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Edited by Unisaur 64: 2/10/2013 10:55:04 PM

My #Feedback

I like the new layout, I think it's a step in the right direction and I'm looking forward to the addition of even more features. However, some of the features seem flawed, here's my list of those flaws and some ideas on how to fix them: [b]Comment order[/b] I find that ordering comments with the latest at the top makes a thread difficult to follow, because I have to scroll to the very bottom and work up. [b]Recommend[/b] showing comments with the latest at the bottom. [b]Colour scheme[/b] [b]or... [i]"MY EYES! THE GOGGLES DO NOTHING!"[/i][/b] The bright white forum strains my eyes more than I thought it would while reading. I'm no website design guru, nor am I a Feng Shui grandmaster, but tweaking the forum to be a little darker wouldn't upset the "aura"/design ethic of the site, would it ? [b]Recommend[/b] changing the colour to something similar to Bungie.old, the text being an almost-white shade of grey, and the background being a dark grey. It doesn't have to be exactly the same as Bungie.old, just has to retina-friendly. [b]Tags[/b] The tags system is an interesting replacement to subforums, however tags like #Flood and #Septagon cannot really be used as a replacement to their respective subforums as long as they can be tagged in the same thread. I've seen a lot of threads that have tagged nearly everything. I realise that if the subforum layout were reintroduced in conjunction with tags, the tags would not be as useful and would fall by the wayside, but tags can still have some structure to them. [b]Recommend[/b] structuring tags in a way that people have to tag [i]one and only one[/i] of the following official tags: - Universe - Community - Flood - Gallery These tags are basically the subforums of Bungie.old (excluding the game forums), but maybe others could be added to this list of compulsory tags. They only requirement to be on the list would be that the tag is disjoint from all the other tags already on the list. [u]Example:[/u] #Halouniverse would not be on the list because it is related to #Universe. Just to clarify: Only one tag can be chosen from the above list, but any subsequent tags not on the list can be chosen after that. I know some may not agree with my recommendations, and I'll admit that they may not be the best, but they're just my ideas. I'd like to hear what anyone else thinks of my recommendations, and maybe even come up with some of their own, or even bring up problems I may have missed. [i]Just keep it clean.[/i]

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