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Edited by TheLordCypher: 2/28/2015 8:25:21 PM

Does K/D truly make a better player?

I see a lot of these "my K/D is better" post in threads especially when it's a troll war. I noticed a lot of these high K/D players are campers who tend to play only control. Now I have no problem with protecting a point but I am noticing a pattern. My play style is passive/aggressive and that is reflected in my offensive and defensive stats which are about even. I simply go to were the fighting is. My k/d is not great but I'm sick of campers claiming their greatness. If your defensive kills are double your offensive kills that's fine but anyone can sit back and wait while the skilled do the hard work. Edit: Over 100 replies and only one troll post. Wow. I'm glad to see such positive ways of thinking. Thank you. I live by the code: "Fight hard, fight fair, die in glory." Edit: 200 and going strong. Nice! Edit: 300 with almost no trolls. I am impressed with all the great feed back. Some of you have agreed or disagreed with me but I appreciate all the respect shown. Edit: Over 400 replies. I like to thank all of the guardians who have taken the time to respond. Over 400 replies with only 3 trolls I think that maybe a record. :) Edit: Over 500 replies. Holy posting guardians Batman! What impresses me the most is the well thought out debts I'm seeing. Edit: Over 600 replies. Thanks you guardians you guys are great. Edit: Over 700 replies. Roadhouse! Edit: Over 800 replies. I think I'm going to have a heart attack. "Guardians down" :) Edit: Over 900 post!!! I really don't what to say but I am humbled by it. Thank you Edit: 1000 post!!! Ain't nothing but a G thing. Edit: 1100 post. Your input has been great. Edit: 1200 replies. Sweet! Dude! Sweet! Dude! Sweet!

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  • No it doesn't, in battlefield for an instance there can be a very good medic having 3 kills and 60 revives or so having a bad K.D ratio. Also, everyone has their bad matches in PvP and their good matches. So K.D doesn't tell a lot about a player :P

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    4 Replies
    • I don't think it does necessarily, I think other stats should be considered and posted as well, like captures, revives, etc.

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      • I mostly look at the amount of points you get in the match. Im almost never able to get high killstreaks because i get fist of paniced or nova bombed :/

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        • It matters to an extent. I have a friend who I play IB with. He usually goes about 0.65-1.00. Pure numbers say I'd be better off without him on my team but when I play with random who do better KD wise I lose more. As we should all know IB is control. I figured out even though he dies a lot he is able to put pressure on certain areas and help get assists and a lot of captures. He is still a great teammate even if he doesn't contribute as many straight kills to the team. I believe he is an exception to the general rule though. Most of the time KD is a decent way to see an overview of how someone plays. Although because destiny is so unpredictable when it comes to lag and unbalanced when it comes to weapons Overall KD average doesn't mean much at all. Someone could have played tons of crucible to get to level 20 and not have all the upgrades to allow them to play better (hungering blade,transfusion, blink, lightning grenade, axiom bolt etc.) And not to mention not have any good weapons. They could play and get a .5 every match or around that. Say by the time they max their subclass and get a decent PvP weapon they have 5000 deaths and 2300 kills. Now they have decent stuff so they go a 2.0 average. It would still take them hundreds of games just to bring their overall up to 1.0.

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          • I've got over a 2.0 K/D, but an awful win/loss. Take that as you will.

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            • Hard to tell, you can go absolutely nuts but your team itself is getting romped so you lose. Or you could just be having a bad game. Again, it's actyally hard to tell.

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              2 Replies
              • My play style=more fun=bad k/d lol plus sometimes I'll die die die...spawn die...sniper lol i feel if u want a high high k/d u need to snipe. Seen a guy on my team snipe the whole time in like the corner of the map and got like 20 some kills and died once.

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                • No kd is juat a number. You could go 20 games without dying. Then get ruined in the next 5

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                  • I believe the winning percentage k/d combo is more important. I would take someone with a lower k/d higher winning percentage than vice versa. This is assuming they aren't running with other friends. Someone with a high k/d lower win percentage could be just camping. In order to be on the higher end of wins you need to do more than camp. At 1.41 I am in the top 18% but my 54% winning percentage puts me in the top 14%. This is just an example and not the only rule of thumb

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                    • Yes. Defensive kills are based off of if you got shot first or not if I'm correct, so you could be a aggressive player that gets the first shot on people and get defensive kills. Combat rating is a better way to tell imo.

