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Edited by TheLordCypher: 2/28/2015 8:25:21 PM

Does K/D truly make a better player?

I see a lot of these "my K/D is better" post in threads especially when it's a troll war. I noticed a lot of these high K/D players are campers who tend to play only control. Now I have no problem with protecting a point but I am noticing a pattern. My play style is passive/aggressive and that is reflected in my offensive and defensive stats which are about even. I simply go to were the fighting is. My k/d is not great but I'm sick of campers claiming their greatness. If your defensive kills are double your offensive kills that's fine but anyone can sit back and wait while the skilled do the hard work. Edit: Over 100 replies and only one troll post. Wow. I'm glad to see such positive ways of thinking. Thank you. I live by the code: "Fight hard, fight fair, die in glory." Edit: 200 and going strong. Nice! Edit: 300 with almost no trolls. I am impressed with all the great feed back. Some of you have agreed or disagreed with me but I appreciate all the respect shown. Edit: Over 400 replies. I like to thank all of the guardians who have taken the time to respond. Over 400 replies with only 3 trolls I think that maybe a record. :) Edit: Over 500 replies. Holy posting guardians Batman! What impresses me the most is the well thought out debts I'm seeing. Edit: Over 600 replies. Thanks you guardians you guys are great. Edit: Over 700 replies. Roadhouse! Edit: Over 800 replies. I think I'm going to have a heart attack. "Guardians down" :) Edit: Over 900 post!!! I really don't what to say but I am humbled by it. Thank you Edit: 1000 post!!! Ain't nothing but a G thing. Edit: 1100 post. Your input has been great. Edit: 1200 replies. Sweet! Dude! Sweet! Dude! Sweet!

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  • K/D matters, but to an extent. Just stay positive

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    • bounties man, they make or break the game if you are going for the wins, then go for the wins sometimes bounties make me use guns I'm not too good with, so I suck it up and griiiiiind

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      • NO. And the reason i say this- I have gone 38-2 in a single game. I have also gone 1-15 trying to finish bounties for XP.. If i only played for KD im sure id be well over 2.0, However, because of bounties, its much lower. It also depends on how supportive your team is, as its very hard to go 1v3 when your teammates are dead.

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        7 Replies
        • No weed does

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        • I think it matters to a certain extent. It shows you die less, which means it keeps the other team from racking points on you. But there are players out there that play on their first character and just started playing crucible so their "k/d" sucks, but they could probably be better cause they got that experience in and are playing better than they did before.

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          • It's all about that W/L I don't care if you have a .7 kd, if I know you can hold the objective and get more points than you give. Your an unsung hero in my book >_<

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            • Forgot to add it also depends on if you play with a team almost exclusively and just mow down poor confused new people (see this a lot) or are actually playing people of your skill level (doesn't happen a lot)

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              2 Replies
              • Literally this kid is happy bc he gets replys to a stupid post bravo kid your a forum star now go make money

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                5 Replies
                • My K/D (in general) is a 1.58. At the same time, I run games in Skirmish where I go 21-3, 26-0, 31-4. I think K/D is a watered down stat, and at a certain point, it's easier to just go by the medals that they have. Questions like "Do they have Unbroken medals, How many Reign of Terrors (if any...) do they have? etc etc."

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                  • it does have an effect on skill to an extent, if you just hide around corners every game with a shotgun or camp in the back with a sniper like a sissy every game and get a 20.0 k/d then you arent really good youre just better than really bad kids that get sniped all game. we all know dang well there are those children that will get killed by you then just rush you the entire rest of the game just to get killed 100 times for that one chance to almost kill you. also going in with a full team makes it alot easier to get killed less with communication and teamwork, defense, and team shooting

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                    4 Replies
                    • I honestly think it's a pointless stat I was horrible when I first started so my kd is low but the past month or so I'm top of my team every match with at least a 1.5

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                      2 Replies
                      • Edited by Kone19ps: 2/26/2015 5:02:55 PM
                        PvE it's mostly pointless but pvp it's a good indicator of general skill. Less than 1.0 you're probably struggling. About 1.0 means it depends on the matches (for me I just don't know when to stop. I'll have a high kd then get worse and worse as it creeps to 4am). 1.0 or higher you're a consistent player or better. Edit: I also play a lot of control where I prioritize support. A lot of wins are directly because of me but not necessarily because of my kills but how I manage the map with support or closing choke points or flanking points

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                        2 Replies
                        • I completely agree with you. I have the same play style as you in pvp and I cant stand those campers that sit back and either snipe, use thorn, or my biggest pey with fusion rifles. Thorn I'm not too worried being killed by with campers. But vex, you're just a really lazy player with no skill if you resort to that. All in all, great post man.

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                          • My soccer coach used to say "I know people who can juggle a soccer ball, that aren't good soccer players. But I've never met a good soccer player who can't juggle a soccer ball." That's how I see K/D ratios in an fps. Not everyone with a good K/D is a good player. But all the good players have good K/D ratio. To me a good K/D is anything 1.0 or higher.

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                            • My kd is 2.20 I think, and I've always thought I was average.

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                              • "Oops someone died, alright everyone, wipe!" The above is the reason K/D doesn't matter. It is inaccurate due to forced deaths.

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                                • Yes.

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                                • Yes KDR is important as well is your Win/loss

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                                  • I don't really even care Idk what mine is but I'll tell you iv died more times then iv killed so I must be real low but yea its how many kills you get on average per how many deaths you have after the kill or kills, did i say that right?

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                                    • I don't care about k/d unless it's really low, I don't play crucible for k/d i do it when I'm bored and as long as I'm above 1.0 I'm fine with that. Some games it's just fun to rush the other team even if you know you're going to die by the time you take 1-2 of them down. A lot of the high k/d I've seen have just been from campers so I don't think that it can be an accurate determination of skill, when I was doing the sniper headshot bounty my k/d was +10, though I did feel like a dick for

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                                      2 Replies
                                      • It's slightly important. Anyone with a K/D under a one (mine might be I've had some bad crucible games lately) isn't really helping their team. However this doesn't really matter if you are capturing zones in control or reviving in skirmish because those give you points

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                                        3 Replies
                                        • A good player is one who knows the day to day workings of PvP and has adjusting playstyles. K/D is simply there (in my opinion) to show your K/D over your time playing Crucible. This isn't to say it's wholly meaningless but someone saying "my K/D is 1.8 so I am better" isn't a valid argument. It tells me a) you simply get kills more than you die, whether it be by shotgun, scout rifles, or snipers and b) you probably have played more Crucible matches than another person. As I said good players now that in Clash - First Light (for all you christmas noobs it was in beta) tanks spawn xyz, you can snipe from here here and here, etc; or on Control - Blind Watch capturing A is useless unless you started at A, holding B and C will win you the match

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                                          • Not necessarily but the inverse is true. Better players will generally have better K/D. If by "better" you mean a greater chance to win? If so then it's hard to argue against the OP due to the fact that every game mode outside of Salvage (even then kills cout) is scored based on kills. Remember that the camper going 3-1 the whole game ends up with a positive net score for the team while the guy rushing Zone B going 15-23 give the enemy team more points than his own.

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                                            • Camping is a legitimate strategy. Get over it.

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                                                you can't win with a horrible KD? you can't give the other team kills so do your objective while staying alive and getting kills it's not that hard. don't play like an idiot running shotty or fusion all game cause you're free kills to my last word.

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                                                • No. Obj players sacrifice their k/d to capture objectives/ plant bombs to win games. W/l ratio is what matters.

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