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Edited by TheLordCypher: 2/28/2015 8:25:21 PM

Does K/D truly make a better player?

I see a lot of these "my K/D is better" post in threads especially when it's a troll war. I noticed a lot of these high K/D players are campers who tend to play only control. Now I have no problem with protecting a point but I am noticing a pattern. My play style is passive/aggressive and that is reflected in my offensive and defensive stats which are about even. I simply go to were the fighting is. My k/d is not great but I'm sick of campers claiming their greatness. If your defensive kills are double your offensive kills that's fine but anyone can sit back and wait while the skilled do the hard work. Edit: Over 100 replies and only one troll post. Wow. I'm glad to see such positive ways of thinking. Thank you. I live by the code: "Fight hard, fight fair, die in glory." Edit: 200 and going strong. Nice! Edit: 300 with almost no trolls. I am impressed with all the great feed back. Some of you have agreed or disagreed with me but I appreciate all the respect shown. Edit: Over 400 replies. I like to thank all of the guardians who have taken the time to respond. Over 400 replies with only 3 trolls I think that maybe a record. :) Edit: Over 500 replies. Holy posting guardians Batman! What impresses me the most is the well thought out debts I'm seeing. Edit: Over 600 replies. Thanks you guardians you guys are great. Edit: Over 700 replies. Roadhouse! Edit: Over 800 replies. I think I'm going to have a heart attack. "Guardians down" :) Edit: Over 900 post!!! I really don't what to say but I am humbled by it. Thank you Edit: 1000 post!!! Ain't nothing but a G thing. Edit: 1100 post. Your input has been great. Edit: 1200 replies. Sweet! Dude! Sweet! Dude! Sweet!

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  • K/D seems important to a lot of the people that play/played COD, I've played COD and BF, K/D really means a lot to people. But K/D does not and will not ever truly reflect a persons skill at the game. There will always be people that use cheats to up their stats when in reality the can be bad at the game. I like to think im decent at the game, that I can get done what needs to be done. The last time o checked my K/D was really to see how many total times I've died in the raid. Thats it. Your K/D should be there to help you see how your doing, not to flaunt it to other being thinking your good at a game.

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    • Edited by Dooodley: 2/24/2015 1:38:45 AM
      For a casual, yes. For a pro, no. And what i mean by that is that the casual doesnt have a low k/d because they're playing correctly, they have a low k/d because they do stupid crap, such as flag trading etc. A pro can go negative for the sake of winning an objective game and it's against players at the very top. For online matchmaking in general one should go positive. especially in a game like destiny, where ten out of 12 slots in every game are occupied by idiots.

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      • I only play skirmish and rumble, so yes, K/D is the most important factor.

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        • Edited by TheLordCypher: 2/24/2015 1:46:07 AM

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        • I have a high KD and am actually quite skilled, top 10% in most categories, top 1% in precision kills in fact... But here's the crux, I don't capture points much unless I have to and I've made sure I've cleared it... Mainly because my main weapons are Snipers, Scouts and HCs so going against people that fusion/shotgun whore in a tight area that in the zones capture area, I dip out immediately and then kill them off the point, and because I'm no good at capping points I defend them as often as I can (mainly B flag) especially at the range I am able to where the ARs and fusions/shotguns (most prevalent weapons) can not outclass me... So for these reasons I have mainly zone defences. Zone defences are just as important and I would capture zones too but the guns I like using just don't suit the role of capping, mainly slaying, clearing neutral zones or enemy zones from afar... And I usually end up if not at the top of the game then usually top 2/3. And KD, not necessarily all skill but in most cases definitely a lot of it is to do with skill...But for certain KD allows for a greater net score contribution to your team whichever way you look at it

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          • My k/d is okay and I can certainly say that I would rather have someone with a high k/d on my side than someone with a lower one.

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            • As far as k/d is concerned, there are plenty of times where a death and maybe one or two kills is better for the game than staying alive. I do suicide runs into the middle of enemies with my shotgun and a 'nade so my mates can mop the floor with them once they're all discombobulated. However, my not dying and playing it safe could turn into a stalemate versus only my death and us winning the firefight overall. Just my play style though. I'd rather my team win than me. Of course, sometimes, it is more important to stay alive and defend your part of the battlefield. Anyways, in summation, I'd say k/d does matter because all game types are a variation of team death match but it isn't the end all be all of a players value.

