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Surf a Flood of random discussion.
10/26/2008 11:21:35 PM

Choose your own horror (for reals this time!)

Alright, some of you may recall [url=]this thread[/url] in which I essentially took a character, gave him zombies, and made the whole thing a total farce. That was all well and good, but I think I owe you guys something a bit more serious this time around.  I know I've been saying this for months now, but this could literally be the last thing I write on this board before I'm gone. So, in the spirit of Halloween, I give you the revamped (pun intended) and revisited "Choose your own adventure"...horror style.(All rules in [url=]this thread[/url] still apply) ----------------- Kevin woke up with a throbbing headache.  He could barely remember anything about last night.  All he knew was that he had gotten drunk, met a girl, it was a full moon, and then everything else was blank. Vomiting in the toilet made his hangover a little better, but he still felt sick.  When he looked in the mirror, Kevin's eyes were drawn to several long scratches on his neck.  He shrugged, figuring it must have been a wild night. He walked into the next room and sat down on the sofa.  The television was already on and Kevin saw a breaking news story about some sick people in Los Angelas.  He changed the channel.  [i]Everyone's sick in Los Angelas[/i] he thought to himself. To his surprise, the same news story was playing on that channel, and every other channel he flipped through.  "What's this?"  he muttered.The newsanchor was in the middle of a sentence, "to please head straight to the hospital.  Proper measures will be taken to ensure your safety and the safety of those around you." At that moment there was a knock in the door.  Kevin opened it to see several polices officers standing before him with grim expressions on their faces." something wrong?" The officer closest to him nodded, "We need you to report to the hospital."  Eyeing his neck, the officer suddenly drew his baton, "Please don't resist us, we're trying to help you." "Uh huh," Kevin said slowly, staring at the baton with a heightened sense of anticipation. [i]Should Kevin:1. Resist the officers.2. Go to the hospital peacefully.[/i] [Edited on 10.26.2008 3:23 PM PDT]
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  • #1

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  • The policeman walks up to you and steals your pie. you kill him. Success! level up!

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  • The American way

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  • 1! :D

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  • Kevin took one more glance at the hole in the roof before leaving the room. He took the steps down the stairs two at a time to see Eileen at the bottom, her face pale. "What is it?" he asked. Eileen pointed down at the basement, "See for yourself." Kevin gave her a curious glance and then slowly stepped towards the door. He stepped down the stairs, the smell of rotting flesh growing stronger as he went. But more than that, the smell of blood drew him further and further down with greater urgency. When Kevin reached the bottom, he heard Eileen behind him and then said, "I can't see anything. It's too dark." He could, however, here the sound of ripping flesh and bones cracking. "Here," Eileen muttered and handed him a flash light. "Where did you get this?" Kevin asked. "Found it down here." Kevin shrugged and flicked on the flash light. The beam swept across the room and Kevin could see in an instant that his senses had not betrayed him. Corpses littered the floor, gaping mouths of the victims, both human and animal, showing Kevin that they had all died in agony. Crouched over the corpses were dozens of men and women, obviously infected, ripping away at the bodies with hands and teeth. Kevin turned away, part in disgust, and part in a desire to suppress the urge to join them in their feast. His stomach growled ravenously in protest against the lack of food. "What about the bats?" Kevin asked. Eileen pointed to a dark corner, "Look over there." Kevin swung the light to where she was pointing and, to his shock, saw a swarm of bats covering a body, nibbling away at its flesh. "I thought they didn't eat meat!" Kevin said incredulously. "They've been infected," Eileen muttered. "The vampire drew them here with fruit, infected them somehow, and now they are killing machines just like everyone else in this room." "Then why don't they kill us?" Kevin asked. "Probably because we aren't a threat...and they have enough food for now." Kevin nodded slowly, "What do we do?" Eileen shook her head, "The vampire isn't down here, and he's the one we're after." Kevin nodded again, "I think I know where he is." Before Eileen could ask what he was talking about, Kevin grabbed her hand and pulled her back up the stairs. He pulled to a stop when he heard the thud of footsteps outside the door followed by a heavy snarl. "It's him," Eileen whispered. "Now what?" "I have an idea," Kevin said quietly. [i]Should Kevin: 1. Go out, guns blazing? 2. Run back downstairs?[/i]

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  • 2. go to her now

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  • (Uggh, you people need to read the rules...or my response to the last person who did that. I'm taking your first choice simply because it was your first choice, but the next time someone tells me to choose for them, I'm going to ignore their post entirely.) Eileen nodded, "You check upstairs and I'll check the basement." Kevin shook his head, "It could be dangerous down--" "Ya I know," Eileen cut in sharply, "It could be dangerous down there, up stairs, outside or in a bloody hospital. No place is safe. Now stop contradicting me every time I decide to do something. It's my choice, not yours." Kevin stared at her for a moment and then muttered, "I was just saying it's dangerous...don't need to bite my head off." Eileen let out a sigh, "I think there are plenty of other creatures in here that will do that better than me. Now let's move, we don't have much time." Without another word, Eileen crept over to the door to the basement and Kevin started up the stairs. Kevin could hear the whistle of wind coming from the room the bats had flown out of but he checked the other rooms first. Each room was empty, although Kevin could smell something foul, but he couldn't place the source. It smelled like rotting bodies but everywhere Kevin looked was empty. Finally, Kevin slowly walked toward the room where the bats had come from, hoping this would prove more fruitful. To his surprise, it did! The entire room smelled like fruit which must have been what the vampire had used to attract the bats and the infected people to him. Kevin peaked into the room, finding it empty, although the floor was covered with leaves that had blown in from the hole in the roof. He stepped further into the room and looked around cautiously, but still saw nothing. Suddenly, he heard a loud thud on the roof and the crunching of heavy, clawed feet on shingles. At the same time Eileen called from below, "Kevin, you need to come see this!" [i]Should Kevin: 1. Find out what is walking on the roof? 2. Go to Eileen?[/i]

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  • #4 #4 #4 #4!!!!!!!!!

