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11/13/2008 7:20:07 PM

Forum update: 11.13.2008 (The addition of title prefixes)

New Update as of 11.13.2008. This update includes the addition of title prefixes and site performance fixes. [b]Note: This thread is not trying to explain how the title system works. For elaborate theories regarding the title system [url=]see this thread[/url][/b]. [quote][/quote] [u]PREFIXES FOR BASE TITLES[/u] [quote][i](in no specific order)[/i] with definitions [u]Prefixes related to ban history or simply an absence of such[/u] [b]Honorable[/b] - [i]worthy of honor and high respect[/i] [b]Noble[/b] - [i]pertaining to persons so distinguished[/i] [b]Exalted[/b] - [i]To praise, or honor[/i] [u]Prefixes related to join date[/u] [b]Veteran[/b] - [i]a person who has had long service or experience in an occupation, office, or the like[/i] [b]Senior[/b] - [i]older; of higher or the highest standing[/i] [b]Elder[/b] - [i]greater than another in age or seniority[/i] [u]Prefixes related to forum activity[/u] [b]Absent[/b] - [i]not in a certain place at a given time; away[/i] [b]Intrepid[/b] - [i]resolutely fearless[/i] [b]Fabled[/b] - [i]celebrated in fables; myth or legend[/i] [i]Example: Honorable Heroic Member, Exalted Mythic Member, etc.[/i] [u]Priority Order for Title Prefixes (in order from lowest to highest)[/u] (Priority comes into play only when a user qualifies for more than one member title) 1. [b]Absent[/b] 2. [b]Veteran[/b] 3. [b]Honorable[/b] 4. [b]Senior[/b] 5. [b]Noble[/b] 6. [b]Elder[/b] 7. [b]Intrepid[/b] 8. [b]Fabled[/b] 9. [b]Exalted[/b] More info when it's available.[/quote] [quote][/quote] [b][u]Informative posts[/u][/b] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Veteran, Senior, and the other one you haven't seen are for long lasting members. Honorable, Noble, and Exalted are for people who've maintained a relatively clean ban history (within increasingly strict parameters and longer amounts of time). Intrepid and Fabled have to do with forum activity All 9 titles are on a scale of priority, so if you qualify for more than one, the system picks the "highest" in the scale (although Honorable and Noble are in the wrong place right now, they'll get fixed tomorrow). These prefixes are computed completely seperately from the main titles of Member, Heroic, Legendary, and Mythic... except if you get banned or have a negative trust value for whatever reason, in which case your prefix is cleared. Right now, the scale is a little off, this will be fixed tomorrow and some people will get their titles adjusted... both up and down. Hopefully that clears up things a little bit. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos The 3 ban related prefixes have different requirements, varying time and allowed ban lengths/counts. Exalted is considered "the highest" because you can't get any bans or warnings of any kind for quite a long time, which is harder than just being a member for a long time. [/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos The way the titles work is that the new "prefixes" are independent of the main "mythic/legendary/heroic" titles. Each of prefixes means something different, some relate to account age, some relate to ban history, some relate to forum history, etc. The "base" titles haven't changed, although the criteria to get them has. The system is still updating for some of you, so it is possible that your base title will change over the next 48 hours (higher or lower). However, a big change is that once it settles, it should be much more predictable (the rating isn't relative to every other user anymore, it is a fixed scale, i.e., get X trust, get A title, get Y trust, get B title, etc.)[/quote] [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Achronos Nope, Veteran has nothing to do with bans, it just means you have one of the several prefixes that mean you have an older account. I just tweaked the math a bit so that it will normalize a bit higher (meaning more people will have higher titles, right now there are only about 67 mythics, for example - I want it low, but not that low). Two of the prefixes are also not showing up hardly ever, whereas one of them is showing up way too often (a little prioritization bug when you qualify for more than one prefix). By the way, since someone asked before - this release was mostly a performance related set of fixes. We made LOTS of under the hood changes to the database to fix a lot of lingering performance problems. One of them specifically is the random exceptions that happen when you're trying to post - those should be greatly reduced, if not gone. We'll see, of course, but that was the larger point here. The titles, as I said before, changed as part of this performance work - consider it "an added bonus" to a hotfix release where you probably wouldn't have otherwise seen any big differences. [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] sesquipadelian i have not looked around, but my guess is that veteran is low in terms of fanciness and results from at least a handful of bans. but, that is based only on the fact that that description matches my own history and title.[/quote][/quote] [Edited on 11.18.2008 9:09 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THOMSY99 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Batzter [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THOMSY99 I like the new names, but my ranks have been all the place in the last week or two. Can anyone explain that.[/quote] I cant say for certain but it's possible that your title changed naturally just before the update and then when the update took place you were one of those, as Achronos mentioned, who had their titles going up and down before things settled. The one you got now will probably be more stable unless your habits are changing drastically or you are breaking some rule....which ironically would be the same thing for a guy who has managed to earn Exalted.[/quote] I was a Exalted Lagendary Mamber and now My Rank has changed to a Noble Heroic Member.[/quote] It is a dynamic system. *shrugs*

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Batzter [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THOMSY99 I like the new names, but my ranks have been all the place in the last week or two. Can anyone explain that.[/quote] I cant say for certain but it's possible that your title changed naturally just before the update and then when the update took place you were one of those, as Achronos mentioned, who had their titles going up and down before things settled. The one you got now will probably be more stable unless your habits are changing drastically or you are breaking some rule....which ironically would be the same thing for a guy who has managed to earn Exalted.[/quote] I was a Exalted Lagendary Mamber and now My Rank has changed to a Noble Heroic Member. [Edited on 11.23.2008 8:11 PM PST]

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  • what i dont understand is that i've been on this site for almost two years now with little to no ban history and my status is still just regular member. why is that?

