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originally posted in:Dongles of Destiny
5/25/2015 7:09:57 AM

House of Wolves

There was a point in time where we all went "dormant" or "silent" in Destiny after Dark Below hit... There was a lack of content and what content there was, was either cheeseable *coughcrota or was not appealing. But there was a moment where we heard of "House of Wolves" and heard of its coming and decided to give Destiny a go again... Now once HoW hit, the rush began. We started hitting up The Reef. Made a new "camp" (Camp Dongle). Got some sick gear. And even raged earlier at Trials of Osiris... But besides the point... HoW, in my opinion, was DoD's biggest "hooah" since the release of the game... With that said... DOD FOR LIFE!!
#dod #OGDOD

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