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  • holy -blam!- this is EPIC winsauce.

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  • 3 lol.

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  • Err, if there's gonna be an ace battle on the roof then numbah 2, otherwise numbah 1! You choose :'( [Edited on 10.30.2008 3:47 PM PDT]

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  • Kevin smiled back and said quietly, "I think you're right. Let's sneak in. When it figures out we're not vampires, things might get a little interesting." Eileen nodded, "We can do this." "Right," he paused and then looked at her, "And Eileen...thanks for coming. You didn't have to do all this you know." Eileen smiled, "Someone has to stop this. It might as well be us." Kevin nodded and, without another word, the two entered the house. When they entered the entrance hall, Kevin was surprised to see that the entire floor was empty. "Huh," he muttered, "Where are they?" Eileen shook her head, "I don't know...I thought this place would be crawling with creatures." They crept forward slowly, expecting a vampire to jump out around every corner. After they searched every room on the main floor Kevin shook his head in exasperation, "Nothing. Maybe we got the wrong house." Eileen shook her head again, "This is the right house. Remember the bats?" As if on cue, a fluttering of wings could be heard from above and then a black mass of shrieking bats flew over the railing of the top floor and whizzed right past Kevin and Eileen through the door that led to the basement. They both held perfectly still as the creatures flew over and around them, the blind animals ducking and weaving to avoid the numerous objects that littered the room. After a few moments of intense noise and anxiety, the room was silent and empty. "There's something down there," Eileen muttered. Kevin nodded, "But there's something upstairs too." [i]Should they: 1. Split up, Kevin taking the basement and Eileen taking the top floor? 2. Split up, Kevin taking the top floor and Eileen taking the basement? 3. Stay together and search the top floor? 4. Stay together and search the basement? [/i] (It looks like I probably won't be able to finish this by Halloween, but I [i]will[/i] finish this soon. Thanks for your support.)

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  • 1.

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  • Why'd you all choose number one??? I wanted number TWO DAMNIT! [Edited on 10.30.2008 2:24 PM PDT]

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  • 1

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  • umm..... well, 1 i think (tension) although, 2 wud have more action..... still, 1 wud be best... i think? :s

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  • 2, They should have crashed the car into the side of the mansion even, make some noise, come out guns firing.

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  • I say 1. They might need the extra ammo.

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  • 2.

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  • 1.

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  • Eileen fixed Kevin with a stare and said firmly, "I'm not letting you do this alone. Now get in the car and drive." Kevin looked at her for a moment, the situation feeling very familiar to when she forced him to hide in the bushes, and then let out a sigh, "Alright...but Eileen, be careful." Eileen rolled her eyes, "Trust me, if I feel like I might be losing it, I'll put a bullet in my own brain." The two of them got in the car and Kevin pulled back onto the road. "Alright Omar," he said into the phone, "We're going after the vampire. Where is it?" "[i]He[/i] is in an old abandoned mansion just south of here. I believe it was actually the house they used in the movie [i]Sunset Boulevard[/i]." Kevin rolled his eyes, "Great, that's good to know. Anything else?" "Yes," Omar said quickly, "the vampire has been drawing those he infected to the mansion with a unique smell that only they can sense. You will have a bit of a fight getting to him. Fortunately, I packed the back seat with two shotguns and all the ammo you'll need." "What?" Kevin said incredulously, "Why didn't you tell us that before?" "I assumed you looked," Omar replied matter-of-factly. "I thought it was very brave, but rather silly to go against the werewolf with only a pistol." "Right," Kevin said dryly, "Just tell me how to get to the house." ----------------- As they neared the mansion, Kevin pulled the car to a stop and looked at Eileen. "Does Omar seem odd to you?" he asked. Eileen nodded, "Very, but we need to get the cure from him, so I'm not going to complain." Kevin nodded slowly, "Right...I still don't trust him though. I mean, he--" "Kevin," Eileen cut in, "I don't know how much time I have left so maybe we can discuss this another time." "Right," Kevin said and quickly pulled the car up to the mansion's gates which were, fortunately, knocked off their hinges. The dilapidated building seemed all the more frightening with the empty pool, it's paint peeling, and the dead, autumn leaves blowing in the wind. There was a hole in the roof and Kevin could see a swarm of bats flying around the mansion, in and out of the hole. "It looks like whatever smell the vampire used attracts bats too," Kevin muttered. Eileen nodded and held her shotgun close, "He could be anywhere in that house and he already knows we're here. He probably thinks we're just more followers however so we might be able to get in close if we just do whatever the other vampires are doing. But I imagine when he smells us the game will be up. It's up to you how we do this though," she added with a smile, "I trust your judgment." [i]Should they: 1. Try and sneak in and get close to the vampire? 2. Blast there way to him?[/i]

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  • Your really should consider being a writer I have been enjoying this story from the start. [Edited on 10.30.2008 12:46 PM PDT]

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  • plzzz keep goin i want to know how it ends! :D

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Ganondorf II 2 or 4. Whichever you would prefer :D BTW this is AWESOME!!![/quote] I'll allow you to edit this so there is only one answer. It's up to you, not me. Although there are significant ramifications no matter what choice you make. (If you haven't edited it by the time I log in to write again tomorrow I'll go with the first choice.) [Edited on 10.30.2008 2:45 AM PDT]

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  • 1

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  • 4 :D BTW this is AWESOME!!! [Edited on 10.30.2008 6:17 AM PDT]

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