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3/26/2015 7:27:13 PM
I was teaching my wife gamer terms, such as "Filthy Casual", "Noob" and "Git Gud Skrub" (because she hears my 13 year old brother saying them all the time when he comes over). So, I'm in a fireteam with my friends and we're at Crota, HM. We're down to the last sword. We run out, get into position and, since someone is gspot horning the swordbearer like it's going out of style, he goes waaaaaaaay right. Our Swordbearer decided he's going to stand at the Titan bubble spot to "shoot" at him. *Player has died* (player is referring to my friends name) Dinklebot: Guardian down... *Crota summons the oversoul* *wipe* With my mic still open and she sees the look on my face on what would have been a clean first attempt, she yells, "You filthy casual, player! Damn noob, get good scrub!" "Um, was that your wife?" ".....yeah" "Dude, his wife just called you out! Get on her level!" Needless to say, I've been requested to keep my mic open whenever my wife is around.

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