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Edited by CHICKENSQUARE: 4/6/2015 2:18:08 AM
I just learned (no really like...2 minutes ago) that... [b]After acquiring a lock with a tracking rocket, pop out of ADS, aim straight up in the air(or anywhere with enough open space really), fire, and then quickly ADS on your enemy again until the homing signal beeps and the rocket will still track to target. Useful for when your target finds cover or is in a less than ideal position[/b] No more Truth rockets harmlessly slamming into boulders and trees on Shores of Time because homeboy took cover. Also some things I've known for a while... [b]When using No Land Beyond, if you hit [i]reload[/i] and then [i]sprint[/i] in quick succession after every shot it cancels the rechamber animation allowing you to fire again more quickly[/b] And... [b]A Titan Defender's suppressor grenades not only shut down player abilities, grenades, double jumps, and supers in PvP, they also shut down the following: All Wizard attacks (including Omnigul and Deathsinger) Knights' Wall of Darkness Captains' teleport ability Vex teleport abilities Hobgoblin solar shield Servitor teleport ability All non-boss enraged states and Fallen invis ability *Note I've been informed that Flashbangs also work on Wizards in the same way. I'll have to test but I believe this means that it will work for all other enemies as well since while they're blinded they just kinda wander around til they can see again. For PvE this actually seems better because suppressors only shut down abilities whereas Flashbangs make enemies stop firing at you entirely[/b] Edit: Oops.. just realized OP already stated my last tip (deleted) lol. My bad bro. I'll add to it though. [b]If you leave at least 1 round in the magazine you can swap back to Field Scout, reload, then to Perfect Balance again for the same effect. Also works with any other perk that you may want to swap Field Scout for (Hammer Forged, Flared Magwell etc.)[/b] [b]When encountering a blink strike shotgunner, your first instinct is likely going to be backpedal, jump, or both. DON'T do that. Instead, sprint straight for the area they just blinked from. Both of you will still have to turn 180 degrees to face each other, but you should be out of shotgun range and they will still be airborne, which removes their advantage and gives it to you instead. Note* This is best used when your enemy blinks from ground to air. It's not nearly as effective (if at all) if they go air to ground.[/b] [b]In PvP, High Caliber Rounds cause your target's aim to bounce around much more than it normally would while being shot. Works exceptionally well against snipers, hand cannons, and scout rifles as their effectiveness relies on making every shot count. Most players don't aim center mass with precision weapons (Otherwise, you know, what's the point?) so their shots are more likely to miss if they're under fire anyway, HCRs make it that much harder on them.[/b] [b](how do i explain this?....) When firing a scout rifle at its max RoF, keep your aiming reticle slightly above your targets head rather than trying to compensate for the recoil. Most scouts don't have much drift left or right when firing and they actually fully recover from recoil BEFORE your aiming reticle suggests that they do. Meaning when firing at max RoF it will look like your bullets should be passing harmlessly over your target's head, when in reality you will still be landing consecutive crits. (I hope I explained that well enough)[/b] [b]On the Destiny app, instead of posting a comment on a thread asking for a reply so you can come back to it later, select the "star" button at the bottom of the OP. This adds the thread to your "favorites" section for quick reference and won't be force deleted like a reply notification will due to more replies and likes piling up in your notification section. If you "star" (like) a comment within a thread, it will show up in your "activity" section that shows posts and comments you've liked or replied to, although these [i]will[/i] be force deleted when more pile on top. If you need to reload a weapon with a slow reload speed but also need to escape a high stress situation, try this. Sprint, jump, and tap 'A' (X for PS) again on your descent and then begin your reload. If done correctly, tapping to "double jump" when you're about halfway to the ground causes your glide or boost to make you travel laterally rather than up into the air. This keeps you low to the ground, out of enemy fire, and allows you to reload your weapon without sacrificing speed. You'll have to re-click 'sprint' when you hit the ground again but you'll still be at sprint speed while you're reloading. Great for MGs and shotguns. *Note- Can be tricky to pull off with glide and I don't think this works with the Hunter jump. Sorry my ninja friends.[/b] I have a couple of guides I wrote as well Gunplay in PvP: A guide for Titans:

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