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Discuss all things Destiny.
3/28/2015 9:40:34 AM


So I did it. I acquired all exotic weapons. I queued outside GAME for 24hrs the day before Destiny released and have literally been playing ever since daily apart from 5 days I took off to go to Paris and even then I telephoned my girlfriend to log into my account and find Xur (she managed to find him near the Hanger) lol But one is still missing that is unattainable and that weapon is 'The Fate of All Fools'. I've heard the bounty is a grind, but I don't mind that at all, I bloody love the game and even in between the new DLC I'll be helping fellow Guardians Raid, farming and making YouTube videos all dedicated to Destiny, take a look I like making compilations and hints and tips videos to help you guys and girls out. Anyway Guardians, whether you Xurned it or it dropped randomly you earned every weapon and piece of gear in the game so hold your head up and see you all soon. God bless.

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