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5/4/2015 4:29:43 PM

So Hawkmoon...

Let me lead with this: I have 2 of the sexy beast that is known as Hawkmoon. It's probably my favorite gun in the game. My brother hadn't ever gotten it, and it was the exotic he wanted from the very beginning. Anyway, I had a totally free week to spend doing Iron Banner, so naturally, i grinded the heck out of it. My brother, on the other hand, did not. Between life and school and stuff, he was only able to hit rank 3, and he really wanted the IB helmet. With his permission i used his account to hit rank 4 and buy the helmet. The very last game i played, i finished up the bounties i needed to rank up and decided to stick around just to get the bonus xp from the win. The game ends, and out of habit, i look to the bottom left of the screen to see if there are any rewards. Lo and behold, I GOT A HAWKMOON FOR MY BROTHER. I've gotten a lot of good drops, but this was the most exicted i've ever been to see one drop. TL; DR Hawkmoon dropped while i was playing on my brother's account. It was exciting. (I also got to use his Gjallarhorn, since i don't have one. For everyone who doesn't have one and claims they don't want/need it, yes you do. The hype is so real.)

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  • My friend was on holliday so I started from 0 on his account. I got on saturday afternoon and in the evening I hit rank 2. On monday I went on his account again and got to rank 3 and a half through bounties. I didn't get him a Hawkmoon or Gjallarhorn but accomplished 2 things. I rerolled a perfect PvP and PvE Efrideet's Spear with 60 motes of light. What did I reroll my Efrideet's Spears too ? Nothing. 60 motes spent and they were all bad. The best one was the vendor one :|. To top it off I finally got 10000 points in a Crucicble match (which I have been trying to do for a while ) , on his account... He was pretty happy about it though

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