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Edited by War of Wolves: 3/6/2015 5:27:24 PM

I earned my Saint-14!

Wow really? I can't believe xur is selling the Helm of Saint-14, which I got from the first night fall, week one! I fell in love with that helmet for Christ's sake and every time I see another guardian with one, I nod my head to in respect. They went through hell earning that helm. Now every scrub noob will have one. Crucible will be in complete chaos as defender titans think they are so good as they try to blind people. I mean come on, the helm was suppose to be rare and everyone would look in awe as that guardian held the flag at the beginning of the match. Alright I'm done bye Destiny, I won't miss you harshly treating pros and giving noobs kindness.

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  • I think the forums in general are funny always good for a laugh. If people think they earned something let them think it but the people having a crack at him are just as sad as this post

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    • I got mine from a legendary engram week 3, i in no way feel like i earned it, grow up

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      • Edited by helix hex: 3/6/2015 9:51:23 AM
        earn mine too! [spoiler]when i get it from xur! [/spoiler]

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        2 Replies
        • Another I earned I'm done thread seems to be weekly with Xur. I suppose you've bought nothing from him

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          • Look at your name.... are we suppose to take you serious? Cause I'm not

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            • If this a troll post then its not a bad effort. But if you are serious OP, then I really cant believe there are still retards like you who think getting a random drop is "earning"

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              • I'm confused!? How did they go through hell? First Nightfall wasn't really a struggle either was it? Oh and...It's been for sale already!!? You have very strange ideas!? Hence my confusion

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              • Wow im just shocked at that topic i read yesterday where the guy leaked the Xur list and he was 100% spot on with Sait-14, icebreker, havey ammo and all the other helms.

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                • So ur saying because I bought my mine this evening, that I didn't earn it? R u fracking serious? I've done a lot of grinding and grinding and more grinding to get my toons up high enuff so I can run those weekly and nightfalls to [b]earn[/b] those strange coins. And thru my countless hours and hours of grinding and leveling I wasn't fortunate enuff to get that particular drop. Spread that shit to someone else who's falling for ur troll bait.

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                • Edited by Bishop2kb3: 3/6/2015 9:43:44 AM
                  Good bye and so long, you special little princess, and don't let the door hit you on the way out, you over entitled bitch :D...

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                  • Just because not everybody has the helmet makes them noobs.. i'm playing destiny from the release every day! All the nightfalls and raids and still i didnt get the helmet.. so stop bitching about players buying the helmet

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                  • Seems to me a "pro player" is one who is good enough to best others on a level playing field, not one who needs the advantage of special/unique equipment. Just my opinion.

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                  • Lol... earned it from RNG. The folks buying it from Xur actually earned the strange coins from weeklies, cashing in engrams that they had to go out to collect, nightfalls etc. The "noobs" buying it actually earned it... you got lucky having it drop.

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                  • Everytime.

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                  • Edited by JoeyysRevenge: 3/6/2015 9:52:11 AM
                    Once again, someone not knowing what they're talking about. [b]Destiny is based off of RNG and the only [i]earning[/i] there is is Xur, because when you [i]buy[/i] something from Xur with the strange coins that you meticulously received from drops and grinds, you earned it[/b]. Stop saying you earned something that you didn't. We get that you felt special for a little that you got an exotic helmet. [b]we get it[/b]. I got The last word the day before Xur sold it a couple weeks ago. I was upset yeah, but I didn't go complaining to everyone that I "earned it" when I clearly didn't. Everything is a random drop. Get over it. If you're pissed off, go play a different game and stop writing on the forums that no one cares about. -sincerely -A logical guy

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                  • Piss off virgin

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                    • You don't earn RNG... You get lucky that is all no earning involved.

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                    • Awesome, we both earned ours :) Xur took forever to sell mine though, I earned my way through months of weekly strikes.

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                    • If he's selling the skull of fire ahamkara I've had it for a while now but I'm not complaining and bitching so please shut up Reported

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                      • No one cares about your gear. No one care about how you RANDOMLY got it either. Stop crying.

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                        1 Reply
                        • Going to buy mine now and rock it with striker haha

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                          • I got a drop as well, but what is the intellect on the xur helm of saint-14?

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                            3 Replies
                            • Lol shut up. He had sold it before, stop being a baby.

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                            • Edited by StarlightSavior: 3/6/2015 9:49:02 AM
                              Man, I love it when all the 'pro players' on these forums contradict themselves. It happens so much. One minute you people complain because of the number of players who turn up for raids/nightfall/etc, with equipment that isn't good enough. Then, when the equipment that is good enough is made widely available so that a larger portion of the player base is well equipped for that content, you find yourself crying over that as well... Your right. You probably should quit because you clearly haven't worked out what you actually want out of this game.

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                            • [quote]Wow really? I can't believe xur is selling the Helm of Saint-14, which I got from the first night fall, week one! I fell in love with that helmet for Christ's sake and every time I see another guardian with one, I nod my head to in respect. They went through hell earning that helm. Now every scrub noob will have one. Crucible will be in complete chaos as defender titans think they are so good as they try to blind people. I mean come on, the helm was suppose to be rare and everyone would look in awe as that guardian held the flag at the beginning of the match. Alright I'm done bye Destiny, I won't miss you harshly treating pros and giving noobs kindness.[/quote] Go and delete some other kids alts u asshole

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                              5 Replies
                              • The roll is not good on that helm. Same with the skull. I'm happy I got both from nightfall.

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