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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
10/26/2008 11:21:35 PM

Choose your own horror (for reals this time!)

Alright, some of you may recall [url=]this thread[/url] in which I essentially took a character, gave him zombies, and made the whole thing a total farce. That was all well and good, but I think I owe you guys something a bit more serious this time around.  I know I've been saying this for months now, but this could literally be the last thing I write on this board before I'm gone. So, in the spirit of Halloween, I give you the revamped (pun intended) and revisited "Choose your own adventure"...horror style.(All rules in [url=]this thread[/url] still apply) ----------------- Kevin woke up with a throbbing headache.  He could barely remember anything about last night.  All he knew was that he had gotten drunk, met a girl, it was a full moon, and then everything else was blank. Vomiting in the toilet made his hangover a little better, but he still felt sick.  When he looked in the mirror, Kevin's eyes were drawn to several long scratches on his neck.  He shrugged, figuring it must have been a wild night. He walked into the next room and sat down on the sofa.  The television was already on and Kevin saw a breaking news story about some sick people in Los Angelas.  He changed the channel.  [i]Everyone's sick in Los Angelas[/i] he thought to himself. To his surprise, the same news story was playing on that channel, and every other channel he flipped through.  "What's this?"  he muttered.The newsanchor was in the middle of a sentence, "to please head straight to the hospital.  Proper measures will be taken to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you." At that moment there was a knock in the door.  Kevin opened it to see several polices officers standing before him with grim expressions on their faces." something wrong?" The officer closest to him nodded, "We need you to report to the hospital."  Eyeing his neck, the officer suddenly drew his baton, "Please don't resist us, we're trying to help you." "Uh huh," Kevin said slowly, staring at the baton with a heightened sense of anticipation. [i]Should Kevin:1. Resist the officers.2. Go to the hospital peacefully.[/i] [Edited on 10.26.2008 3:23 PM PDT]
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  • 4 :D BTW this is AWESOME!!! [Edited on 10.30.2008 6:17 AM PDT]

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  • He says "Let me get my stuff." and escapes through the back window.

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  • As the werewolf moved closer to Eileen, Kevin pulled the trigger. The bullet blasted into the creature's back and it howled in pain before turning to stare directly at Kevin. Kevin mustered his nerve as the beast snarled and stood up, pointing his gun at the werewolf's forehead. The werewolf charged forward and Kevin fired three more times, each bullet striking the werewolf in the head. The creature dropped to the ground with a soft whimper and then lay still. Eileen came close as Kevin continued to point his gun at the werewolf's head, his knuckles white from fear. Eileen placed her hand gently on his forearm and Kevin looked at her for the first time before lowering his weapon. "Are you alright?" he asked, his voice louder than he intended. Eileen nodded, "Yes...but I don't think that he wanted to hurt me." "What do you mean?" Kevin asked quizzically. "The minute he smelled me, he stopped snarling. I think...I think he knew I was infected...I was like him." Kevin shook his head, "You're not like that thing. And you never will be." Before she could respond, he grabbed her hand and pulled her away from the werewolf. "Come on, we have to call Omar." When they reached the car, Kevin pulled the phone out of his pocket and dialed Omar's number. "Hello," Omar's voice came in, "How goes the hunt?" "The werewolf's dead," Kevin said curtly. "Excellent, now where do you intend to go next?" "First things first," Kevin said, his voice hard, "I want you to cure Eileen [i]now[/i]." "I'm sorry, but that's just not possible!" "Why not?" Kevin demanded. "Because," Omar said as if he were talking to a child, "You need your abilities to stop these creatures." "I have my abilities," Kevin replied, "That would have sufficed for the werewolf, why should it be any different for the others?" "The werewolf was child's play," Omar replied, his voice more serious than Kevin had heard before, "The vampire, while feral, is faster and stronger and it will know you're coming before you find it. And the queen...she is the only one who was able to retain her human intelligence. That should be enough to scare anyone." "Fine," Kevin said, "Then I'll leave Eileen with you." Eileen gave him a startled look and said, "No, you can't! You can't do this on your own!" Kevin fixed her with a stare, "I'm not going to let you go insane just because this mad scientist wants us to fix his mess." "Well," Omar said, "That is up to you. Your chances of survival are significantly less without Eileen, however." [i]Should Kevin: 1. Take Eileen back and go after the Queen? 2. Take Eileen back and go after the Vampire? 3. Let Eileen stay and go after the Queen? 4. Let Eileen stay and go after the Vampire? [/i] [Edited on 10.30.2008 12:16 AM PDT]

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  • 1!

