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Edited by RawWilson1: 5/6/2015 4:15:13 PM

Post-Match Trading Would Work!?!

[u][b]Post-match trading would work.[/b][/u] [i]Check this[/i]: Every PvP match/mission ends with the post-match screen (showing results, rewards, etc.). Let trading only happen in that screen. Like; after VoG on hard, in the reward section of the post-match screen, trading [i]received rewards[/i] would be abled. [b]*REPEAT[/b]: Post-match trading would only allow [u]rewards received[/u] post-match to be up for trade. [b]Ex.[/b] After VoG on hard, Billy gets his second *[i]VexM[/i]. and Jim gets his fifth [i]Timebreaker[/i] (legendary sparrow). Billy never got a [i]Timebreaker[/i] to drop for him and Jim never got a VexM to drop for him. [b]Post-match trading[/b] would allow Billy to put up his second [i]VexM[/i]. up for trade and Jim to do the same with his fifth [i]Timebreaker[/i]. Jim could then select Billy's trade and Billy could then green light the trade and receive Jim's [i]Timebreaker[/i] for his second [i]VexM[/i]. See, now Billy has his first [i]Timebreaker[/i] and Jim his first [i]VexM[/i]. [b]Post-match trading would work.[/b] No one should have to receive [i]Timebreakers[/i] after every hard mode VoG they do and see a friend get his second or fifth VexM. after a hard mode VoG completion. [b]Post-match trading would work.[/b] [quote]VexM. is *[i]Vex Mythoclast[/i].[/quote] [b]****Plugging****[/b] In PvP it could work a little differently since sometimes you don't receive anything in the rewards section of the post-match screen/results. However, everyone gets glimmer at the end of a match in PvP. If it isn't a engram, gear piece, or gun to be traded up it could be the glimmer received from latest PvP match by the one wanting to trade up. [b]Ex[/b]. I get a Gally in PvP. If it's my first Gally, then of course I won't put it up for trade. However, if it's my third or sixth Gally, then yeah, I'll put it up for trade. [i]Of course, however, it could be any reward.[/i] [quote]Whoever stays in the post-match screen would be able to put up their rewards or glimmer received from latest PvP match for trade.[/quote] At the end of the day, I still need to green light the trade. Trading would be in both the players' and Bungie's control if it could only be done in the post-match screen of every match/mission. [b]Post-Match trading would work.[/b] [b]****Plugging****[/b] Post-Match screens could run on a [b]*[/b]timer. Also, good drops like Exotics drop on RNG. [b]Good luck setting a time with a client to trade with them a item based off RNG.[/b] [quote][b]*Read more about the timer for the post-match trading screen below.[/b][/quote] [b]****Plugging****[/b] [u]This commenter had some concerns and I state answers towards them:[/u] [quote][quote][b]Concern:[/b] Also I feel like I could convince kids to trade me stuff like a gjallarhorn for example and then I would dismantle it in front of everyone in the raid.[/quote][b]Answer:[/b] If someone is tricked to trade up a Gally than that's a life lesson. [b]Trust no man/woman.[/b] [quote][b]C:[/b] How does that make an experience better for anyone?[/quote][b]A:[/b] I know a friend that received his sixth VexM and I also know a guy that plays more than him and has not one VexM. Both played together many times and if post-match trading existed... Well, my friend would have traded up his sixth VexM. Aka. [b]Bettering someone's experience.[/b] [quote][b]C:[/b] Also think about all the posts about mistakably trading an item out they didn't intend to trade?[/quote][b]A:[/b] Like anything in real life, they would have to prove it. Or no one would believe them.[/quote] [b]****Plugging****[/b] [quote]The trading would have to be with people who were there from the beginning through to the end of the activity. Otherwise, one person could run through a raid and the another join in at the very end and the one could dump all his gear on the other at no cost.[/quote]- @GrossToastie [i]Love this ideal.[/i] [b]****Plugging****[/b] [quote]I like it, I've always liked this idea. However I would add a timer delay to the rewards screen if people initiate a trade or put an item up for trade. Allow it to be extended up to 2 minutes Max. For instance: Timer of 30 seconds is running, but player A puts an item up for trade. Timer is paused (up to 2 min Max to prevent trolls). This allows other players to notice trade offer and respond. Once loot swap is finished, timer resumes. If another trade is then offered, timer pauses again (with whatever remains of 2 min limit). However since player A and C can trade at the same time as player D and E, you can't claim that one person used up all the time. This would allow a little more freedom and thought to go into trading without feeling rushed into a rash decision.[/quote]- @Daishi [i]Love this ideal.[/i]

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  • I agree, it's not really trading, it's more of a way to distribute loot. For instance, I need hawkmoon and 4th horsemen. I did the nightfalls and raids and got nothing, but my friends got hawkmoon and 4th horsemen. They already have multiples of each, now it just turns into a shard for them, while they would definitely have given their drop to me.

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