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Edited by Lethenza: 2/25/2015 6:54:24 PM

Do You want Raid Matchmaking?





Keep in mind the bad experiences you've had with matchmaking on strikes. People go afk a lot! That would kill a raid! Also, how could you work together with with people you just met?
#Destiny #Endgame

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  • Needs to be optional, although bungie doesn't like giving us options, it would work fine, don't understand the resistance.

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  • Option

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  • I want the OPTION. 2 buttons and literally everyone is happy. Bungie and naysayers don't seem to understand that.

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    • Edited by AloneInTheMetro: 2/26/2015 8:52:40 PM
      It honestly wouldn't matter to me because I simply would never use it. Just like the heroic match making but hey others might. EDIT: To clarify. Due to friends I have made, clan, and the forums I wouldn't use this. It has plenty of benefits but regardless the flaws would out weigh them. The simple flaw of not having control over the fire team would destroy raids. Think of strikes, nobody can boot that guy who doesn't shoot anything or the one who leaves, randoms jumping in at different saves? I don't even want to get into it..

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      2 Replies
      • they should have a raid recruiter in the tower or a seperate tower just for people looking for a raid group specifically so you can at least organize a random group who fit your criteria instead of matchmaking where you are forced in with potential afkers or squeakers or people with no mics

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      • Not on raids, no. Too much potential for a cluster-blam!-. I would like to see it on nightfall though.

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      • If you could make it require a mic connected and on, as well as boot individuals who join then turn their mics off, it would solve the most basic issues of communication, but working with others who could easily troll your attempts, or having several alpha personalities who "just have to do it their way" would lead to way too many issues.

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      • Remember , there are trolls amongst us

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      • A big hell no

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      • I don't need one but having one wouldn't hurt. Also it would make finding VoG groups much easier.

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      • I say something like a sign up list. Add your name to it and people can find others that want to raid at the moment and add the or not.

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      • I think it needs to have match making but with filters and an opt out feature. Filters must be :- * Completed? Yes/no * Microphone? Yes/no * Level? Within 1 level/within 2 levels/any level Vote to kick is essential also.

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        • Yes if they would put ppl together based on stats

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          • A lot of players bad at the game couldn't do it. But I do raids from LFG with no mics at all. They're actually surprisingly better than mics. Not only that, but it seems to match you with players YOUR level, there goes the 31 problem <3

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          • Bungie already put this question to rest. They will not do it.

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            • 75% of the time when I try and raid I find people on the forums to do it with. Random people. Isn't that essentially matchmaking, except I have to manually do all the messaging/inviting? I mean if I could have the system do all that for me I would be stoked. Maybe put a filter on the matchmaking so you could specifically look for a Titan, level 31, etc. And of course make it OPTIONAL so all of you that have ridiculous fears of being placed with someone you haven't played with before would never even have to dive into the god awful depths of being matched with random people.

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              • It should come out a month after the raid, for normal only.

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              • I don't want it because it kills one of the only redeeming qualities of this game, and that's it social aspect. When given the choice, most gamers (including me) will not go out of their way to meet new players and make friends. (Example: the opt-in voice chat no one uses) I've met tons of cool shy and lively people getting together for Raids or Nightfalls that would have not happened if we had matchmaking.

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              • I don't understand the push back for matchmaking? if you do not want a pug group then just make your own group before going to the raid. why stop people from using matchmaking if you are going to run with clan mate anyways? if you don't want to use it then don't! please explain how this is going to hurt your gameplay.

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                13 Replies
                • option maybe, forced to quit soloing not fun

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                  • Dude people would not "afk a raid" they would know that everyone would just leave if they did. I don't understand why people claim this would happen. They would never get a single drop if they AFKed so why would they try? Also why say no if it's optional? Let us try out luck with it it's not like you'll have to use it

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                  • Heres ur answer

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                    • i dont understand the problem with raid matchmaking. if you're all scared of afk people or quitters, JUST MAKE A 6 MAN FIRETEAM LIKE YOU CAN RIGHT NOW. its not like it would take that away. it would just ADD the option to join a random group. if the group sucks, you leave and make a fireteam.

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                    • I've thought recently: Here's the best idea I came up with Instead of pure matchmaking 6 randoms put together...why not make it so that fireteams are completed e.g. 3 man fireteam gets 3 randoms to fill in. That way you keep a Fireteam leader who can still kick and remove people until he's happy... Otherwise- it would be a bad idea....

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                    • {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252 {\fonttbl\f0\fnil\fcharset0 .HelveticaNeueInterface-Regular;} {\colortbl;\red255\green255\blue255;\red255\green255\blue255;\red33\green33\blue33;} \deftab720 \pard\pardeftab720\qc\partightenfactor0 \f0\fs30 \cf2 \cb3 \expnd0\expndtw0\kerning0 \outl0\strokewidth0 \strokec2 }

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                    • it just hit me why you people don't want matchmaking lol. it will stop you from cheating!!! omg, that would make it so you can not or make it hard to die leave group by going to space and come back to same group. it will also stop you or make it harder to run 99% of the raid and then swap out to your alt to get the final 7 seconds of the boss for the loot. it would fix your cheats!!!

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