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2/16/2005 12:08:14 AM


This has got to be the most bull**** i have ever f***ing heard of what the ****. Suing Video games this ahole needs to be craped on go ahead look at his web site "" talk as much s*** as you want i incourage it please. Talk about this douche bag as much as you need to just let it out. Remember its [Edited on 2/15/2005 4:13:43 PM]
#Offtopic #Flood

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  • I am not going to post what I think about this because that would take much too long. I'll simply say this, maybe those worried parents should pay more attention to their kids than getting all worried and crying about them shooting an alien.

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] Texas Ben [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheCHAOS 117 This has got to be the most bull**** i have ever f***ing heard of what the ****. Suing Video games this ahole needs to be craped on go ahead look at his web site "" talk as much s*** as you want i incourage it please. Talk about this douche bag as much as you need to just let it out. Remember its[/quote] I don't know if he is right or not, but it appears that you: [*]are violent. [*]play far too many video games. I wonder if there is a relationship?[/quote] Indeed, Texas Ben. [i]Ne supra crepidam sutor iudicaret.[/i]

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] TheCHAOS 117 This has got to be the most bull**** i have ever f***ing heard of what the ****. Suing Video games this ahole needs to be craped on go ahead look at his web site "" talk as much s*** as you want i incourage it please. Talk about this douche bag as much as you need to just let it out. Remember its[/quote] I don't know if he is right or not, but it appears that you: [*]are violent. [*]play far too many video games. I wonder if there is a relationship?

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  • [quote][b]Posted by:[/b] ObbiQuiet [b]ELEVENTY[/b][/quote] Well, for you I guess that's an improvement.

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  • Well that was -blam!-.

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  • [b]ELEVENTY[/b]

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  • Less caps more brains please!

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  • I make a point of avoiding sites with the word "kill" in their address. But for those who are curious I'll create the lazy link. [url=]Dodgy website, click this at your own risk. I'm serious. j/k[/url] [Edited on 2/15/2005 4:16:10 PM]

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  • the people that want to ban "violent" video games are uneducated morons

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  • this is just a tatic of tree huggin hippes.. i hate those mofo's. alwyas never taking a shower or shaving their armpits.. they are as bad as the french....and just as... well u kno

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