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originally posted in: Most concerning gaming trends?
4/24/2015 2:45:29 AM
Paid DLC: Nothing wrong with this at all. Don't even know why it's a category. Micro Transactions: Not all micro transactions are evil, contrary to popular belief. Always Online Games: Nothing wrong with this either. More and more people are getting internet. Unfinished/Broken Games: The one true answer here. Nothing else comes close. Not Dedicated Servers: Dedicated servers a plus, but if games don't have them it isn't the end of the world. Digital Downloads/Pre-Ordering: I see nothing wrong with both of those. Day 1 DLC: As long as it isn't massive or crucial DLC (ME3 Javik), then nothing is wrong with this. Games get finished, so developers can work on stuff that can ship alongside the game. Split Screen not standard: Not all games should have split screen. Renting servers: What's wrong with this? EA Access: $5 a month for a lot of games. Yeah, what a horrible service.

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