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  • 1!!! (Arnold Schwarzenegger voice) Take zeh NAO!

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  • 1. he needs to save his girlfriend

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  • 1.

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  • 1

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  • Kevin quickly ducked behind a thick bush and peered through the branches to see Eileen draw a small knife from her leather jacket. She pulled up her sleeve and, to Kevin's surprise, pressed the knife against her skin and drew a long line of blood across her forearm. It only took Kevin a moment to realize that she was trying to draw the werewolf in with the smell of blood, but her chance of surviving now seemed slim indeed. Kevin found himself intoxicated by the smell, his primal instincts urging him to rush forward and tear open the woman's flesh and feast on her delicious blood. Kevin shook himself of that thought, although the urge was still there, and realized that he hadn't eaten since...[i]since I killed that werewolf in Los Angelas[/i] he realized in disgust. A moment later there was a rustling from above and Kevin looked up to see a huge figure leap from the tree. It landed on all fours and then rose up on its hind legs. The creature looked much like the werewolves Kevin had seen in movies; covered in fur, a dog like head and snout, and claws on its hands and feet. The werewolf's mouth was hanging open as it salivated at the sight of Eileen's blood. Kevin leveled his gun, ready to take a shot. He was glad that he'd chosen the bush instead of the tree, able to steady his elbow on the soft dirt for a better shot. [i]Should Kevin: 1. Take the shot now? 2. Wait and see what happens?[/i] (Sorry for the long wait...and there's going to be another one, but I promise that tonight I'll get cracking on this story and hopefully have it finished by halloween.)

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  • i choose... 2

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  • [i]***saves thread***[/i] write a book, or at least a short story of this. do it.

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  • 1. He'll have a clearer shot.

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  • 1. tree is better

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  • Tree, just incase zombies show up.

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  • 1. Trees are better.

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  • 1! That way if he misses with the pistol, he can just be a ninja and jump onto the thing's back and pistol-whip it.

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  • 1

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  • oh cool, your name is Halifax. do you by any chance live in Halifax, Nova Scotia? i choose option 2

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  • Kevin shook his head, "No, you can't do it." Eileen put a hand on his shoulder and smiled, "I wasn't asking your permission. I'm going in there and you need to be ready." "Ready for wh--No! It's too dangerous!" Eileen laughed, "That's why it has to be me. If you die and I go insane...there will be no one left to hunt these things down." "But--" Eileen put her finger against his lips, "Hush. I'll be fine. Or, if your lucky, the werewolf will eat me." She smiled at that, although they both knew it was a very real possibility. "Just make sure you take the shot the first chance you get." Kevin let out a low sigh, "If you insist." Eileen nodded, "I do. Now find a good hiding spot, and remember, the werewolf won't have as good of eyesight as we do." Kevin nodded and Eileen ran off in another direction. He waited until he saw her stop near a tree and then examined the surroundings. The forest seemed to be populated mainly with evergreens and several pushes were strewn about as well. Kevin wasn't confident that he could get a clear shot no matter where he hid, but he knew it was important to make sure the werewolf thought it was alone. [i]Should Kevin: 1. Hide in a tree? 2. Hide in a bush? (I promise you there is a logical difference between the two)[/i]

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  • I say 1.

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  • 1 Cowards are real men.