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  • Since I got only one 7 day ban a while back can I still get a prefix?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] XmY Br iZ 4Sh0tX 'Elderly'[/quote] hey -blam!- you I'm not elderly what am i eighty three?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THOMSY99 I like the new names, but my ranks have been all the place in the last week or two. Can anyone explain that.[/quote] It should all balance out in time -- When the update took place, it changed members up and down numerous times. Don't worry about it, the system will most likely decide your new rank soon, if not already. [Edited on 11.18.2008 7:46 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Reiginko this thread is better than the other one the other one should be locked[/quote] Missing prefix belongs to this guy^^^ 'Elderly' Oh, you got it. I haven't checked this thread in a while. -BF [Edited on 11.18.2008 7:23 PM PST]

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  • How interesting.

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  • I wish I could check to see how close I was to a new title... :(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] THOMSY99 I like the new names, but my ranks have been all the place in the last week or two. Can anyone explain that.[/quote] I cant say for certain but it's possible that your title changed naturally just before the update and then when the update took place you were one of those, as Achronos mentioned, who had their titles going up and down before things settled. The one you got now will probably be more stable unless your habits are changing drastically or you are breaking some rule....which ironically would be the same thing for a guy who has managed to earn Exalted. [Edited on 11.18.2008 8:09 PM PST]

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  • I like the new names, but my ranks have been all the place in the last week or two. Can anyone explain that.

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  • I was allready a Legendary Member, then demoted to Heroic, then I was promoted to a Mythic Member, (that lasted a day), then demoted back to Legendary, and now within the last day or two, am now a Exhalted Heroic Member. And just a day or two ago I have been promoted to Exhalted Legendary Member. This has all happened within 1 week. WTF That's 6 rank changes in about 1 week. Here is my story of Why i think my Rank been over the place. I have recently moved house about 8 weeks ago. I have been on the forums very little, since I have moved, as I still don't have any Interent. Hopefully to be connected this week. Before the move, I was on the forums everyday.

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  • This is so awesome

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  • this thread is better than the other one the other one should be locked

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Batzter When I first started this thread it was to ask if people had spotted any other updates. It turned out that the prefixes were the new big deal so the thread went in that direction. It's not in my place to ask for a thread to be locked since it's property once it has been posted but it seems to me as if the discussion that is taking place here is the same as of that in Duardo's Title thread. So my suggestion is to lock this and move the discussion to Duardo's thread instead. It's pointless to have two threads on the same topic and I've noticed that many of the things people are asking in one thread has already been or is answered in the other thread.....and the other way around.[/quote] But it's fun, no?

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  • When I first started this thread it was to ask if people had spotted any other updates. It turned out that the prefixes were the new big deal so the thread went in that direction. It's not in my place to ask for a thread to be locked since it's property once it has been posted but it seems to me as if the discussion that is taking place here is the same as of that in Duardo's Title thread. So my suggestion is to lock this and move the discussion to Duardo's thread instead. It's pointless to have two threads on the same topic and I've noticed that many of the things people are asking in one thread has already been or is answered in the other thread.....and the other way around. [Edited on 11.18.2008 4:57 PM PST]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] spartakus14 [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SEF Davis so after a ban do u lose ur title[/quote] yes. Time is dependent on length of ban. And how many other warnings/bans you receive.[/quote] Don't forget warnings.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SEF Davis so after a ban do u lose ur title[/quote] yes. Time is dependent on length of ban. And how many other warnings/bans you receive.

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  • I feel very important now

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  • adds spice i think edit: im honorable? i didn't think i killed that many allies. /wow [Edited on 11.18.2008 4:45 PM PST]

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  • I actually think this is a very cool new feature even though I'm lacking the title so far.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Lord Snakie [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pink Menace I didn't even notice the changes. Heh.[/quote]Well you're all old and mythic. Be proud! You have a title you don't care about! Wooh![/quote] Hah. I didn't mean to sound pretentious. I meant more that I physically didn't notice extra words had been added. It just blended in. I don't think that's Old Mythic-ness, it's just senility :(

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Pink Menace I didn't even notice the changes. Heh.[/quote]Well you're all old and mythic. Be proud! You have a title you don't care about! Wooh!

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] SEF Davis So, after a ban do you lose your title?[/quote] Yes. You lose if for quite a bit of time. -BF

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  • Thanks for the info

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  • I didn't even notice the changes. Heh.

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