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                      2 Replies
                      • I don't think its the end all, but K/D is very important in all the game types in Destiny. Your team isn't going to win many games without most of your team going positive. KD is representative of points per game. If you have a positive KD, you give your team more points towards the victory than you concede to the other team. It doesn't make you good though, because you can camp and finish every game with 4 kills and no deaths, but you aren't really helping, but that doesn't mean it isn't indicative of your skill level. A big reason people have negative KDs is because they can't outgun other players or win firefights. If you can't do that, then you obviously arent good at aiming, accuracy, timing, and shooting your weapons. You also arent good at surviving. In my opinion, the people who think its the end all are stupid, and the people who don't think its important at all are stupid. The people in the middle are the smart ones.

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                        2 Replies
                        • I think you really have to play some rounds with a player before you can make that assumption. My kd is brought down(on my hunter) because when I first starred crucible, I had never played a shooter before, or even an online multiplayer game before. So now, my kd is just under 1, but I think I am pretty good for my kd. My recent games show that too. Although, recently I've been getting thrown into games with lease than 4 or 5 minutes left so I don't have very many kills in some of my matches due to that. (I think that's one of the worst aspects of this game)

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                          • Having high defensive kills does not necessarily make you a camper. I have tonnes of defensive kills they are common to get because if you rush to defend a point about to be neutralised or just take a point and an enemy or 2 come to defend it they go towards defensive kills. Also really if you are silly enough to go try and take points by yourself when you can see someone on the radar just sitting on it that's hardly their fault. The aim of Control is to have capture points to get more points per kill, I see nothing wrong with people holding those areas.

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                            3 Replies
                            • I don't personally pay attention to K/D I personally think I'm a skilled gamer. Hand me a game and I'll be able to adapt to it. Means -blam!- all in the real world so -blam!- it who cares. Just have fun.

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                            • Edited by Xx Post It xX: 2/23/2015 5:58:30 PM
                              I mean I farm for glimmer on VoG and Exclusion Zone. I've only played crucible for the current iron banner No one I play with would say I'm anything but a great player. But right now I have bad stats because of farming and not spending time to learn the pvp maps. 1.03 K/D sucks (pvp). I'm normally 2.0+ in multiplayer games. Especially CoD, Halo, and Battlefield

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                              • How's my K/D?? Am I a good player??

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                                3 Replies
                                • Mine was 0.39 for a long time, probably after 1800 kills, finally stopped being Abso terrible and up to 0.83 now, can't wait to hit +

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                                  5 Replies
                                  • Not really, it's just a stat that shows how much that person uses a Suros or Last Word, who won't try other fun things because they actually care about their ratio.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • 1
                                      Kdr matters to a certain extent, if its a good player vs another good player then it comes down to who is smarter, has better tactical strategy and communication with their teammates . All of these traits can't be build from farming your kdr , you need a team and you need to build these skills to make yourself a better player. Like most people they have already developed these skills from playing competitively in a previous game.

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                                      3 Replies
                                      • My kid ratio is messed up cause I tried playing crucible as a young scrub

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                                        • Really high k.ds are normally campers 1-2 kd is good any higher and ur probably a camper (not always I have had 8.33 kd aggressive with shotgun but enemy team was horrible)

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                                          2 Replies
                                          • My K/D is horrid! Im always doing silly stuff with friends. If I go in with last word or Vision of Confluence then you better pray to RNGesus for mercy. But I do more silly things.

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                                            • Edited by Amadis001: 2/23/2015 4:39:13 PM
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                                              • Yeah, totally, also shows experience in fps's, I have my lowest kdr in all fps's I've played in destiny, I just have a hard time with the lagging jumping and the shotguns with the range of a sniper lol

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                                              • -blam!- no it doesn't. If you're a titan and you run around with a shotgun you're a disgrace and the worst part of this game. Yeah I'm butt hurt because if you take away they're shotguns they all suck ass. It's a joke

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                                                2 Replies
                                                • Best Around medal is by score, not K/D

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