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  • 1

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  • Kevin looked at the road for several minutes and then said quietly, "So...what happened last night?" Eileen let out a low sigh, "You got drunk and stuff happened, that's all." Kevin nodded slowly and then said, "But you didn't get drunk? Listen, I've had hangovers before and I know for a fact that they don't cause that kind of amnesia." Eileen closed her eyes and then said quietly, "Alright, here's the truth. Three days ago, before anyone knew about the outbreak...I was bitten by the werewolf. Now I'm trying to find a cure." Kevin persisted, "But what does that have to do with me?" Eileen let out a sigh, "Last night I, along with several other scientists, went all over your town and drugged people. You just happened to be one of those people. We made sure the werewolf and the vampire had already eaten so when we laid you out in a field and covered the area with blood...they didn't kill you, they infected you. "See, that's why they don't kill everyone they bite...they are trying to build their own respective packs." "Wait," Kevin said, trying to comprehend what he was hearing, "You started this epidemic?" Eileen shook her head, "No...well, not entirely. It started a week ago...and the day we drugged you, we found out that everyone who had been infected lost their senses to the primal instincts that come with the infection. They essentially became wild animals." "But why create more?" Kevin demanded. Eileen shrugged, "We figured if we had people lining up to get a cure, eventually we'd find one. It wasn't until the doctor at the hospital mentioned Omar that I suddenly came to understand everything. The people I work for were less than forthcoming with their information." Kevin shook his head, "You made people like you just so you could save yourself? You could have trapped and killed those creatures when they came for us!" Eileen sighed, "I'm sorry...I didn't know what else to do." There was a long bout of silence and then Kevin said quietly, "So you're a me?" Eileen nodded, "Soon we'll become the like the wolf in all but appearances." "How soon?" Kevin asked. "Days maybe. The shortest it took an infected person to succumb was three days. Kevin eyed her warily, "And this is your fourth day?" Eileen nodded. Kevin felt a pang of remorse, realizing what the stakes were for her, "I'm sorry." Eileen shook her head and wiped her eyes as tears came down, "Don't be. Omar has the cure...although, if I go insane, it won't matter. The cure stops the infection, but it doesn't reverse it." She looked at him intently and muttered, "If I do go insane...I want you to shoot me." Kevin nodded, "I will." Eileen sighed in relief and then looked at the road, "Stop here." Kevin pulled the car to the side of the road and stepped out, taking his gun and several clips with him. He walked around the car and pulled the door open, "Are you okay? Can you walk?" Eileen nodded and smiled, "Looks like the doc knew what he was talking about. I feel perfectly fine!" Kevin nodded, "Good, let's move." As they walked through the forest, Kevin asked, "So how are we gonna stop this thing?" Eileen shrugged, "Shoot it in the head I suppose. The sooner we kill it the sooner we get the cure from Omar." She paused and then said, "I'm really sorry. I didn't mean for this to happen." Kevin smiled and put his hand on her shoulder, "I know. I'm glad I got the chance to meet you." After they walked for several paces he muttered, "That doesn't mean I forgive you for drugging me and dragging me into the woods though." A pungent odor, one that smelled very different from the one at Kevin's house, filled Kevin and Eileen's nostrils. "So...just charge in?" Kevin asked, his fear rising. Eileen shook her head, "One of us needs to distract it and the other needs to hide until he has a clear shot." "He?" Kevin asked with raised eyebrows. Eileen smiled, "I'm on the brink of insanity, why shouldn't I do the suicide role?" [i]Should Kevin: 1. Hide in the bushes? 2. Be the distraction?[/i]

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  • 1 definitely.