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                Idk. It's a way of judging skill level but somebody with a 1.5 KD could very well beat someone with a 2 or 3 KD. Just depends on the player, what kind of game types they play, and how seriously they take a video game.

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              • My kd is around 2.00, what I play the most is control, but the game mode were my kd is the highest is rumble

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              • Not on this game. A high kd on destiny could just mean that they have shit internet and lagging all the time

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                • I used crucible to level my warlock up to 20,and I don't think my KD is bad. I was using green and white weapons the whole way through. I just had to play smarter and be aware of everything that was going on around me.

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                  • I personally all other the playlists except control, which is lagged to the point of no return. All my character have high K/D's and since all of the playlists are deathmatch variants, it would that K/D is what mostly costs cause that is what gets you wins to begin with. I have yet to see a team win with negative K/D's lol

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                  • Now what's your point on camping cause I'm a sniper and I will almost snipe on any map but when I don't I use my hand cannon to do some work

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                  • Also there are people who capture the losing objective like A on blind watch. If you consider yourself a good player and you cap A on blind watch you should really reevaluate yourself lol. Me and my team run back and forth between 2 objectives and let the other team have 1. Works every time too.

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                    • It is a good indication. One exception is titan defenders, I can hold a point on my own but might only get one kill if someone us stupid enough to get in my bubble, then I might eventually get mobbed and die when it runs out - but all kills for that period give us more points and every time we die I'm denying the opposition points. It dies mess up your k/d though, especially if they gave a titan striker in their team to take you out.

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                      • I, personally, don't believe it is a direct representation of player skill. Having higher level weapons is a huge advantage in pvp, even outside of IB. The Vex will crush a green auto rifle, that's the truth. So if you did a lot of crucible at lower levels your KD will probably be lower than someone who didn't.

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                        • 9th edit: wow guys awesome 900 comments keep it going!

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                          • My D/K is amazing.

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                            • K/d means better map control, the higher your kd, the higher chance you may have control over your game.

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                              • Hell no, yes it plays a part but the fact If you can hold an objective, defend the objective, and have common sense on what should be capped and what shouldn't is way more important

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                                • Yes and no. Good and great players have good KDs for a reason. We can kill lots of people before we die. Simple as that. I pretty much only play control alone. That means I lose about 60% of my games. Not because I hide and snipe. Nope. I always get 2 control points and defend. My team loses because its full of people who goes .2 KD. Simple as taht. I just dont have enough time to defend two zones and six teammates at the same time. These are the same idiots who post in this thread taht KD doesnt matter. These are the same people who go capture A in Blind watch after I have finallly gotten C and flipped the spawns. People like this always have excuses why they suck. I call bullshit. Anyone who goes above 1.0 is contributing to the team. Anyone going under 1.0 is not. There are rare cases where this doesnt really apply but they are rare for a reason.

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                                  • I avoid looking at the stats usually you can tell they're a bad player if they type like a douche. If I'm just looking I look at how many kills they have compare to deaths a player can have a 3.0 ratio with 60 kills to 20 deaths. Where another can have 2.0 but 50000 kills I feel <-- this is a better player.

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                                    2 Replies
                                    • Edited by Reav: 2/23/2015 6:25:18 PM
                                      My cousin was the same way with cod. He would camp at flags and only played Dom. Even if I beat him every time at nuke town he still swore he was better than me because of the kd -_- If you can beat them in 1v1 or rumble your better

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                                      • I see your logic.. Goalies are useless. Only real players run up and down the field dying left and right... like men.

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                                        • Edited by quadracer786: 2/23/2015 8:02:51 PM
                                          If its rumble then yes, but good teams win control and clash not single players. Not saying it doesnt help though

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                                          • No it doesn't, in battlefield for an instance there can be a very good medic having 3 kills and 60 revives or so having a bad K.D ratio. Also, everyone has their bad matches in PvP and their good matches. So K.D doesn't tell a lot about a player :P

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