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Edited by Tymus_The_Wolf: 6/4/2015 3:43:36 PM

No Matchmaking? In game LFG? out of orbit, into the fight!

Deer Bungie, If you can't/won't give us [b][u]optional[/u][/b] matchmaking. Please consider an in game LFG function( could work well with in game grimoire *hint*) that can be accessed anywhere, in game, for any activity. [i]"optional"Matchmaking would be cool don't get me wrong[/i]. [b]key point is we need effecient and convenient in game grouping.[/b] [b]Here's an example;[/b] ●[b][u]Bust out your ghost. Hit the d-pad. choose either Look for group/post group.[/u][/b] ● [b][u]Have filters for activities, checkpoints, guardian lvl and regions etc.[/u][/b] ● [b] [u]your guardian/fireteam inspect able player information will be auto posted for other guardians to inspect, along with the above filter options and some words of your choice.[/u][/b] ● [b][u]Choose a post. wait for acceptance. Join fire team. Play the game.[/u][/b] [i]If you and the fireteam hit it off, send out some friend requests.[/i] [u]If this is possible[/u] It's just one of many possible solutions to a very real problem(refer to various posts and comments on the lack of grouping funtions for any and all activities inside the game). When this fixed, we can move on and together help shape a perfect destiny. [b][u]To the players;[/u][/b] There is so much potential for destiny guardians! let's share as a community and support good ideas with the like button and a bump.[b] If you have good ideas share them here, and we will get you out of orbit and into the fight![/b] More supporting ideas and proof the majority wants a change to how we group.[spoiler] [/spoiler] Participate in polls here 👇 [spoiler]Gratitude EddieXG1989 for starting this [/spoiler] Edit 2.0: or at least enable us to Join fireteams directly from the companion app!

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