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  • 1 ask her

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  • Kevin nodded, "Alright, we're going after the Werewolf." Omar nodded, "Good, you'll find him in--" "I know where to find him," Eileen cut in, grimacing as she spoke. Omar grunted, "Of course you do." He turned to Kevin and said formally, "I took the liberty of breaking into your car so I could leave you something that I think might help you." Kevin laughed, fogging up the glass between them, "What if I took the cure instead?" Omar shrugged, "It would have made a nice parting gift for tranquilizing you and chaining you to a wall." "Right," Kevin muttered as he crossed the threshold from his room to theirs and approached Eileen. "Are you sure you're up to this?" Eileen smiled, "By the time we get there I will be." Kevin nodded and then gently lifted her off the table in both arms. "We'll let you know when it's finished," he called back to Omar. Omar nodded, "As will I. Good luck." When they reached the car, Kevin pulled the door open and gently slid Eileen into the seat. He strapped the seat belt across her waist, causing her to wince as the belt rubbed the open wound on her rib cage. "Sorry," Kevin muttered and quickly adjusted the seat belt. "No," Eileen said, touching his hand briefly, "Thank you." Kevin looked at her for a moment and then coughed uncomfortably before hurrying to the driver's seat. At the bottom of the seat he found a large box and opened it. Inside were two pistols, one of which he handed to Eileen, along with several clips. "Where are we going?" he asked as the engine roared to life. "The forest," Eileen replied, "Just outside the city." Kevin nodded and flipped the car into a u-turn. As he drove, he found it hard to ignore the mindless zombies roaming the streets. To distract his thoughts he asked, "So why do you have such a big vendetta against these things?" Eileen shrugged uncomfortably, "Why shouldn't I? They're killing people!" Kevin shook his head, "That's not the whole story though. What happened?" Eileen was about to speak when something slammed into the front of the car. Kevin jerked his eyes back to the road in surprise to see a zombie roll across the hood of the car. "What the--" Before he could finish, countless zombies began pouring into the streets, coming out of buildings, sewers, everywhere imaginable. "The queen must be controlling every person in Los Angelas!" Eileen shouted. "So why doesn't she just eat them?" Kevin asked as he drove straight into the mass of zombies. Eileen rolled down her window and poked her gun out the side as she started shooting into the ranks of the zombies. "Don't waste your ammo on the ones on the side," Kevin shouted as the bodies crumpled beneath his car, "It's the ones in front of us that are slowing us down!" Eileen nodded and took careful aim in front of them, which was difficult considering how bumpy the ride became with the bodies falling beneath them. "This is what Omar expects us to save the world with?" she muttered with disgust as she loaded another clip into her pistol. "We'll be out of ammo before we leave the city!" "Then stop shooting and hold on," Kevin said through clenched teeth as he made a sharp turn, throwing several zombies off the top of the car. Eileen grunted and clutched her side, "So much for taking it easy." Kevin laughed, "You'll have some gnarly scars after this." "How can you make jokes at a time like this?" "I don't know!" Kevin yelled back, "I'm eccentric, it's what I do!" "I guess that's why you went to bed with me last night," Eileen muttered. Kevin's eyes widened and he nearly crashed into a lamp post before swerving out of the way. "I did what with you?" he asked incredulously. Eileen rolled her eyes, "Oh forget it, now is really not the time." "No, I think now is the perfect time! I mean, we might not live through the next ten seconds, so now might be the best time in the world!" Eileen glared at him and then turned her gaze on the road. Leveling her gun with a steady hand, she pulled the trigger four times and four zombies suddenly found themselves lying on the ground with holes in their heads. Kevin glanced at her, his eyes showing a touch of fear as she calmly ejected the clip and placed the gun on her lap. "Right," he muttered, "I guess we'll talk later." They had broken through the main concentration of zombies and Kevin suddenly felt a vibration in his pocket. He reached his hand in and, to his surprise, found a phone. He'd left his at his house and so, was not expecting a call. He flipped it open and said, "Hello?" "Hey Kevin, it's Omar." "Oh right," Kevin said with relief, "I was just starting to wonder how we'd keep in touch." "Right, no time for chit-chat though, how goes your search?" "Umm...we haven't even left the city yet." "What?" Omar said with surprise, "What's taking you so long?" "We had to take a detour," Kevin muttered dryly, "There's a lot of hub-bub on the main road. Speaking of which, make sure you fortify that place...I think those zombies might be getting close to finding you." "Don't worry about me, just hurry!" And with that, the phone call ended. "What did he say?" Eileen asked. Kevin shook his head, "Nothing important." "Oh," Eileen muttered and they both fell silent. [i]Should Kevin: 1. Ask Eileen about last night? 2. Discuss the werewolf?[/i]

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