible to finish trials, but that is pretty ridiculous as well. With raids, the only way people weren't getting through them, was by not participating. Some players on here will probably never even come close to completing trials, and it is not by a lack of trying. I'm not saying the strong shouldn't succeed, but at least give some of the lesser experience players a chance at enjoying the whole game. P.S. we all already know the pissers of cheerios are going to get on here and fight this idea, and whine, and say they are da bomb, and say nobody else is good enough, and "get gud scrub," yada, yada... We get it, so let's get that out of the way. Edit: If so many are so opposed to it, I really don't care. Its not going to bother me if it stays the same, my squad can make it through. It was just a thought to give those a chance that will never "get good" and will miss out on a significant part of the game.

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  • We made it last night, and the Rush was awesome. We were 3-4 trailing in our last game, and came back to get the flawless win. In all fairness, it takes an hour or two to play through your card... So if you don't make it, try again Side note: the adept messenger Pulse is totally worth it (if RNG favors you). It's a complete beast in pvp, and mine being void is super helpful (replacing word of Crota). Just keep trying, and work on your team tactics. Also.. Stay together.

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  • I didn't think I would ever make it to the lighthouse. But I practiced in rumble for those 1v1 moments, learned the map, and listened to my team. We went flawless last night and it was awesome. If you cheapen the way you get the reward then the reward means nothing. Keep trying! You'll get there!

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  • Trials of Osiris was MADE SPECIFICALLY FOR THESE TYPES OF PLAYERS. Just enjoy the parts of the game that you enjoy, if you feel inspired to get better at Trials, then WORK TOWARD YOUR GOAL. Asking to make the challenge easier is a super FAIL.

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    3 Replies
    • Edited by OldeSkoolKool: 5/29/2015 6:02:13 PM
      Meh, let the try hards have their little spot near the Sun. If that is the only way they can feel good about themselves I don't think it should be taken away from them. If they dumb it down for others the incessant crying from the PvP crowd would be overwhelming and an endless stream of tears would flood the forums. When someone's self esteem is reliant on video game accomplishments and statistics, the last thing you want to do is take that away from them. Besides. the gear is no better than the gear you can get from PvE.

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      6 Replies
      • How will they piss in the cheerios if you take away the cheerios?

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      • Now if there was a second tier for people that have completed the first tier that would be cool. Second tier having a separate set of rewards would be awesome

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        1 Reply
        • Maybe people should just learn to accept that they cannot get everything in life or a game. I am tired of the attitude that everyone is entitled to everything. Work for it. Trials is more about tactics and team play than pure gun skills.

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          • I honestly feel like if you've went flawless, and decide to go back in with that same character that you should either A, not be able to at all, or B, get match made with other teams who have went flawless. To the people that will go flawless with all three characters, why do you go back?

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            • I'm one of those guys who wouldn't be able to get to 9-0 without some serious help. I'm decent. Sometimes I'll be top of the boards, others I'll be bottom. But going up against these guys who consistently go flawless I'm screwed. Went 7 wins before we got our second loss last week (boon). Lost to a ToO guy who basically could take on our whole team by himself. What I would like to see is people who have gone flawless for the week not be allowed to participate in ToO for the remainder of that week on that character. It'll curb some of the griefers that play just to shut down others trying to get to the lighthouse. I think this whole ToO divide comes from the sweet pve loot being offered. Why do pvp rewards need burn modifiers? They don't help in pvp. An attempt by bungie to inflate pvp numbers by bringing in players who usually stick to pve is the only explanation I can think of. Yada Yada Yada get gud we all know the lines.

