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Edited by Dave119: 4/2/2015 6:44:03 PM

Would you buy a FPS without a story

I see so many games spend so much time and money hiring the writers from this movie or that show or where ever. If a company went all out on a game with no story would you buy it? And I'm talking a top quality FPS along the play quality of a destiny or Halo. But if they gave us a map editor, every co-op play mode they could dream up, great balance in weapons, tons of great maps and multiplayer sizes from free-for-all to 32 vs. 32 lobbies. Would you be willing to pay full game price for that and what makes you vote that way? It just seems to me companies are spending so much on writers, actors and directors that after all that they don't have any money to make the game actually playable. And the story just leaves us with a collective, "meh". Hardline has a story but no one seemed to put time into spawns or weapon balance. Destiny hyped the game so much and while it play beautifully the story leaves you flat and the multiplayer modes are horribly limited. Ok first edit: since there are so many snarky kids out there who can't add anything other that. "I bought destiny didn't i." Or "yeah it's called Destiny." I have to remind you of a couple thing. Destiny has a story. Sure it's not the sweeping epic they told us it was going to be. Yes it introduces characters like the Queen who just make you ask "why is she queen and why should I care?" Sure the Stranger hands you an important gun that's supposed to help you that you basically just part out. But it does have a story. A story of a guardian and his ghost who can't open a jar of mayo without setting off an alarm. And secondly, this is about a hypothetical FPS not Destiny. So if all you can add to the conversation is how much you don't like destiny I'd rather you post a Lenny face and move along.

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