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            • Git gud

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            • I don't think a trial seperation is always the right answer. I think if you are going to end your marriage just do it and stop dragging it out. I advocate for counseling and redemption though personally. Even kings have counselors. Obama has counselors. It's a sign of strength not weakness

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            • Fireteams that run 2+ thorns and shotguns should be separated from the normal people

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            • No. As long as there is no matchmaking then it should remain as is

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            • I agree, I suggested this in the past. You have many people that go into Trials after going Flawless, just for the sake of ruining others Flawless runs. I mean one group can ruin 27 different peoples runs in one go if they feel like it. Once you go "Flawless" on that character, that character should be locked out or separated for the rest of the week. You could even have another loot tier for players that go "Flawless" inside the "Flawless Only Matchmaking". A special emblem or shader, nothing game breaking, but a sign to show you are the top of the top.

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              • Nah soz disagree It's perfect as is

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              • with almost all other rewards given out randomly, I think it's about time they at least reward the people who play better slightly better

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              • Bump

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              • Edited by SmokeShadow_27: 5/30/2015 9:28:19 PM
                You already said get it out of the way, but I must respectfully say it again. You really have to "git gud". Coming from a guy who still has a .74 on his main, yet my most recent matches of control on my hunter, I went 19-7, and then 24-11, and grabbed mvps back to back. I manned the fakk up for Trials, played with a couple good buddies, supported them, got my fair share of kills, MADE myself play better, smarter. Went to the Lighthouse on both characters that I took into the trials. Didn't even need the mercy boon on one of them. Now, I can wreck in PVP. I practiced, watched and listened to others, and "got gud". I'm so ready for Trials when I get off work. If I can go from a bottom dweller to MVP in Crucible, then I'm sure many, many others can as well. You have to get good at PVP and communication if you want to see the Lighthouse. No cheesing this one, fellas. Good luck to all, keep at it, even if it's frustrating. Edit: Nevermind, I still suck at Trials. Regular PVP I may be doing better in, but I had a rough time in trials this week.

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                7 Replies
                • When matching for trials it should average your teams skill in PvP, then match you with another team of similar skill Bungie could do this as a second matching priority (the first being connection strength/speed) This would make it fairer for newer / less experienced groups while keeping it a challenge for experts. That being said this mode was built for PvP experts and might make it too easy to get to the lighthouse (I'm sure there are those that would happily complain about this) (I've never been there, best run in last weeks ToO was 3-2)

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                  2 Replies
                  • I liked where you were going until you said that winners are "pissing in cheerios" uh, that just doesnt make sense that we are ruining your fun because we like to win, i think there should be a rank system to separate us top fraggers from you all, the more the challenge in a game, the more fun gamers like us have. You think its fun beating the ever loving shit out of tons of people in the trials? Going 27-0 against these poor scrubs is actually more boring than you players getting your ass handed to you.

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                    3 Replies
                    • I'm horrible at pvp, but Trials gives me something to strive for and work towards. I might never make it to the light house, but I won't give up.

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                      • Disagree. Beating it is worth less to me knowing I'm not in a ring with the best players.

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                      • Edited by Nihilus: 5/29/2015 7:45:04 PM
                        So people who are in the good range lose to better players and don't make the lighthouse.... Then in the second group completely average players beat below average players and make it to the lighthouse... Stupid. Think of trials like a cupcake... The frosting on top is the best part...

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                        • No. Playing experienced players IS the Trial.

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                        • Nah get good scrub

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                        • Edited by ChiefCaliOrca: 5/29/2015 4:24:56 PM
                          I'd have to agree. Ignore my k/d for I just recently became a Thorn cheate...I mean expert. There is nothing fun about running over ppl (unless they t bag me or something) . 2/3 shooting ppl who don't know how to evade is like 2/3 maning Crota for that spare Hammer, it's slight entertainment but a slight bore as well. In addition, I know for a fact "hardcore" players stay in a lobby while playing pvp on purpose if the previous game was close (Love Rumble games that keep the same 6 ppl for a while) you WANT to be push, you WANT to be forced to change your weapon mid match and forced to switch your tac. You want a freaking pulse and your blood pumping. Whatt "hadcore" players don't want is to still wreck while talking to your gf in the kitchen , texting , eating cheetos at the same time. Ps , I hate pvp. Just play cause I have to

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